The Best Chefs in the World

We close the year with something that we like, excites us and above all makes us excited. Spanish gastronomy has been leading the world scene for a few years now.

This reality is not the result of chance, but of the work, dedication of many teachers, apprentices and people wanting to make gastronomy an art.

Our best recognition of such work is the dissemination of this report on the American network FOX where they show us the Best Chefs in the World.

This is just a preview of a series of videos of each character or artist, which the chain has been broadcasting for months.

True Michelin stars as Ferran Adrià, Alex Atela, Joan Roca, Juan Mari Arzak, José Andrés, Gastón Acurio, Grant Achatz, Michel Bras, Daniel Humm, and half a dozen other famous names complete the cast.

Enjoy the creation and recreate the palate hours before starting to taste the last dinner of the year and thus enter the long-awaited and desired 2015.

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