The best dry cough syrups for adults
Top 10 best dry cough syrups for adults that you can buy at the pharmacy. Together with a general practitioner, we made a rating of inexpensive and effective medicines and discussed how to treat a cough at home

Patients with cough are among the most frequent visitors to polyclinics, therapists, pulmonologists and specialists in other specialties. Cough is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at cleansing the respiratory tract from irritating substances (dust particles, viruses, microbes, allergens).

Cough is a problem that has many causes. It is important to choose an effective dry cough syrup that will not harm the body and will not provoke the development of complications. The selection of the necessary therapy should be carried out only by a doctor, taking into account the cause of the cough, the age of the patient and concomitant diseases.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective dry cough syrups for adults according to KP

There are many dry cough syrups. They differ in composition, mechanism of action, contraindications. We have selected the top 10 dry cough syrups, which are in demand among patients due to their low cost, and are popular among doctors due to their high quality.

1. Linkas syrup

Herbal syrup. Reduces the intensity of coughing and facilitates sputum discharge. The main action is expectorant. The syrup is brown in color and has a peppermint flavor.


  • with diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by difficult-to-separate sputum (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis).

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as in children under 6 months of age. It is taken with caution in diabetes mellitus. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in combination with antitussive drugs and drugs that reduce the formation of sputum.

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2. Lazolvan syrup

The active substance in this drug is ambroxol. It increases secretion, stimulates the mobility of the cilia of the respiratory tract, which facilitates the discharge of sputum. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1,5 – 2 hours after taking the drug.


  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by sputum difficult to separate.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, with fructose intolerance, during pregnancy (1 trimester) and during lactation. It is used with caution during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and with renal and / or liver failure.

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3. Pertussin syrup

Combined drug. Thyme extract has an expectorant effect – it dilutes sputum and promotes its easy and quick discharge. Potassium bromide affects the central nervous system by reducing its excitability.

The indications include:

  • SARS, tracheitis, bronchitis.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, fructose intolerance, serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, nervous system. Not allowed during pregnancy and lactation. It is used with caution in diabetes mellitus and in childhood. Simultaneous reception with antitussive drugs is prohibited.

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4. Amtersol syrup

Combined drug. Licorice root extract enhances the secretion of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Thermopsis extract increases secretion and stimulates the respiratory center. Potassium bromide acts on the nervous system, reducing its excitability. Together, they help to expel mucus.


  • tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation, with exacerbation of gastric ulcer and / or duodenal ulcer. It is used with caution in diabetes mellitus, serious diseases of the liver, nervous system.

In case of an overdose of the drug, nausea or vomiting may occur. It is not advisable to combine Amtersol with antitussive drugs, as normal sputum discharge is disturbed.

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5. Doctor Mom Syrup

A drug that is of plant origin and has an expectorant, mucolytic, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. Syrup Dr. Mom green color with the smell of pineapple.


  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis;
  • lecturer’s laryngitis.

It is not used for allergies to the components of the drug. It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as there are no clinically proven studies.

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6. Bronchipret syrup

Vegetable syrup based on thyme and common ivy. The components of the drug contribute to the liquefaction of sputum and its faster discharge.


  • diseases that are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis).

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to herbs and plants (birch, celery, wormwood, plants of the Lamiaceae family), during pregnancy and lactation, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since Bronchipret contains ethanol, it should not be used in diseases of the liver, central nervous system.

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7. Gerbion plantain syrup

Syrup based on plantain, which has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for appointment:

  • dry cough with a disease of the respiratory system;
  • dry cough in smokers.

It is not used in case of intolerance to the components of the drug, in diabetes mellitus, in case of fructose intolerance. Use during pregnancy and lactation has not been adequately studied and is therefore not recommended. The simultaneous appointment of Gerbion is not allowed with drugs that have an antitussive effect and / or reduce the formation of sputum.

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8. Carbocisteine

The main substance carbocysteine ​​​​has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. By changing the biochemical and physical properties of the mucus, its viscosity decreases, which makes it easier to expel.


  • diseases that are accompanied by the formation of a large amount of viscous sputum (bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia);
  • inflammatory processes in the middle ear;
  • preparation before bronchoscopy or bronchography.

Contraindicated in a history of allergic reaction to carbocysteine, in acute glomerulonephritis, cystitis, peptic ulcer. During pregnancy, during lactation, as well as in the presence of peptic ulcers in history, it is used with caution.

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9. ACC

The syrup is transparent with a cherry smell. The active substance is acetylcysteine, which makes sputum less viscous and thus ensures its faster discharge. A feature of this substance is that the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease with the formation of purulent sputum, there is an antioxidant effect, and when used as a prophylaxis for chronic bronchitis or cystic fibrosis, there is a decrease in the frequency and intensity of exacerbations.


  • diseases that are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum (tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis);
  • sinusitis, both acute and chronic;
  • otitis media (inflammatory process in the middle ear).

ACC syrup is not used for allergies to acetylcysteine, with exacerbation of gastric and / or duodenal ulcers, with pulmonary bleeding, during pregnancy or lactation. Caution should be used in renal or hepatic insufficiency, varicose veins of the esophagus, hypertension, diseases of the adrenal glands.

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10. Codelac Neo

A colorless syrup with a vanilla odor, the main component of which is butamirate citrate. This active substance has a direct effect on the cough center, providing bronchodilatory, antitussive, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • dry cough (cold, flu);
  • to suppress the cough reflex before or after surgery, with bronchoscopy.

Codelac NEO rarely has side effects: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, skin rash. Simultaneous administration with drugs that depress the central nervous system (hypnotics, tranquilizers, and others) should be avoided. Drinking alcohol during treatment is contraindicated.

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How to choose dry cough syrup for adults

Dry cough syrups for adults can be herbal, synthetic, or a combination.

The herbal component can often cause an allergic reaction, while the artificially created substance is more versatile, however, in some cases less effective than the natural one.

In addition, drugs differ in their mechanism of action: expectorant, mucolytic (thinning sputum), antitussive. In each case, the syrup must be selected by the doctor individually. Currently, there are many syrups on the market, but the choice should be given to the doctor, who will select a comprehensive treatment based on the anamnesis, clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental data.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed the most popular questions about dry cough and the selection of drugs with therapist Tatyana Pomerantseva.

What disease is dry cough?
1. Pulmonary causes

The most common causes: bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, alveolitis, bronchial asthma.

2. Extrapulmonary causes

● inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others);

● diseases of the heart and blood vessels (pulmonary hypertension, chronic heart failure, pulmonary embolism);

● infections (acute respiratory infections, whooping cough);

irritation of the respiratory tract with household chemicals, insecticides, smoking;

● taking certain medications (ACE inhibitors);

● diseases of the mediastinal organs.

What is the difference between dry cough and wet cough?
The main difference is that a wet cough is accompanied by sputum discharge. And with a dry cough, coughing occurs with air and dryness of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is observed. An attack of dry cough is debilitating and brings almost no relief. An unproductive and productive wet cough is not exhausting and brings relief when sputum is discharged.
Is it possible to treat dry and wet cough with one syrup?
Before you start taking any drug, you must always consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis. Only after finding out the cause of the cough, you can start taking the recommended drug. It is important to note:

● with any cough you need to drink plenty of fluids;

● with a dry cough, sputum thinners are not taken;

● with a wet cough, it is forbidden to use centrally acting drugs that suppress cough and prevent normal sputum discharge.

What to do if the cough does not go away?
Be sure to contact the therapist, who, after examining and collecting anamnesis, will prescribe tests (general blood count, general sputum analysis, bacteriological sputum culture) and studies (chest x-ray, spirometry). If necessary, he will refer you to a narrow specialist (pulmonologist, allergist, cardiologist, infectious disease specialist). There are inexpensive dry cough syrups that will allow you to get rid of an annoying symptom in a short time, it is important to find out the cause in a timely manner and prescribe adequate treatment.


  1. Guidelines for general practitioners (family doctors) “Cough” 2015;
  2. Directory of medicines and products of the pharmacy assortment RLS®;
  3. Clinical guidelines – Chronic bronchitis – 2021-2022

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