The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

In order to grow delicious vitamin tomatoes on their backyard, gardeners at the beginning of each season are puzzled by an important question – what varieties of vegetable crops to choose for planting? Since the climate of the regions of our country cannot boast of a large number of warm days, an important selection criterion is the early ripening period of the tomato. That is why gardeners prefer to purchase ultra-early varieties of tomatoes for open ground, a description of the best of which we want to offer you today.

Variety overview


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

First on our list are excellent early tomatoes of the Alpha variety. This super determinant species of tomato has proven itself both when planted in open ground and when grown in a greenhouse. It usually takes 87 to 96 days before harvest when planting this variety of vegetables. As for the height of crops, they are able to grow up to 50 cm. This type of tomato is characterized by the presence of a small size of fruits that weigh about 70 g, have a round and somewhat flat shape, and a rich beautiful red color. It is possible to grow these early ripening tomatoes not only in seedlings, but also in a seedless way. Used to add to various salads.

Amur Bucket

One of the best varieties of tomatoes, which are included in the special State Register of the Federation as vegetable crops, the cultivation of which is carried out both in open ground and in a greenhouse. They have a fairly early ripening period – it usually takes about 85 – 95 days before the first harvest. These magnificent determinate tomatoes are standard, can grow up to 50 cm, and also do not need to remove stepchildren. They are characterized by the presence of simple inflorescences, large leaves of dark green color, flat-round fruits with dense skin and slight ribbing. The mass of fruits on average reaches about 70 g, some representatives can weigh up to 120 grams. They have a beautiful red color and excellent taste. The variety is quite unpretentious in care, perfectly adapts to the proposed climatic conditions, and exhibits strong immunity to verticillium.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

These determinate tomatoes are also included in the State Register, they perfectly adapt to the conditions of a personal plot or a greenhouse. They can please their owner with the first fruits in 75 – 80 days. The height of the vegetable crop is usually between 50 and 70 cm, which makes it one of the best varieties of tomatoes for planting in small greenhouses. In open ground conditions, rounded red fruits with a dense peel appear from seedlings, they are very sweet and juicy, have a weight of about 100 – 115 g. They are perfectly stored at home and easily tolerate transportation. You can use tomatoes of this variety both for making healthy salads and for preservation for the winter.


The following determinate tomatoes are able to surprise their owner with the first vegetables after 70 days. Such vegetable crops grow up to 50 cm in height, but, despite their small size, they have a high degree of productivity. Their fruits are distinguished by an interesting plum-shaped shape, they are red in color, quite fleshy, sweetish in taste, and also have a dense skin. Requires timely garter. They show excellent immunity to such dangerous ailments as verticillosis and fusarium. Gardeners are happy to put such tomatoes in salads, and also use them to make preservation.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

One of the best early varieties of determinant tomatoes. It is a non-standard semi-spreading plant with weak branching, growing up to 60 cm. The appearance of the first fruits should be expected in 97 – 98 days. It has beautiful red-orange fruits, which usually weigh about 82 – 86 g, have a sweet taste. If we talk about the chemical composition, then the tomatoes of this variety contain about 3 – 9% sugar, 4 – 5 mg per 19 g of the crude substance of ascorbic acid, and the presence of dry matter in the juice is about 6 – 21%. Fruits are valued by gardeners for their resistance to cracking.

According to reviews on various sites and forums, the Valentina variety has such advantages – good drought resistance, early ripeness, preservation of the taste of tomato in salad and canning.


These excellent determinate tomatoes can grow up to 70 cm tall and the first harvest should be expected in 100 days. It is possible to grow such tomatoes using seedlings, as well as without seedlings. They are an improved version of the classic White Filling variety. Vegetable culture is sprawling and requires timely pinching. Fruits can weigh an average of 120 – 150 grams, but experienced gardeners manage to get vegetables weighing up to 250 grams. From one bush of the plant, you can collect about 3 kg of fruit. They have a round shape and a pleasant red color, as well as a dense skin. The positive qualities of the variety include the ability to quickly adapt to any weather, an increased degree of productivity, unpretentiousness in care, good immunity to many diseases, including late blight.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This variety is rightly called one of the best varieties of large-fruited tomatoes. It is also determinant, most often it grows up to 60 cm, sometimes up to 80. Since it is characterized by medium branching, there is no need to tie up and form bushes, which greatly simplifies the task for the owner of the site. The average fruit weight is about 190 – 210 grams, but experienced gardeners manage to grow tomatoes weighing from 300 to 350 grams. The vegetables are round in shape, have a beautiful orange-red color, they are sweet in taste, very meaty, and also quite resistant to cracking of the skin. The first crop is usually harvested at about 110 – 120 days, and the yield can be about 10 kg per square meter. On each meter it is recommended to grow no more than 3 – 4 bushes. Quite resistant to diseases such as fusarium and verticillium wilt.

Don Juan

The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

An excellent variety with early fruit ripening – about 100 days. The bush belongs to determinant crops, can grow up to 70 cm in height. The fruits have an unusual shape – elongated, with a small spout at the end, have a pleasant crimson color with characteristic yellow stripes on the surface. The weight of the fruit is small – about 60 – 90 grams. A vegetable of this variety is perfectly stored under all conditions and is able to endure transportation. These tomatoes are preferred to be preserved whole, as a result of which they retain their original shape and excellent taste.

Far North

Another early tomato variety, the fruits of which can be harvested after 90-100 days, is the Far North. It is determinant – the height of the bush can reach 50 cm – standard, as well as quite powerful and upright. It has rounded red fruits that can weigh about 60 – 80 grams. The advantages of the variety include the absence of the need for pinching, good adaptation to any weather conditions, strong immunity to such dangerous diseases of vegetable crops as top and root rot, as well as late blight. It is customary to use tomatoes of this variety both for preparing delicious salads and for making all kinds of marinades.

Tomato varieties for open ground

Baby Doll

This type of good tomatoes is ultra-early – the first harvest can be harvested somewhere in 85 – 95 days. This hybrid is a low plant with a powerful stem, each of which can form up to 25 fruits. It can grow up to 70 cm in height, and the fruits, which have a pleasant pink color and rounded shape, usually weigh about 150 – 200 grams. With excellent care, gardeners with experience, according to reviews on websites, sometimes manage to get a crop of tomatoes weighing up to 400 grams. The fruits are very fleshy, juicy and sweet. It has excellent taste characteristics, shows high immunity to various diseases. Good for salads, juices, marinades.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

It is a determinate hybrid variety, the fruits of which can be harvested after 90 days from the moment of germination in open ground conditions. A vegetable crop can grow up to 60 cm in height. It has a simple inflorescence and green small leaves. The color of immature vegetables is usually light green, while those that have ripened are rich red. The mass of fruits on average ranges from 80 to 100 grams. They have a flat-round shape and a rather dense skin, which is why they can be stored well for a long time and easily tolerate transportation. They differ in excellent taste characteristics, they are used not only for making salads, but also for preservation. Drought and disease resistant.


It is a variety, the fruits of which appear for the first time after 90 – 95 days. It is a determinant vegetable crop that can grow up to 45 – 60 cm, while it is quite sprawling, there are relatively few leaves on the plant. The fruits of such tomatoes have a pleasant pink color, rounded shape, and also show resistance to cracking of the upper layer. These vegetables show their excellent taste qualities best when consumed fresh. They show a high degree of immunity to stolbur, bacteriosis, late blight and other diseases.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

It is a determinant plant, the ripening period of which in the open field falls on 75 – 80 days. It can grow up to 60 cm in height. The vegetable crop is semi-spreading, has an average degree of leaves and branches. It has characteristic fruits of a flat-round shape, smooth to the touch, beautiful orange-red color. All vegetables can reach 65 – 106 g. The juice made from tomatoes of this variety contains about 4 – 5% of dry matter, sugars – 7 – 9%, and acidity ranges from 2 to 4%. The positive characteristics of this type of tomato include early ripeness, high yield, excellent taste, good keeping quality and normal transportability.


The best early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

This variety is a prominent representative of ultra-early tomatoes – the first fruits when grown in open ground appear after 80 – 85 days. The plant is determinant, its height can be up to 50 cm. It does not need pinching and the formation of bushes, which makes it easier to care for this vegetable crop. It has beautiful juicy fruits that have a flat-round shape and a rich red color. They are capable of weighing approximately 140 – 160 grams. It adapts well to any weather conditions, endures cold, has a high degree of productivity. It is mainly used for making delicious and nutritious salads.

All of the above varieties of tomatoes for open ground have their own characteristics, but they are united by obvious advantages – the early harvest of the first crop. A consistently high number of fruits harvested per season, resistance to sudden changes in weather conditions, good transportability and keeping quality, thanks to which they have been popular among gardeners for many years.

Video “Rationing of fruits for open ground”

The video describes in detail the technology of rationing the fruits of tomatoes of various varieties for open ground.

How to normalize the number of fruits of open ground tomatoes

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