The best creams for stretch marks after childbirth
Stretch marks that appear during pregnancy and after childbirth are not harmful to health, their presence is purely a matter of aesthetics. Many cosmetic brands produce special creams for stretch marks after childbirth, but how effective are they? Understanding with a gynecologist

Every woman, even during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth, can observe red stripes resembling scars on her chest, abdomen or sides. Stretch marks (or, as they are also called, striae) are micro-tears in the subcutaneous tissue filled with connective tissue (1). The fact is that during pregnancy, the breasts swell, the stomach grows, so the skin is greatly stretched, not having time to adapt to this process. By themselves, stretch marks do not cause any harm to health, but they are an aesthetic defect and often bring discomfort to a woman. 

Of course, the prevention of stretch marks should be taken care of at the very beginning of pregnancy: monitor your weight and prevent its rapid gain, as well as regularly use creams or oils that moisturize the skin and make it supple (2). 

But if stretch marks could not be avoided, do not despair. To date, there is a huge selection of creams that help visually smooth the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Of course, you should understand that not even the most expensive cream is able to rid you of stretch marks completely. Stretch marks that have already appeared can be completely removed only with the help of cosmetic procedures (3).

Rating of the top 10 effective creams for stretch marks after childbirth according to KP

We have compiled a list of the top 10 effective creams for stretch marks that will help restore skin elasticity and make stretch marks less noticeable. We recommend that you consult with a specialist before buying, who will help you choose the option that is right for you. 

1. Sanosan Anti Stretch Mark Cream

The cream from the German brand Sanosan is suitable for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, and also helps to reduce them after childbirth. The cream contains collagen and elastin – structural proteins that provide elasticity and firmness to the skin, and shea butter relieves dryness and effectively moisturizes the epidermis. Users in the reviews note that even deep blue stretch marks gradually begin to brighten and even out. The cream has a silky texture and is quickly absorbed, does not stain linen and clothes.

Does not contain parabens, mineral oils and dyes, contains a complex of natural vegetable oils, suitable for massage and quickly absorbed
Harsh smell
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2. ARAVIA Organic Stretch Bio-Blocker Cream

Another butter cream for the prevention and correction of stretch marks after childbirth. The basis is only natural vegetable oils and vitamins. For example, red resin extract (or, as it is also called, “dragon’s blood”), penetrating deep into the epidermis, stimulates fibroblasts and increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Due to this, stretch marks decrease in size, brighten. And extracts of aloe, olive, cocoa butter and shea butter, vitamin E and glycerin relieve dryness and effectively nourish the skin, making it more even and elastic.

The cream has a thick texture, while being easily absorbed, leaving no stickiness and greasy marks, and is also consumed very sparingly. It should be applied 1-2 times a day on problem areas and rubbed with massaging movements until completely absorbed.

Completely natural composition, effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, economical consumption
May roll slightly during massage
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3. Guam крем Body Bioactivity Treatment Stretch Marks 

The manufacturer of Italian premium care cosmetics Guam has created an unusual cream for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy and the correction of stretch marks that appeared after childbirth. The main active ingredient in the cream is Guam algae extract (kelp, gelidium) which has a powerful antioxidant effect. And the extract of exotic reishi mushrooms, jojoba and shea butter, lecithin, glycolic acid, panthenol, vitamins C and E make the skin smooth and toned, reduces its flabbiness and friability.

Of course, you should not expect miracles from the cream. The manufacturer warns in advance that only fresh pink striae can be effectively corrected. If the stretch marks are chronic, then regular use of the cream will help to lighten them at best.

Natural composition, improves skin condition, smoothes the skin in problem areas, nourishes and moisturizes it
Not everyone will like the fragrance of the cream, not found in all pharmacies
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4. Natural cream Bema Cosmetici for the body from stretch marks

Another cream from the Italian brand Bema Cosmetici was created to combat stretch marks after childbirth. In addition to the correction and prevention of stretch marks, the cream tightens and strengthens the skin, making it elastic, improves blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

It contains many plant extracts and oils: gaultheria, centella asiatica, amaranth oil, which improve skin tone and moisturize it. And the amino acid hydroxyproline promotes the production of its own collagen. Also, the cream contains no dyes, fragrances, silicones, parabens and other aggressive components, so the cream does not cause allergic reactions. 

The cream should be applied twice a day – in the morning and in the evening – to problem areas and gently rubbed with massage movements until completely absorbed.

Organic composition, no silicones and parabens, cosmetics passed dermatological and microbiological tests, certified by ICEA
High price, not always found in pharmacies
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5. Maternea Stretch Mark Cream

Maternea Stretch Mark Cream is also suitable for the prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, and for the correction of those that appear after childbirth. The cream contains only natural ingredients, extracts and extracts of medicinal plants, almond oil and jojoba oil, vitamins E and C. The cream well moisturizes and tightens the skin, making it smooth and elastic, improves the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. Fresh stretch marks are reduced in size, while old ones brighten and become less noticeable. Due to the absence of parabens, silicones and mineral oils in the cream, even regular use does not cause allergic reactions.

The cream is available in tubes of 40 and 150 ml, so the mini version is convenient to take with you on trips and travels.

Natural composition, moisturizes and tightens the skin, does not cause allergic reactions
May leave a sticky and filmy feeling after application
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6. Cream “Prevention and correction of stretch marks” for pregnant and lactating mothers with SIBERINA elastin

Cream from the brand of organic care cosmetics SIBERINA for the prevention and correction of stretch marks, which is suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

First of all, the manufacturer focuses on a completely natural composition with D-panthenol, propolis extract and hydrolyzed elastin, which is also called the “youth protein”. The cream smoothes the skin, improves the tone and elasticity of tissues, allowing them to recover faster. And, of course, the manufacturer emphasizes that it is better to prepare the skin for stretching during pregnancy in advance, since it is much easier to prevent stretch marks than to get rid of them later. However, the cream makes already existing stretch marks not so noticeable, visually smoothes and brightens them.

The cream has a pleasant non-greasy texture, it is quickly absorbed, leaving no film and greasy marks on linen and clothes.

Suitable for both pregnant and nursing mothers, natural hypoallergenic composition, visually smoothes and brightens stretch marks
Not everyone likes the scent
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7. Body cream against stretch marks and cellulite Atopalm Maternity Care Stretch Mark Cream

Cream from stretch marks and cellulite of the Korean brand Atopalm contains collagen and a complex of vegetable oils: jojoba, meadow foam seeds, rapeseed and macadamia. The cream well moisturizes and softens the skin, improves the elasticity and firmness of tissues, starts the process of rapid regeneration of the epidermis. Due to this, damaged areas of the skin are quickly smoothed, stretch marks are reduced and brighten. 

According to the manufacturer, in the manufacture of cosmetics, the innovative MLE technology is used – a multi-lamellar emulsion that is quickly absorbed, activates the production of collagen and elastin, heals tissue damage and improves the protective function of the skin. 

The complex of natural oils in the composition is quickly absorbed and penetrates deep into the epidermis, starting the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
High price

8. Mommy Care Anti-stretch mark cream 

Another cream from an Israeli manufacturer contains such active ingredients as vitamin E, phytosterol (a phytohormone obtained from avocado), jojoba oil and shea butter. Regular use of the cream helps to improve skin elasticity, starts the process of repairing damaged tissues, visually smoothes and reduces stretch marks on the chest, hips, abdomen and other problem areas of the body. The skin becomes soft, moisturized and at the same time very toned. 

Many women note the thick, but at the same time delicate texture of the cream, which is absorbed in just a matter of minutes, leaving a feeling of silky smooth skin, and also has an exquisite aroma. A 100 ml package will last for a long time, especially since the cream has an economical consumption.

Natural composition, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, pleasant aroma
Not found in all pharmacies
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9. Mustela Stretch Mark Cream 

The first in our ranking is Mustela, a popular French brand of cosmetics for newborns and their mothers. The cream is suitable for use both during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks, and after – to reduce stretch marks that have already appeared.

Due to the avocado oil, the cream moisturizes the skin well, increases its elasticity and firmness. Thanks to its pleasant texture, the cream spreads easily over the skin and is quickly absorbed without leaving marks on clothes. 

The manufacturer recommends starting to use the cream immediately after childbirth and for several months. The cream should be applied to the thighs, chest and abdomen, avoiding contact with the seam after a caesarean section.

Pleasant texture, no fragrance, natural composition, quickly absorbed without leaving any residue
Relatively high price
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10. Helan Body Recovery Cream

The cream contains a complex of phytoextracts, oils and vitamins: green pea and pomegranate extract, argan, olive, sesame oil, shea wax, vitamin E, which restore skin elasticity, make it smooth and supple, and effectively moisturize throughout the day. The unique formula of the cream helps fight stretch marks and other skin problems that occur during pregnancy and after childbirth. 

The cream has a light and delicate texture, is instantly absorbed without leaving a feeling of stickiness and film, does not stain linen and clothes and has a light, unobtrusive aroma. It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day with light massage movements, avoiding the area of ​​a fresh scar after a caesarean section.

Natural composition, light texture, economical consumption, helps restore skin tone and turgor, relieves dryness and tightness of the skin
High price
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How to choose a cream for stretch marks after childbirth

When choosing a cream for stretch marks after childbirth, you need to pay attention, first of all, to the manufacturer and composition. It is better to give preference to pharmacy brands, since such products pass all the necessary dermatological tests and have confirmed quality certificates (3).

The composition of the cream should be as natural as possible. Welcome as part of extracts of herbs and oils: almond, argan oil, shea butter, jojoba, as well as vitamins E and C. Hyaluronic acid in the cream will help restore water balance, make the skin moisturized and toned. But parabens, silicones, mineral oils, dyes and fragrances in the cream should not be.

Popular questions and answers

How to choose a cream for stretch marks after childbirth, and whether it can completely get rid of the problem, says our expert – obstetrician-gynecologist Alina Matrosova.

Can the cream completely get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

If stretch marks (stretch marks) have already appeared, then even the most expensive cream is no longer able to help. A stretch is a tear in the dermis. The body tries to close the gap as quickly as possible, so healing processes begin, and they go very quickly. New fibers form randomly (they need to close the damage as soon as possible), so outwardly this defect looks like a scar. By the way, the same mechanism works here as with cuts and injuries, only as a result of a cut a scar is formed, and as a result of a rupture of the skin – stretching. 

Over time, stretch marks turn white, become less noticeable, however, they do not sunbathe in the sun and become more pronounced after tanning. 

What are the contraindications for creams for stretch marks after childbirth?

The most common contraindication to various moisturizers (creams, oils) is the presence of hypersensitivity (allergy). To prevent the development of allergies, you need to test a new product on a limited area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin before applying it to the whole body. For this, the skin on the inner surface of the elbow bend is suitable. It is necessary to spread a small amount of funds and wait a few hours. If there is no reaction, then you can use it.

How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

The most important pathogenetic aspect of the appearance of stretch marks is stretching of the skin, which occurs as a result of sharp fluctuations in weight or rapid growth of the pregnant uterus, enlargement of the mammary glands. Therefore, for the prevention of stretch marks, it is necessary to monitor nutrition: do not eat for two, eat varied, balanced, and also moisturize and nourish the skin.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, there should be a sufficient amount of fats: oils, nuts, fatty fish, etc., to nourish the skin from the inside. Do not forget about the water regime: not only the pregnant body and the baby need water, but also the skin!

And only in the very last place among the methods of preventing stretch marks are oils and skin creams. Moisturizing the skin from the outside (and any means are suitable: from baby creams to special cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks) helps the skin remain elastic and pliable to stretching without breaks, and therefore without stretch marks.

Sources of

  1. Life without stretch marks. Sidorova I., Shirokova I. “Remedium”, 2014. URL:
  2. Prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Shatalova S.T. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2001. URL:
  3. Pathogenesis of striae in pregnant women and puerperas. Shatalova S.T. RTsPSiR, Vladikavkaz, 2007. URL:

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