Today, more and more views of summer residents are riveted to the early varieties of tomatoes. This important advantage is considered as one of the most demanded when choosing a variety, since the weather conditions in many regions of Our Country do not allow growing heat-loving crops for a long time. This is especially true for those areas where there are no well-equipped greenhouses.
Choice of tomato varieties
Even in winter, every gardener begins to think about which varieties to grow in summer. The simple task of buying seeds sometimes turns into a real problem. Tomato is one of the most important vegetables on our table today. It can only compete in popularity with cucumbers.
The main problem of choice is the great competition between manufacturers. Every year, store shelves are replenished with new products, and now, after five years, an experienced gardener begins to get lost in the choice of varieties. We will figure out how to choose the right variety that will please both taste and yield.
First, pay attention to what kind of climate the variety or hybrid is intended for. In the struggle for their buyer, breeders are trying to adapt tomatoes to grow in certain conditions. Northern varieties are designed for a short summer, they ripen faster, and are adapted to resistance when temperatures drop. The southern ones, on the contrary, easily tolerate drought and hot sun, the bushes of such tomatoes are more leafy, which is not welcome in the northern regions.
Not always information about the region of growth is contained on the packaging. What to do in this case? They offer to navigate strictly by name. Let’s give a simple example: the varieties “Snowdrop”, “Alaska”, “North”, “Metelitsa”, “Bullfinch”, “Polyarnik” and so on were created specifically for the central and northern regions.
The second aspect that is important when choosing is the place of cultivation. In the south, most often tomatoes grow in open ground, and in the central region the number of greenhouses is increasing every year. There are varieties of tomatoes that are designed only for a certain way of growing.
The third selection criterion relates directly to plant care. Pay attention to the following labels on the packaging:
- determinant variety;
- indeterminate variety;
- dwarf, standard or superdeterminant.
Not everyone understands these terms, however, this question is quite simple: determinant varieties are represented by compact bushes, the height of which can barely exceed a meter. As a rule, these tomatoes reach a height of 60-90 centimeters.
Caring for them, as well as for standard varieties, is simpler. The fact is that the tomato is a tall plant (indeterminate varieties can reach three meters in height), its bush grows strongly, requires constant pinching. If the garden is large, then a lot of effort is required.
And, of course, you need to pay attention to the ripening period of tomatoes.
early ripe varieties of tomatoes
Going for tomato seeds, be sure to answer two questions:
- What is the climate where the purchased varieties will grow.
- How soon the harvest is needed.
It is clear that when growing this crop in central Our Country in open ground or in unheated greenhouses, early-ripening varieties are always preferred. Only in the southern regions does it make sense to grow late-ripening tomatoes.
For comparison, mid-season and late-ripening tomato can bear fruit for a long time, and the fruits can reach huge sizes.
Below we provide a table of important parameters for early-ripening tomato varieties. It is designed to help novice summer residents in the work of growing tomatoes and caring for them. The fact is that it is rather difficult to be guided by general recommendations, because the country is very large, climatic conditions vary greatly.
The total period of maturation of culture | Age of seedlings for planting in the ground (only early ripening varieties) | Time from sowing to emergence | Planting tomatoes in open ground (for the south) | Planting tomatoes in open ground (for the Chernozem region and the central region) | Planting tomatoes in open ground (for the Urals) | Planting tomatoes in open ground (for Siberia) |
From 80 to 140 days | 40-50 days | 4-6 days | 10 April | 10-15 May | 10 June | 15 June |
These terms may vary depending on the variety, more information can be found on the packaging.
The best early ripe tomatoes
So, earlier we found out that it is the early ripeness of a tomato that can significantly affect the deterioration of a number of indicators:
- fruit size;
- yield rate;
- productivity;
- shelf life.
An early ripe variety is considered more tender; such tomatoes are more often used for conservation and fresh consumption. However, among all the early hybrids and varieties, you can choose those that will satisfy the needs of a large number of gardeners. Below is a large list of such tomatoes.
Amur Bucket
One of the best early ripe varieties of tomato, grows well both under film and in open ground. One of its significant advantages is the resistance of seeds to temperature extremes. The variety can be grown by sowing in open ground, without wasting energy on seedlings. The ripening period is only 85-95 days, the bush of the plant is standard, compact, its height does not exceed 50 centimeters. The fruits are round red, weighing an average of 100 grams, very good for fresh consumption.
“Amur Shtamb” is well suited for growing in greenhouses and open ground in the following regions:
- Far East;
- The Urals;
- Siberia;
- north of the European part.
Early ripe tomato is gaining popularity today. Gardeners of the northern regions are interested in them, since the ripening period does not exceed 87 days. At the same time, the bush is compact, of a determinant type, however, it requires pinching. Some stepchildren can be removed in order to increase productivity.
One of the advantages is the ability to grow in shady places or climates with a lack of sunlight. The fruits are small bright red, do not exceed 100 grams by weight. The presentation is high, tomatoes can be transported over long distances, subject to storage conditions. Growing regions:
- Middle lane;
- Siberia;
- The Urals.
The variety is represented by small scarlet fruits that do not crack and are resistant to blossom end rot. Brought out “Augustin” specifically for cultivation in Our Country with its conditions of risky farming. Tomatoes are very tasty, contain a large number of sugars. From the first shoots to harvest, an average of 95 days pass. The plant is compact, determinant, grows well in the middle lane.
Describing the best early varieties of tomatoes, one cannot help but recall the “Agatha”, which has already managed to fall in love with many gardeners for a number of excellent qualities. The ripening period is 98-113 days, seedlings can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground. The plant itself is low, compact, it does not need stepson. Many summer residents spend a lot of time looking for a variety of tomato that can be planted and forgotten for a while about leaving.
The height of the bush is 45-50 centimeters, no more. The return of the harvest is fast. Growing areas:
- central Our Country;
- south of the country.
The yield is above average: 5-6,7 kilograms per square meter.
The early ripe variety “Lakomka” ripens in 85-100 days, is represented by fleshy raspberry-colored fruits weighing up to 120 grams. The skin is thin. Best Growing Regions:
- Chernozem region;
- Crimea;
- other southern areas;
- Volga region.
It is grown exclusively in open ground, as it requires high-quality pollination. The yield is high and reaches 7 kilograms per square meter of plantings. The height of the bush is 60-70 centimeters.
Openwork F1
The hybrid “Azhur” is interesting in that its fruits are quite large. Some specimens reach 400 grams, but this is rare. The average weight is 250 grams. The plant is determinate, its height is 70-80 centimeters. Despite the fact that the yield is high, and the skin is dense, which has a positive effect on transportability and shelf life, this hybrid is popular among owners of large farms.
The ripening period does not exceed 110 days, the hybrid is resistant to a large number of major diseases. Distinctive qualities:
- drought resistance;
- tolerates heat well.
All of them say that the hybrid is intended for cultivation in the southern regions of the country. With a reduction in sunlight and a drop in temperatures, it is able to give a crop, but the ripening period will increase, and the yield will decrease to 6 kilograms per square.
The late blight-resistant Alpha variety ripens quite quickly (85-90 days). The standard bush is simply strewn with red tomatoes, which is why they need to be tied up. Since the weight of the fruit does not exceed 80 grams, the yield will be average: 4-6 kilograms per square. It is grown up in an open ground, the use is universal.
Grandma’s kiss
Not very small tomatoes of the “Grandma’s Kiss” variety will become a table decoration. They are fleshy, bright yellow, do not crack. The fruits are used for pickling and salads. The ripening period is 95-105 days. These tomatoes can be stored, the taste is excellent. By the way, a large number of varieties and hybrids of yellow and pink are famous for their taste.
For the past two or three years, the list of “The Best Varieties of Early Tomatoes” has been headed by “Sanka”. What is he famous for? Below are the most important qualities:
- yield from 5 to 15 kilograms per square;
- universal use of tomatoes;
- fruit ripening period is only 78-85 days;
- long fruiting period (until frost);
- excellent taste.
Perhaps the early ripe variety “Sanka” has collected all the qualities that are necessary for all gardeners who want to find the best tomato.
The bush of the plant is determinate, its height is 40-60 centimeters, the fruits are very tasty, medium (up to 150 grams) of scarlet color. Tomatoes are quite dense, do not crack, with a thick skin they do not lose their taste. The variety is resistant to most diseases.
Yablonka of Our Country
Another early ripe variety of tomatoes, Yablonka Rossii, which is popular today, is famous for its excellent taste. Small fruits ripen in 85-100 days, the yield is high, it is 7-14 kilograms per square. One bush can bring up to 5 kilograms, which is why, under the weight of fruits, the branches of the plant bend, they need to be tied up.
The variety is ideal for central Our Country, Siberia, in cold regions it can produce a smaller amount of crop. It is not grown in greenhouses; at times of cold snap, seedlings can be covered with foil. It is well transported due to the thick skin. The use is universal.
In our table, we specifically indicated the period before the appearance of sprouts.
Below is a video showing the early ripe varieties Yablonka Rossii, Sanka and others:
Designed exclusively for open ground, the early-ripening Lyana variety ripens in just 93 days. Bushes are compact, low (up to half a meter) do not require the formation and removal of stepchildren, however, they still have to be tied up. Tomatoes are small, due to which the yield in kilograms is lost. From one square meter you can collect up to 5 kilograms of excellent quality tomatoes.
The skin is dense, the tomatoes do not crack and are stored for a long time. At the same time, taste qualities are evaluated by experts at five points. Best of all, this variety of tomatoes bears fruit in the moderately warm climatic zones of Our Country.
President F1
The hybrid “President” of the Dutch selection has already managed to win the love of gardeners. It can be successfully planted in greenhouses and on beds under the sun. The ripening period varies greatly depending on the growing conditions: 68-110 days. Resistant to late blight, Alternaria and other diseases.
Keep in mind that the bush of the plant is indeterminate, it is very tall and requires pinching, tying and other work to form the plant. Only in this case, a truly rich harvest awaits the gardener (about 8 kg from one bush). Fruits are dense red color, round. They differ in weight above average (200-250 grams), look great and tolerate transportation well. The hybrid is ideal for cultivation on an industrial scale.
Buyan (Boets)
One of the best early maturing varieties. Good both in the south and when landing in Siberia and the Urals. The ripening period is only 95 days. This variety is not afraid of bacterial diseases and TMV, it is very resistant and hardy. Those who live in arid regions will also be interested.
The fruits of the Buyan variety have an interesting shape – they are cylindrical. There is a variety with a yellow color of the pulp. Tomatoes are small and medium, the return of the crop is friendly. Due to the fact that the weight of the fruits is small, the yield in kilograms is small, but the bush is strewn with fruits. The palatability is good, the tomatoes are perfectly preserved for a long period. The bush of the plant is compact, determinant type of growth, up to 45 centimeters in height.
Instead of a conclusion
As a rule, tomatoes are grown in seedlings, as this affects germination and depends directly on climatic conditions. In Our Country, tomatoes can be sown as early as February-March, and in most of the territory there is still snow at this time.
When growing early ripe varieties in a greenhouse, keep in mind that during the flowering period it is better to shake the bushes a little, and then water them. Tomatoes are pollinated by bees, which are not in greenhouses. Airing is another way to positively affect fruiting.
Tomatoes are extremely responsive to the introduction of mineral fertilizers. Don’t forget about it. It is also important to understand the purpose for which a particular variety of tomato is grown. This point is taken into account at the stage of seed selection. For fresh use and use in salads, varieties with excellent and excellent taste are grown. When canning, it is enough to pay attention to the size of the fruits of tomatoes and the taste of “four”. This is quite enough even for making sauces.
It is not difficult to learn how to grow early ripe tomato varieties, the main thing is to do it with your soul!