The best drugs for asthenia
Preparations for asthenia help to cope with constant fatigue, mood swings, irritability, sleep disturbances. The best drugs for asthenia will be prescribed by the doctor when he assesses the condition of the person, but we will list the most popular

From 50% to 90% of patients visiting Russian clinics and medical centers have symptoms of asthenic disorder: feeling of depression, irritability and constant weakness, incomprehensible pain, nausea, lack of appetite and normal sleep1.

People suffering from asthenia complain that normal daily activities are given to them with great difficulty. To improve the quality of life of such patients, neurologists prescribe special anti-asthenic therapy.

List of 10 effective drugs for asthenia according to the KP

1. Enerion

French drug intended for the symptomatic treatment of functional asthenia. Due to its active substance, Enerion affects the areas of the brain responsible specifically for the regulation of energy metabolism, helping to restore it at the cellular level. 

Contraindicated under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released without a prescription.

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2. Stimulus

Stimol is also intended to restore energy to people suffering from asthenia. It is prescribed during the recovery period after past illnesses, it has not only an anti-asthenic effect, but also promotes liver detoxification.

It is approved for use in adults and children over 5 years of age.. Available without a prescription.

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3. Trekrezan

An immune drug that increases endurance during physical and mental stress. Taking Trekrezan increases the body’s resistance to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), hypothermia and overheating, and other adverse environmental factors (a sharp change in climatic zones). It is used to adapt to changes in atmospheric pressure. Increases the production of interferons, reducing viral intoxication.

Contraindicated under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released without a prescription.

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4. Picamilon

The drug is able to have both neurometabolic and vascular effects: it reduces vascular resistance, improves cerebral blood flow and microcirculation. 

Picamilon has anti-anxiety activity, helps to restore mental and physical performance in case of overwork. It stimulates metabolic processes in the nervous tissue. 

Approved for use in adults and children over 3 years of age. Released by prescription.

5. Cytoflavin

The drug is prescribed for asthenia, helps with increased irritability, fatigue, loss of the ability to prolonged mental and physical stress. 

Correction of energy metabolism, antihypoxic and antioxidant activity of the drug, which determine its therapeutic effect, are due to the action of succinic acid, inosine, nicotinamide and riboflavin.

Contraindicated under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released by prescription.

6. Holitilin

The drug improves mood, stimulates mental activity, improves concentration, the ability to memorize and reproduce the information received, optimizes cognitive and behavioral reactions, and eliminates apathy.

Contraindicated in people under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released by prescription.

7. Memoplant

The drug improves cerebral circulation, the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, normalizes metabolic processes, and has an antihypoxic effect. It also normalizes the vascular system, expands small arteries.

It is used for memory impairment, reduced intellectual abilities and the ability to concentrate.

Contraindicated under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released without a prescription.

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8. Pantogam Active

An original nootropic drug with anti-anxiety and anti-asthenic effects. 

This tool is designed to improve energy metabolism in the brain. The drug affects oxidative processes, activates mental activity and improves the emotional state in asthenia.

Released by prescription. 

9. Meldonium

A drug that is prescribed for a decrease in mental and physical activity, to increase efficiency, with chronic physical overstrain, with prolonged psycho-emotional overload.

Contraindicated under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

10. Berocca Plus

German medicinal vitamin and mineral complex. The multivitamins and minerals included in Berocca Plus may improve neurocognitive processes.

Berocca is prescribed by specialists to maintain mental abilities, reaction speed, the health of the nervous system and the proper production of energy by the cells of the body.

Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Released without a prescription.

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How to choose drugs for asthenia

Only a doctor observing the patient can choose and prescribe drugs for asthenia. After interviewing a person and evaluating his condition, the doctor determines the need to prescribe medications. 

The patient can be prescribed both one remedy and a whole complex of medications that will enhance the effect of each other. 

Treatment of asthenia depends on the causes and individual manifestations of the disease, the characteristics and severity of symptoms. 

As part of complex therapy, the following is prescribed:

  • antidepressants (activate, remove drowsiness);
  • tranquilizers (remove internal tension, panic attacks, reduce anxiety, improve sleep);
  • fortifying agents: multivitamins, amino acids, antioxidants (improve performance and psycho-emotional state, cellular nutrition);
  • immunomodulators (activate energy processes, reduce the manifestation of toxic effects, increase the body’s resistance to bacteria and viruses);
  • tonic (gives energy after viral diseases, stimulates the central nervous system, improves appetite and performance, removes drowsiness and weakness);
  • Dietary supplements (can increase the nutrition of neurons and improve sleep, stabilize mood).

Popular questions and answers

Answers the most popular questions neurologist Anna Danshina.

Why does asthenia occur?

• long physical and intellectual loads; 

• traumatic situations, conflicts, experiences;


• unbalanced nutrition;

• violation of sleep and wakefulness, during shift work;

during recovery after operations, injuries, infections, various somatic diseases;

• consequences of intoxication, impaired blood supply to the brain, as well as metabolic processes in the brain tissues.

Asthenia always forms over time. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in time. The first symptoms are often fatigue and irritability, even in a calm, relaxing environment. 

Which doctor treats asthenia?

A doctor of any specialty can identify asthenic syndrome, for example, a therapist, endocrinologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, oncologist, cardiologist. 

But a neurologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist will observe and treat a person suffering from asthenia. Doctors of these specialties identify and eliminate the causes of deep feelings of a person, help restore the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Lack of timely adequate treatment can lead to more severe conditions.

How to eat with asthenia?

An important part of the fight against asthenia is nutrition. With asthenia, food should be varied in taste, color, high in nutrients and fiber, with a low glycemic index.

Proper nutrition allows you to normalize the overall metabolic processes in the body and strengthen it.

Especially useful during this period:

• sea fish and seafood;

• meat and offal;

• buckwheat, lentils;

• all types of cabbage;

• fruits and vegetables;

• whole grains (bread, rice, pasta);

• milk;

• bitter chocolate;

• dates, nuts.

Can folk remedies help with asthenia?

Plant adaptogens (eleutherococcus, rhodiola, ginseng, lemongrass) can be prescribed by a doctor for asthenia as a means of quickly correcting asthenic conditions.

It is not necessary to use unverified folk methods and recipes on your own, as this can lead to unpredictable reactions in the patient. 

A gentle lifestyle, physical activity, a healthy diet are vital for conserving energy and recuperating.

In the scheme with drugs, safe psychotherapeutic methods work perfectly, which allow you to quickly increase the overall psycho-emotional background, awaken your appetite and start enjoying life again.

Sources of

1. Kotova O.V., Akarachkova E.S. Asthenic syndrome in the practice of a neurologist and a family doctor // RMJ. 2016. No. 13. P. 824–829

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