The best cures for gum disease in adults
Together with dentists, we made a rating of inexpensive and fast-acting medicines for gum inflammation and discussed why this problem occurs.

Many adults experience gum disease as a symptom. It is characterized by bad breath, reddening of the gums and bleeding. A good effect in the case of this disease gives a comprehensive treatment prescribed by a periodontist. The specialist can recommend topical preparations, and if necessary, prescribe oral antibacterial agents or physiotherapy.

As a local therapy for inflammation of the gums, drugs containing antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances are usually prescribed. They can be used in the form of rinses, irrigations, applications. Let’s talk about the most famous medicines for gum disease.

Ranking of the top 10 drugs for gum inflammation in adults according to KP

1. Angidac solution

A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has an analgesic effect. It has antiseptic, specific antimicrobial and antifungal activity.

When applied topically, the drug quickly penetrates into inflamed tissues, so a few minutes are enough for the onset of the effect. Released without a prescription. Indicated for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, including gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age (for this dosage form), pregnant and lactating women. Made in Russia.

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2. Stomatidin solution

The drug has an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect, adheres well – literally sticks to the mucous membrane and is practically not absorbed. After a single rinse, it is present on the oral mucosa for another 65 hours.

The drug has a disinfecting and hemostatic effect. Stomatidin helps to cope with any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth and pharynx. It is indicated for gingivitis and bleeding gums.

Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age and pregnant women from 1 to 3 months of pregnancy.

Country of manufacture – Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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3. Metrogil–Denta

The composition of the gel includes the antibacterial agent metronidazole and chlorhexidine – an antiseptic. Metrogil-denta fights inflammation and pain in the gums, helps to reduce the sensitivity of the affected areas of the gums.

The tool is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the periodontium and oral mucosa. Approved for use by adults and children over 6 years of age.

Produced in India.

4. Holisal gel

Local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic agent. The main active ingredient is Choline salicylate, it inhibits the development of an inflammatory reaction and has a local antipyretic and antifungal effect.

Cholisal does not contain sugar, and the gel base allows it to remain on the mucous membrane for a long time. Cholisal is used for diseases that occur with inflammation and pain.

Pregnant, lactating women and children under the age of 1 year should be used with caution. Made in Poland.

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5. Dentamet gel

Dental gel containing metronidazole and chlorhexidine. Combined, antimicrobial, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent is used to treat acute and chronic diseases of the oral cavity. For therapeutic purposes, it is applied to the gums, and for prevention, a small amount of gel is added to toothpaste. It is indicated for gingivitis, periodontitis and other diseases of the teeth and gums.

Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and pregnant women in the first trimester.

It is made in Russia.

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6. Kamistad gel

Thanks to its ingredients, lidocaine and chamomile flower extract, it has a local anesthetic effect in case of inflammation of the gums.

The gel is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis and pain syndrome with inflammation of the gums. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Kamistad gel is available without a doctor’s prescription.

The tool is made in Germany.

7. Dental adhesive paste Solcoseryl

Tissue regeneration stimulator. Solcoseryl improves the transport of oxygen and glucose to inflamed cells. Acceleratedly heals wound surfaces, ulcers and erosion of the oral cavity. If the oral mucosa is infected, it is first recommended to carry out medical treatment of the inflamed area. It is prescribed for gingivitis, periodontal disease, after the removal of tartar and more.

There are no contraindications for the use of the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the only contraindication is individual sensitivity to any of the components.

With the simultaneous appointment of Solcoseryl and therapeutic rinses, the paste should be applied after rinsing the mouth.

Made in Switzerland.

8. Spray Stomatofit expert

The spray is a dark brown liquid that contains extracts of calamus, arnica, oak, mint, chamomile, thyme and sage. Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic action. Unlike other drugs in the line, Stomatofit expert aerosol reduces bleeding gums, it is indicated for stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Made in Poland.

9. Mestamidine aerosol

An agent consisting of two antiseptics: octenisept and phenoxyethanol. These substances have antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Mestamidine sanitizes and heals wound surfaces on mucous membranes and skin.

It does not have a toxic effect, it does not cause addiction. Mestamidine is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

Made in Russia.

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10. Propolis tincture

Propolis is a bee product that contains wax, essential oils, a mixture of resins, cinnamic acid derivatives, flavones and other biogenic compounds.

Propolis has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect on gram-positive flora, enhances the regeneration of damaged tissues and normalizes metabolic processes in the body.

In case of damage and inflammation of the gums, an aqueous solution of propolis tincture (15 ml of tincture in 1/2 cup of warm water) is used for rinsing the mouth. The drug is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription, it is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Made in Russia.

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How to choose medicines for gum disease in adults

Medicines for inflammation of the gums and the duration of their use can only be recommended by a periodontist based on an examination of a particular patient.

In the initial stages of the disease, professional cleaning and the use of topical antiseptics may be sufficient to relieve symptoms. Sometimes metronidazole tablets are also used. To improve regeneration, topical application of Solcoseryl, a solution of propolis, may be indicated.

If inflammation of the gums has spread throughout the oral cavity, the patient feels unwell, and there are signs of inflammation in the general blood test, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Immunostimulants, vitamins and means for restoring microflora are also used.

If the patient has a pronounced pain syndrome, painkillers and drugs from the NSAID group (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are included in the number of drugs for gum inflammation.

In the complex treatment of gum inflammation, physiotherapeutic methods are also used:

  • electrophoresis with aloe, ascorbic acid;
  • phonophoresis with heparin ointment;
  • irradiation with a quartz lamp;
  • laser therapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • vacuum gum massage;
  • mud therapy

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions about gum disease treatment answered by our expert, dentist Venera Sultanova.

Why does gum disease occur?

The most common cause is irregular oral hygiene. Because of this, plaque is compacted, conditions are created for the growth of pathological microflora, the active vital activity of which leads to inflammation of periodontal tissues.

In some cases, a few days without oral hygiene is enough for the plaque to harden.

Increasingly, the cause of gum disease is a weakened immune system, which suffers during cold and flu seasons and due to the current pandemic.

The most important thing is to prevent the transition of the inflammation process into a chronic form, as this leads to the destruction of periodontal tissues, and the focus of chronic inflammation in the body can provoke:

● necrosis of periodontal tissues;

● high blood pressure;

● risk of cardiovascular complications;

● increased levels of glucose, cholesterol, C-reactive protein;

● indigestion.

Is it possible to treat inflammation of the gums with folk remedies?

It is possible, but not necessary. Self-medication and the use of only folk remedies can aggravate the disease, after which a person will not only lose his teeth, but also his health in general. The inflammatory process deepens, it is more difficult to treat.

To prevent inflammation of the oral cavity, decoctions of oak bark, sage and calendula herbs, aloe juice and salt rinses can be used.1.

But if you already have gum disease, then folk remedies as an auxiliary treatment should be combined with medication and mandatory with professional cleaning.

When to see a doctor for gum disease?

Any feeling of discomfort, swelling, redness or bleeding of the gums is a reason to contact the dentist again for advice.

If you regularly visit the dentist, if your doctor listens to you carefully, treats you carefully and conscientiously, then gum inflammation and other oral diseases do not threaten you.


  1. Mironov S.E. Improving the methods of standardization of multicomponent therapeutic and prophylactic herbal products used in dentistry.

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