The best electricity meters 2022
We study the best electricity meters of 2022: we talk about the pros and cons of various devices for accounting for consumed electricity

There are electricity meters in every house. Their service life is quite long, so many still have antediluvian devices with crooked numbers behind cloudy glass.

Networkers are often notified about the end of the device’s service life in receipts. But in general it is the responsibility of the landlord. Not replaced on time – you will pay according to the standard, and it is much higher.

According to the law, the meter can be taken for verification – given to experts who will write a conclusion that the device is in good condition and can continue to keep its “chronicle” to calculate the readings. But the price of the service is often higher than the purchase and installation of a new device. Healthy Food Near Me has prepared the top best electricity meters available for sale in 2022.

From January 1, 2022, only smart meters will be installed. “Smart” devices transmit readings online, you can also remotely change the tariff without replacing the device itself.

In Our Country, there are three groups of electricity tariffs, divided depending on the time of consumption during the day.

Editor’s Choice

INCOTEX Mercury 201.5

One of the most popular models in the market of electric meters. This will lie in almost every hardware store, market or small department. The price is ideal for an apartment device. The device itself is made of plastic, and not particularly durable. Therefore, the manufacturer admonishes: it is intended for indoor use and where there is protection from environmental influences. That is, in cabinets and shields. Energy is measured digitally. The composition does not contain magnetically sensitive elements. This means that intentional or accidental exposure of devices to a magnetic field will not damage or break the meter. The device is compact, mounted on a DIN rail – this is a cheap steel plate, which, depending on the size, costs 15-50 rubles in the construction industry.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 50 Hz, maximum frequency 51 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Easy to find
Installation Difficulties
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Top 9 rating according to KP

1. Energy meter CE 101 R5.1 145 M6

Another fairly common domestic device. Due to its low price, it is popular with developers. But it’s also common in stores. The body is small. There are no installation features: the main thing is a flat wall and a DIN rail. The device is certified and entered in the state register. Therefore, if you have a simple single-phase tariff, you can safely purchase. Note that the company has two models under this name. The first one with a mechanical screen: cells with numbers familiar to us. The second with a liquid crystal – like an electronic watch. She is more expensive. The difference is only external. Although the manufacturer himself says that the supposedly digital screen protects against electromagnetic fields. But this is more of a clever trick. Even with a conventional display, the device is protected by all standards. We also note a good guarantee for the devices – seven years.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 47,5 Hz, maximum frequency 52,5 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Doesn’t make noise
Warranty is valid while keeping the box
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2. Type NEVA MT 124 AS OP

This is not only a household electricity meter. It can be installed on an industrial or social facility. There are regulations for this. Able to calculate the energy consumption at different times of the day. The main thing is not to forget to connect the tariff so that this function pays off. The device itself is neat, not bulky. Readings are clearly visible on the LCD display. Please note that for its operation during power outages, you need a CR2450 battery – a “washer”. But it can be easily replaced without opening the case. To do this, the manufacturer installed a capacitor. The device stores daily values ​​and readings for 128 days. There is an electronic seal. This is a sensor that detects unauthorized opening in the device’s memory. True, the usual seal on the device will still have to be put by law. The display can display the energy consumption at the end of the month by tariffs. Similar figures for the previous 16 months are stored in memory.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 47,5 Hz, maximum frequency 52,5 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Need to take care of the battery
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3. INCOTEX Mercury 200.02

Against the background of competitors with the possibility of two-tariff measurement of indicators, this one has an acceptable price. Therefore, we boldly place it among the best electricity meters. If you suddenly didn’t know, you can ask the power grid company to transfer you to a separate charging tariff. Then at night a kilowatt will cost a penny, but during the day the price is higher. Convenient if you are a “night owl” or your work is such that the main energy consumption occurs at night. Some people, for example, do laundry, cook, etc. with this rate only in the evening. In addition, this meter can immediately transfer data to ASKUE. The abbreviation hides an automated system for collecting readings. True, in Our Country this is only in advanced new buildings, where they decided to take care of energy efficiency. For the rest, the bells and whistles will be useless. Note that some data can be displayed on the local display. For example, information on expenses for the last month.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 49 Hz, maximum frequency 51 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
There are complaints about reliability
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4. TDM ELECTRIC MARS-1,0-11-Sh-M SQ1105-0008

Unlike the other best electricity meters of 2021, this one is more bulky. Although the overall device looks neat, the body is made of good light plastic. It is also made from non-flammable materials. Therefore, if someone suddenly cares about the appearance of metering devices, then you can take a closer look at this model. Suitable not only for the home, but also for installation in public spaces and industrial enterprises. The company boasts that the column with terminals is made of polybutylene terephthalate. This is such a polymer. What’s with this ordinary consumer? Actually, not much, except for greater confidence in the reliability of the contacts of the device. Note that a sealing gum is installed in the case, which provides protection according to the IP51 standard. This means good protection against dust, and a little protection against water – literally from drops.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, maximum frequency 50 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Appearance and quality of materials
Available only in a couple of shops
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5. Typepit NEVA 103 1S0 230V

Another budget device from a St. Petersburg company that specializes in the production of electric meters. This is the simplest device. Even assembled in such a way that it will not be possible to disassemble it. This is good in terms of device security. Such a device is suitable for the most part for home use: in an apartment, cottage or garage. But the specifications indicate that it can also be used to account for consumption in public buildings. In addition to the mechanical display, there is an LED that serves as an indicator of proper operation and flickers in proportion to the amount of energy consumed. Just in case, let’s clarify that it blinks quite often. Therefore, if the device is somewhere in an open area, and various flashes, albeit small ones, annoy you, you will have to glue it or hide the counter in a closet.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 47,5 Hz, maximum frequency 52,5 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Price quality
Flickering LED
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6. EKF SKAT 301М/1 Р PROxima

The most advanced and reliable electricity meter on the market. But you have to pay for quality. It is protected from increased input voltages and impulse noise. Although if everything is fine with the wiring in the house, then the loads that the device is capable of receiving are unlikely to be required in everyday life. The declared service life is not less than 30 years. In general, a similar figure is called by other manufacturers. Again, this is just a trick. As we have already said, the calibration interval of the device is indicated in the passport. The verification procedure is not cheap, so it’s cheaper to just buy a new device. But the factory warranty is only five years. Competitors give more. Although the model is innovative, the dimensions and seats of the seats coincide with the location of the mounts on the old counters. So there shouldn’t be any problems with the installation. To help, a DIN rail or mounting platform – the price is about 150 rubles.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, maximum frequency 50 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Leading quality indicators among analogues
High price
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7. Energy meter CE 101 S6 145 M6

In our ranking of the best electric meters, we have already mentioned the device of this manufacturer. Frankly speaking, there is not much difference between them. Except for the fact that as of 2021 this device is newer. The case is made of more durable plastic, there is a contact protection so that the connected wires do not stick out. This is a single-tariff device without any tricks. The reading device is mechanical, behind a frosted plastic glass. It does not consume much electricity itself, there is a light bulb that lights up if everything is normal with the device. Thanks to its case, the device is better protected from the external environment than a cheaper analogue from the same line. The dust and moisture protection class is not specified. But with domestic careful use, it’s clear that everything will be fine with it, even if you don’t hide it in a locker.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 47,5 Hz, maximum frequency 52,5 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Noisy: sometimes clicks
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8. INCOTEX Mercury 201.7

Another inexpensive device of 2021 from the “set it and forget it” series. The case is made of budget plastic. Reminds me of the materials of cheap Chinese toys that were littered with kiosks 15-20 years ago. However, this does not affect the accounting characteristics in any way. The device regularly keeps a chronology of electricity consumption. It is only necessary to handle it during installation as carefully as possible so as not to inadvertently split the case with a tool during installation. It is best if this will stand behind a protective cabinet. Then nothing will happen. The device is certified and entered in the state register for use in homes. The device is indifferent to the magnetic field. There is an anti-reverse mechanism that does not allow the numbers to rotate in the opposite direction. To disassemble and see what will not work inside: the case is made in such a way that any attempt to open it will destroy it and restore integrity will not work. And that means you can’t put a seal.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 50 Hz, maximum frequency 51 Hz, included in the state register, two-wire connection, direct

Advantages and disadvantages
Simple construction
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9. Typepit NEVA 101 1S0 230V

The instrument is housed in a durable plastic case. Its advantage over other models of the best electricity meters in 2021 is in the installation variability. You can fasten it with three screws, as you did before. Or put on a DIN-rail model TH35. Most of the designations are applied not with paint, but with laser engraving. This is a plus for the durability of the device. Connection is simple: installers will thank you. Recall that, according to the law, you can install the device yourself. Or get a specialist. But only networkers can connect and seal. The terminal block screws do not fall out – they remain in their sockets when fully unscrewed. The manufacturer claims that the connection securely fixes the wires. There is a familiar flickering indicator that emits light pulses according to the amount of energy consumed.

Features: electromechanical, accuracy class 1.0, DIN rail mounting, rated current 5 A, maximum current 60 A, minimum frequency 47,5 Hz, maximum frequency 52,5 Hz, included in the state register, direct connection

Advantages and disadvantages
Two installation options
Makes a loud clicking noise when turning the wheel
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How to choose an electricity meter

We talked about the best electricity meters available for sale in 2021. Let’s turn to professionals for advice. Our consultant was the Senior Specialist of the Electrical Goods Department of the online hypermarket Elizabeth Smirnova.

Remember the law

Since July 1, 2020, the responsibility for installing electricity meters has been transferred to energy and grid companies. Consumers no longer have to pay separately for this service. Standard electricity meters will gradually be replaced by smart ones, which automatically monitor electricity consumption and transmit data directly to the service provider.

What to look for when buying

If you still need to purchase and install an electricity meter at your own expense, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Type of construction. Mechanical is cheaper, but less accurate. Electronic is more expensive, but more accurate and can be multi-tariff, allowing you to save in the future.
  • Calibration interval. For mechanical, a good indicator is 16 years, for electronic – 8 – 10 years.
  • Brand name. Popular “Incotex” (“Mercury”), “EKF”, “Taipit” (“Neva”). On average, the price for single-phase single-tariff meters does not exceed 1000 – 1100 rubles. The price for four-phase starts from 2000 – 2500 rubles.

Installation Rules

You can install counters yourself. However, you still have to contact the management company or the service provider so that they put seals on the meters and draw up an act of their commissioning. Details can be clarified with the power grid company of your locality.

It is imperative to check the serial numbers of the meters with those indicated in the passports and other documents in order to avoid problems during further maintenance.

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