The best exercises to do with kettlebells

The best exercises to do with kettlebells


Unlike dumbbells, its center of gravity is external to the hand and its use can be included in numerous disciplines such as functional training, cardio and toning

The best exercises to do with kettlebells

In case someone doesn’t know yet, add weights to workouts is a safe way to increase intensity and achieve all kinds of goals, be it strengthening some part of the body, losing weight or even increasing metabolism.

When it comes to abdominal workouts, specialists assure that if these are done with this sports accessory, the key muscles of your core will be developed and strengthened, which helps not only in the aesthetic aspect but also protecting our abdomen. of injuries. Because work with weights it is always a good plan.

But what are Russian weights? Dr. Guillermo Recatero, specialist in Sports Medicine at Corporis

 Advanced Therapies at the Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic, in Marbella, and a member of Top Doctors, which are “weights similar to a cannonball with a handle.” Unlike dumbbells, their center of gravity is external to the hand, due to the handle they have. “It should be noted that it is very versatile and its use can be included in many disciplines such as functional training, cardio and toning,” explains the expert.

“They are an implement that can give ‘a lot of play’ to our training sessions and this is because they allow, through ballistic movements, a good transfer to many sports gestures, involving many muscle chains at the time of working with them”, says the personal trainer Rubén Río, who adds that kettlebells will allow us perform very functional work which will involve, among other things, “a great job of central stabilization.”

A sports ally

As the fitness expert Rubén Río says, in addition to the wide variety of jobs we can do with them, it is worth noting the little space they occupy, “making them a great tool that we can have even at home.”

You also have to remember that they are a good way to create a great increase of gasto calórico in our sessions with exercises, such as the kettlebell swing: «By the way they will help us to improve our grip strength. Which is going to come in handy for our gym training in general. “

«When we use kettlebels (they are also called that) we are doing a 2 × 1 because we work strength and resistance at the same time, or which makes them ideal for people with little time. Of course, the coach warns that “the technique must be good to avoid injuries.”


  • They develop muscles and strength since they are very complete exercises and involve a large part of the muscles. The body works in unity, strength increases and cardiovascular endurance is improved.
  • They improve coordination. Kettlebells require great control of movements and also help increase agility.
  • Kettlebell exercises involve high metabolic expenditure.
  • Workout routines can start out simple, making them easy to learn to use.
  • Both the joints and flexibility are worked.

Grab your dumbbells (make sure you choose the correct weight) and start with Dr. Guillermo Recatero’s advice:

Renegade row

“It is an exercise widely used in Crossfit and constitutes a variant of the rowing that we can do in a plank position leaning on the dumbbells and using them, at the same time, as a load,” explains Guillermo Recatero.


With this movement in which, above all, the shoulders and back are worked, but also the middle of the body, we will apply lumbar and dorsal muscles. “It consists of holding a kettlebell by its handles with both hands and wrapping it around the head from one side to the other,” says the expert.

Dead weight

It is a basic exercise for work muscles in the back of our body and in this case we can specifically exercise lumbar if we refer to the back. By lowering the upright torso, picking up kettlebells from the ground and raising them we are functionally working hamstrings, glutes and lower back as well.

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