The best exercises to forget your back pain

The best exercises to forget your back pain

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In addition to taking care of your posture at work, it is advisable to practice exercises that strengthen the muscles of the dorsal and lumbar area

The best exercises to forget your back pain

You may be an exception (and in that case we would be happy), but the truth is that with the return to work one of the nightmares of those who work in the office returns: the backaches. Sitting improperly is one of the main causes of the physical fatigue that leads to these discomforts. And if to that we add that, in many cases, we end the vacation period with a weak musclesEither because we exercise less or because we take that “lying down to the battle” at face value, the reality is that we start the combination that activates the springs of contractures, low back pain and tension in the back.

To avoid back discomfort, the Zagros Sports team of physiotherapists proposes two fundamental premises: pay attention to ergonomics and be aware of the posture we adopt at work.

How to take care of your posture

  • Acquire a comfortable and unforced posture, without bending your back forward, with your back resting on the back of the chair
  • Place your knees at a right angle
  • Keep your head up and your chin parallel to the ground
  • Place your elbows at right angles, wrists and forearms resting on the table

This should be your chair and work table

  • The chair must have wheels and the possibility of turning, as well as being able to adjust its height
  • Use a footrest
  • The back of the chair should be straight and well supported
  • There must be enough space between the chair and the table and an adequate height to allow a correct posture

Of course, despite the fact that experts consider it essential to follow these tips, the most effective way to prevent back discomfort is to strengthen the muscles with exercise, go to the physiotherapist before noticing significant pain and avoid unnecessary efforts.

Good back exercises

These are some of the exercises that Zagros Sports propose and that can be done in a short time and without the need to use additional material.

Abdominal work. They recommend performing 3 sets of 20 sit-ups each day to regain the tone of the abdominal and lumbar muscles. “Along with the classic sit-ups lying on the floor, we can take advantage of the dead times at the traffic lights while we are in the car or the breaks at work to continue working these muscles. It is enough to press the navel inwards while we are sitting, always with a straight back ”, they propose.

Another useful exercise is the so-called “shoulder bridge” which is performed lying on the floor, with the knees bent and bringing the gluteus to the ceiling. “With this exercise the core is kept activated and the mobility of the spine is exercised”, they explain.

La griddle It is another of the classic exercises to strengthen the core. It is performed by supporting the forearms and placing the body in a horizontal position with respect to the ground, trying to keep the abdomen strongly activated. The position is held this way for about 30 seconds and is repeated three times. “It is a magnificent exercise of abdominal strength that does not damage the spine,” they say.

In addition, we will find useful the trapezius, neck, and lower back stretches. To stretch the trapezius we bring one of the hands to the opposite ear above the head and make a neck tilt. A moderate stretch sensation is maintained for 30 seconds and then turned to the opposite side.

We can stretch the neck by bringing the hands clasped behind the head and the chin to the chest. A stretching sensation will be felt at the back of the neck.

To stretch the lower back, we lie down and hug both knees to the chest, holding the position for 30 seconds.

As the experts indicate, these exercises will help prevent back pain and resume contact with sport.

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