Rating of the top 5 drops from the common cold according to KP
We have selected the most effective and popular cold drops, which are most often prescribed by doctors and can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is very important to consult a doctor before starting treatment, because even a harmless runny nose can be a symptom of a serious illness, and self-medication can only bring temporary relief, but exacerbate the problem.
1. Rhinostop
“Rinostop” is available in the form of transparent colorless nasal drops or spray, the main active ingredient is xylometazoline. When instilled, it causes narrowing of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, in a matter of minutes eliminating swelling up to 10 hours and restoring nasal breathing. The drug is effective in acute respiratory infections, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and hay fever.
Drops from the common cold “Rinostop” can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, the dosage depends on the age of the patient. Side effects are rare: with sensitivity to xylometazoline, dryness or irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, burning or swelling may occur. In this case, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
It is also worth noting that drops from the common cold “Rinostop” are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is used with caution in children and the elderly. Nasal drops do not affect the ability to drive a car.
– If you use the drug for more than seven days, and especially – uncontrollably, without observing the dosage, you can get the opposite effect. There is an addiction to the drug, permanent swelling appears and a person can no longer do without drops, this can even lead to atrophy of the nasal mucosa, warns otorhinolaryngologist Peter Kirillov.
2. Your knee
“Tizin” is also available in the form of clear, colorless nasal drops or spray. The main active ingredient is xylometazoline. Quickly and effectively relieves swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa, up to 8 hours relieving runny nose and nasal congestion.
Indications for use: acute allergic, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, hay fever, preparation for surgery in the nasal passages.
Drops from the common cold “Tizin” can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The drug can be used even in children (from 2 years old), with caution – during pregnancy and lactation. With frequent and prolonged use, dryness and irritation of the nasopharynx, frequent sneezing, and swelling may occur. Rarely, palpitations, headache, vomiting, and sleep disturbance may occur. Drops from the common cold “Tizin” do not affect the ability to drive vehicles or equipment.
3. Naphthysine
Naphthyzin is one of the most popular cold drops that our mothers and grandmothers used. The main active ingredient is naphazoline. Differs in the low price, availability, it is possible to apply at children aged from 1 year.
Indications for use: acute rhinitis, hay fever (allergic rhinitis), acute and chronic laryngitis, acute eustachitis, sinusitis.
The drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, relieves swelling and hyperemia of the nasal mucosa after a few minutes, the effect lasts up to 4 hours. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation, with prolonged use and uncontrolled dosage, it can cause atrophic rhinitis. Contraindications: chronic rhinitis, diabetes mellitus, severe atherosclerosis, hypersensitivity to naphazoline.
4. Vibrocil
Drops from the common cold “Vibrocil” are an order of magnitude higher than most similar drugs, but are suitable for children and adults over the age of 1 year. The main active ingredient is Dimetinden + Phenylephrine, the drug also contains lavender essential oil. Drops from the common cold “Vibrocil” have a double action – vasoconstrictor and anti-allergic, and also effectively moisturize the nasal mucosa, preventing dryness and the appearance of crusts.
Indications for use: acute rhinitis (including SARS and influenza), allergic rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, vasomotor and chronic rhinitis, elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa after surgical interventions and in preparation for them.
Contraindications for the use of “Vibrocil” are atrophic rhinitis, angle-closure glaucoma and children under 1 year of age. With caution, you should use these drops from the common cold during pregnancy and lactation.
5. Pinosol
Drops “Pinosol” – one of the most popular and effective drugs for the common cold of plant origin. The active substances are essential oils of pine and eucalyptus and peppermint.
Indications for use: acute and chronic rhinitis, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx, accompanied by dryness of the mucous membranes, conditions after surgery in the nasal cavity.
Contraindications: allergic rhinitis, children under 2 years of age. With caution – during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
– After applying drops from the cold “Pinosol” you may experience a burning sensation and tingling in the nose, this is how essential oils act, but if the itching and burning intensified, swelling appeared, it is better to stop using the drug and consult a doctor, advises the otorhinolaryngologist.
How to choose effective drops from the common cold
Runny nose (rhinitis) is one of the most common symptoms that can accompany many diseases – SARS, allergies, polyps, mucosal damage, chronic inflammatory processes and much more. In a pharmacy, eyes run up from a huge range of drugs, so how do you choose the most effective drops for a cold?
To begin with, it is worth noting that a runny nose, that is, rhinitis, can be acute (the very case when “snot in a stream” – abundant liquid translucent mucus is separated), chronic (prolonged persistent runny nose, mucus becomes thick, with impurities of pus) and allergic (often seasonal – on pollen, poplar fluff, on dust or animal hair), and in any case requires treatment. Drops from the common cold, in turn, are divided into three groups: vasoconstrictor, herbal remedies and based on sea water.
Vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold are used for almost any type of rhinitis and differ in the main active ingredient:
- Xylometazoline: drops based on xylometazoline begin to act within a few minutes after application and last up to 8-10 hours. With prolonged use, they can be addictive. The main drugs with xylometazoline: Otrivin, Rhinostop, Tizin, Xymelin, Snoop.
- Oxymetazoline – the maximum effect of drops from the common cold with oxymetazoline is 10-12 hours. They effectively relieve swelling, restore nasal breathing, but the course of treatment should not exceed 7 days, otherwise drug-induced rhinitis (addiction) may develop. The most popular drugs with oxymetazoline: “Rinostop extra”, “Afrin”, “Nazivin”, “Nazol”.
- Naphazoline: drops from the common cold with naphazoline are notable for their low price and last only 4 hours. The most popular drug is Naphthyzin, Sanorin.
- Phenylephrine: aboutCommonly based on phenylephrine, they produce drops from the common cold for babies and older children. The most popular drugs are Vibrocil, Nazol baby.
Drops from the common cold based on sea water rather, they have a moisturizing effect and edema is not removed as effectively as vasoconstrictor drugs, but you don’t have to worry about getting used to them. The most popular cold drops and sprays based on sea water are Rinostop Aqua, Aqualor Forte, Aquamaris, LinAqua.
– Doctors often advise using such drops in complex treatment – for example, rinsing the nasal cavity with them before instilling medications or irrigating if dryness and discomfort occur. Sea water has good bactericidal properties, so these drops can also be used as a prevention of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, says Otorhinolaryngologist Peter Kirillov.
Phytopreparations for the common cold contain essential oils of medicinal plants – eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, tea tree, which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, while not addictive. The most popular drug is Pinosol, but before buying it, you should consult a doctor, because essential oils can cause severe allergies.