The best drugs for osteoporosis
To reduce the risk of fractures and eliminate the complications of osteoporosis, drugs with proven efficacy are used. Best Osteoporosis Medicines Safely Support Patients’ Quality of Life

Osteoporosis is a metabolic disease of the skeleton that reduces bone strength and increases the risk of fractures with minimal trauma. 14 million people in Russia have a diagnosis of osteoporosis1

The insidious disease at the beginning has no characteristic signs. The sooner a person begins treatment of osteoporosis by an experienced specialist, the more likely they are to protect themselves from complications. 

Osteoporosis medications slow down the process of bone breakdown, help the body store essential minerals, and gradually build up reduced bone mass. The main “building material” for the restoration of bone tissue are calcium, vitamin D3, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, zinc, copper.

Rating of the top 10 safe drugs for osteoporosis according to KP

1. Calcemin Advance 

The composition of the drug includes calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. The drug reduces the secretion of parathyroid hormone, which is responsible for leaching calcium from the bones, and prevents the destruction of bone tissue. Calcium citrate reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis with prolonged use of the drug, and vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine. 

The advantage of the drug is the presence in the composition of trace elements necessary for the metabolism of bone tissue – copper, zinc, manganese, magnesium, boron. The instruction says that Calcemin Advance helps restore bone strength, stimulate collagen synthesis, and increase the rate of calcium accumulation in bones. It is used to prevent a decrease in bone mineral density, with scoliotic deformities of the spine, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. 

Long-term use of Calcemin prevents the development of hip fractures in patients with osteoporosis. Released without a prescription.

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2. Natekal D3

It is used for the prevention and complex therapy of osteoporosis and its complications. It is the highest dosed calcium supplement for long-term use. One tablet contains 1500 mg calcium carbonate and vitamin D3 400 IU. The drug reduces the destruction of bone tissue and increases its density, replenishing the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

It is used in the treatment of osteoporosis and replenishment of calcium deficiency in elderly patients. Approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. Released without a prescription.

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3. Alpha-D3-Teva

Alfacalcidol helps in the absorption of calcium and the normalization of bone metabolism. This substance not only increases the mineralization of bone tissue, but also increases its elasticity, which reduces the risk of fractures.

In older patients, muscles weaken, which increases the risk of falls and fractures. When taking Alpha-D3-Teva proven to significantly reduce falls2

Vitamin D3, which is part of the preparation, is necessary for the normal formation of bone tissue. With age, the ability of the skin to produce this vitamin decreases, after 65 years it can decrease by more than 4 times.3. Released by prescription. The dosage is selected individually.

4. Fosamax 

The drug inhibits the destruction of bone tissue, has low absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, is excreted through the kidneys, and is retained in the bone tissue for a long time. Contains 70 mg of alendronate – this component reduces the activity of cells that destroy bone tissue.

Indications for treatment with bisphosphonates: postmenopausal, senile, idiopathic, steroid osteoporosis, bone metastases. Released by prescription.

5. Fossavans

Combined preparation consisting of alendronate and vitamin D3. The first suppresses the activity of cells that destroy bones, and the second is involved in the process of synthesis of new bone tissue.

Means is released according to the recipe.

6. Prolia 

When taken, it enhances the formation of young bone tissue cells. Clinical studies have proven the ability of its active substance – Denosumab – to reduce the risk of vertebral fractures by 68%, non-vertebral fractures – by 20%, fractures of the proximal femur – by 40%1.

Prolia can be attributed to the first-line drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis, stimulants of the synthesis of bone tissue cells.

Has a low risk of complications. Increases bone mineral density in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis, in men with an increased risk of fractures. Released by prescription.

7. Osteogenon

Ossein is an organic component of the drug that activates the process of bone formation by stimulating young cells, inhibits the destruction of existing bone tissue and promotes collagen production.

It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis of various etiologies. Restores calcium-phosphorus balance, including during pregnancy and lactation. Released by prescription.

8. Raloxifene

Initially, it was used to treat breast cancer, but over time, its activity in bone tissues and effectiveness in the treatment of osteoporosis became clear. 

Raloxifene stops the destruction of bones, prevents their fragility, maintains a normal level of estrogen. 

It is prescribed for women during menopause for prevention and in the complex treatment of osteoporosis. Not often recommended. Released by prescription.

9. Forsteo 

This drug is an analogue of parathyroid hormone, obtained using genetic engineering. 

The action of the drug is based on its direct effect on the activity of cells involved in the construction, development, restoration and restructuring of bone tissue. Daily subcutaneous administration of Forsteo can increase bone density by 10-15%. 

The drug is prescribed in the treatment of osteoporosis in men, as well as women in the postmenopausal period. 

10. Risendros 

Prevents the destruction of bones. Belongs to the group of bisphosphonates, normalizes phosphorus-calcium metabolism, stimulates the development of bone tissue.

Risedronic acid binds to hydroxyapatite at the cellular level and inhibits the function of cells that destroy bone tissue. 

How to choose drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis

Our expert believes that the main thing in prescribing drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis is to improve the patient’s quality of life and avoid injuries. The doctor takes into account all risk factors, age and gender of the patient, choosing the right remedy. Drugs for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis are well studied, their clinical effectiveness in reducing the risk of fractures has been proven by the results of long-term studies.

At the first visit to a specialist, you should tell about the drugs you are taking. To rule out drug interactions. Taking drugs for heartburn, for anemia, reduces the absorption of tablet forms of drugs for osteoporosis.  

Intravenous and intramuscular administration of drugs is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital, since the patient’s condition during the day after administration is important, and then long-term therapy with drugs in tablets presented in the rating is prescribed. The doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment by the absence of new fractures.  

Popular questions and answers

The doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences, answered the most common questions of readers. obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Matveeva.

Why does osteoporosis occur?

Osteoporosis is a disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders. The processes of destruction of bone tissue begin to prevail over the processes of bone formation. Often aggravated heredity, smoking and overweight, vitamin D deficiency and lack of calcium, long-term treatment with certain drugs, age over 65 years, become the causes of osteoporosis. 

A sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases of the pancreas, endocrine organs and kidneys are also the causes of this disease. 

Women over 50 suffer fractures due to osteoporosis 6-7 times more often than men4.

Which doctor treats osteoporosis?

The process of treating osteoporosis is often under the control of several specialists at once. The choice of a specialist depends on what causes led to the onset of this disease, on the severity and type of osteoporosis.

Primary diagnostics and therapy are carried out by doctors of the following specialties:

● gynecologist;

● endocrinologist;

● traumatologist-orthopedist;

● rheumatologist;

● therapist. 

Osteoporosis is located at the junction of several medical areas at once, therefore, doctors of various specialties of multidisciplinary clinics and centers are engaged in the management of patients.

Can osteoporosis be treated with folk remedies?

With osteoporosis, the bone tissue ceases to renew itself and retain calcium, the bone is destroyed. No herbs and fees can raise the level of calcium and other special minerals that are used to form the collagen network of the bone. 

Osteoporosis is a disease that can lead to disability. Alternative methods of treating osteoporosis include diet, exercise and physical activity, but not medicinal plant materials.

Some components of plants can cause an allergic reaction and provoke poisoning.

Failure to provide proven medical treatment can lead to fatal pathological fractures in the pelvis and hips. 

A wide range of medicines, new diagnostic methods, improved skills of doctors and patient awareness have reduced the number of fractures by 50% in patients receiving medical treatment of osteoporosis.

  1. Osteoporosis. Clinical recommendations of the Russian Federation 2013-2017 (Russia)
  2. M. I. Shupina, G. I. Nechaeva, E. V. Nadey, Yu. V. Tereshchenko, E. N. Vokhmyakova, Yu. V. Arbuzova Bone effects of alfacalcidol and native vitamin D in the treatment of osteoporosis https://www
  3. Vitamin D deficiency. Clinical recommendations 2021
  4. A. A. Sveshnikov Skeletal bone mineral density, muscle mass and problems of fracture prevention

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