All children love fairy tales! And adults, in fact, also love fairy tales. But in order for a fairy tale to come into being, it must first be composed, and when we compose fairy tales, we become storytellers. Why do storytellers write fairy tales? Differently. Someone simply expresses himself, someone appreciates it as a kind of creativity, and when we compose fairy tales for children and with children on the Stairs, we also pursue pragmatic goals. First, we develop creative thinking and imagination in children (and parents). Secondly, in our clever fairy tales (therapeutic fairy tales), we use the metaphor of a fairy tale to carry out useful suggestions, or help to deal with actual life situations. In any case, with the help of interesting fairy tales, we strengthen contact with children through common joint activities.
All children love fairy tales, stories, they love to invent stories themselves. When we come up with a fairy tale together, this is our own unique World. And the general world, moreover only our The Common World is our closeness, belonging, kinship of souls.
Today, your attention is the work of the participants of the «Steps» program.
Here is the fairy tale «Mouse and her dad» from Karlygash:
“Once, Mouse quarreled with her dad. He forbade her and her brother to go out onto the big path that ran behind the lawn, where the house of the Mouse and her family was. The mouse remembered this, but nevertheless ran to play on the path. When dad found out about this, he became very angry and punished Mouse by forbidding her to walk all day. The little mouse was very angry with dad, nagu.ate him, ran away to her room and cried for a long time. This dad is always unhappy! He never understands when Mouse wants to have fun, and constantly makes comments! What a boring and angry dad she has! And why doesn’t he leave to live somewhere in another house — without him it would be much more fun, because mom is not so strict. The little mouse was angry, angry with dad and decided to take revenge on him.â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹
A funny fairy tale from Elena in the spirit of English literature —
“Once upon a time there was a star named Sonya and 10 planets revolved around her. The closest to the star Sonya was the Straw Planet, and a little further Tsvetnaya. One day the planets decided to exchange orbits. Each planet liked it very much in the new orbit and they invited comets, asteroids to their housewarming party, called a cloud of cosmic dust and everyone merrily circled Sonya. And a few days later, the Straw Planet decided that since it was so far away from Sonya, it would have to somehow rotate more slowly, otherwise it would somehow not seriously turn around as before for 150 days, it would be necessary to at least stretch its year up to 300.
And another therapeutic tale from Karlygash:
“Every spring, Papa Mouse prepared everything needed for the game “Kick the ball”. He made mesh slingshots — this is when he found a branch with a fork and pulled a sedge net between its “horns”. He made balls from tree resin. Two players hit the ball with net slingshots.
Mouse especially loved this game. She often played it with squirrels. The little mouse, seeing how they rejoice and laugh during the game, decided to learn too.
The little mouse gladly volunteered to teach him. She said that first you need to learn how to properly hold the slingshot and wave it. Then you need to learn how to throw the ball — right above you high up. The little mouse thought that he would immediately be able to play in pairs and was very unhappy when he found out that at first he had to train for a long time himself — it was so boring. He tried to hit the ball right away, but he failed even 10 times. He got angry, threw down the slingshot and left pouting.»
Well, the moral is obvious — «patience and work will grind everything», but how?