The best exercises to do with elastic bands

The best exercises to do with elastic bands


Although it is just another accessory in the world of fitness, elastic bands or resistance bands are the perfect ally for all workouts

The best exercises to do with elastic bands

The elastic bands or resistance bands can be found in dark blue, lighter blue, orange, pink, red … But these colors are not for us to choose our favorite, but to determine what resistance we want to work with this fitness material that helps us achieve our objective.

The bands provide a progressive resistance– The further the band is spread, the more resistance it will experience. And is that this simple accessory to work different exercises and muscles with multiple options is so effective and, in addition, perfect to carry in the luggage if we go on vacation: «They help to make the routine more dynamic and different, give a different style to your body and it is a material that we can easily transport allowing us to make a thousand different options to train the whole body ”, explains Sara Álvarez, founder and creator of the Reto 48 methodology.

Apparently, all trainers agree that it is an essential tool for exercising since it allows you to work the strength and resistance of the whole body almost without realizing it. wide variety of exercises. The expert Sara Álvarez says that when using them “we constantly work the abdomen and stabilize the core, so you work on balance at the same time.” You can also use them to tone different parts of the body, to improve mobility or to do stretching, among others.

This accessory allows the performance of series of several repetitions to strengthen a muscle group using different resistances to optimize the results and depending on the type of training. They can be located near the feet, the knees, below the buttocks, in the arms …

Some of the best exercises are as follows:

Pelvic lift

Lie on your back on the floor or on a mat, with your feet supported and your knees bent. Lifting your pelvis up will put pressure on your buttocks and thighs. In addition, the fact of having the elastic bands will make you maintain the position and do not open your knees to the sides. For this position to be effective, you have to hold it for a few seconds, and when you return to the initial one, try not to put your butt on the ground, but instead rise again for another few seconds.

Quadruped rear leg raise

Starting in a quadruped position and with the rubber bands under the legs, bring the left leg straight back and pick it up in the starting position. You should do this exercise with both legs, dedicating one minute to each of them. It would be convenient if you alternate each leg every 30 seconds one leg.

Strong biceps

With one arm attached to your back and holding the elastic band, extend the other by stretching upward. Ideally, do three sets of 15-20 reps.


The squat with rubber bands is done from the starting position, with eyes facing forward and feet open at the width of the shoulders and toes slightly outwards, we place the band above or below the knees, depending on the objective and level of the exercise. Then you should bend your knees and begin to go down with your back straight, as if we were sitting in an imaginary chair. We pull the glute out slightly, flex the hips and place the thighs horizontally. Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle.

Rowing with ribbons

Sit on the floor stretching your legs with your feet straight. Pass the tape over the feet and pull the tape with your arms. Three sets of between 15 and 20 repetitions. Another exercise would be to contract the legs without moving the arms.

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