The best candles for prostatitis
We study reviews on suppositories from prostatitis and deal with experts, what can be really effective for the treatment of prostatitis

Advertising attacks us constantly, especially while watching TV. All sorts of good aunts and peasants with cunning in their eyes vying with each other advise medicines from the screen that promise to cure coughs, heaviness in the legs, brittle nails, fungus, prostatitis, and so on. That’s about the latter, we decided to find out in more detail whether there are the best remedies for prostatitis among those advertised.

If you type in the word “treatment of prostatitis” into a search engine, a whole list of suppositories for prostatitis immediately pops up. But before we understand what they are, let’s first understand what prostatitis is.

Top 5 rating according to KP

If you study what people most often look for in Internet search engines, and also discuss on thematic forums how to choose candles for prostatitis, you get such a rating.

1. Candles with propolis “Prostopin”

The manufacturer indicates the following composition: propolis, royal jelly, perga, pollen, honey, beeswax and the standard basis for making candles – lanolin and cocoa butter. That is, in fact, this is a large complex of beekeeping products.

In folk medicine, propolis and honey are indeed recommended for colds, when the throat hurts, as it has a slight anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. But it is local – that is, with direct contact of these components with the focus of infection, when you dissolve propolis balls or drink warm milk with honey. It cannot be said that the components of the drug are a strong antibiotic or anti-inflammatory agent – it is unlikely that anyone will think of treating pneumonia with honey or bringing down the temperature with flu with propolis.

The manufacturer himself on the website also warns that prostopin is effective in complex treatment – that is, only when used together with other drugs.

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2. Candles “Vitaprost” and “Prostatilen”

The main active ingredient of these suppositories is a prostate extract obtained from the tissues of the prostate gland of bulls.

The active substance itself was developed and studied back in the 80s in the USSR. It has been found that this drug reduces swelling of the prostate gland and increases the tone of the bladder. This helps to relieve those unpleasant symptoms when a person with prostatitis cannot normally go to the toilet the first time.

But prostate extract is neither an antibiotic nor an anesthetic, so it only makes sense to use it together with other drugs prescribed by a doctor.

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3. Candles “Longidaza”

The active ingredient longidase sounds so complex that the tongue can be broken. Bovhyaluronidase azoximer. You can learn and surprise colleagues on occasion.

It is used in both men and women to prevent the formation of adhesions and scarring. Speaking specifically about prostatitis, the drug is used to ensure that the normal tissue of the prostate, which actually produces the liquid part of the sperm, is not replaced with scar tissue over time. Most often this happens with chronic prostatitis, when with each new inflammation part of the prostate turns into a useless scar.

It is clear that the thing is useful, but without antibiotics it is impossible to overcome the cause – the infection, as well as relieve pain and inflammation with other drugs.

4. Candles “Diclofenac” and “Voltaren”

The active substance of these suppositories relieves inflammation, reduces temperature and pain. But such suppositories do not fight the cause of prostatitis. If the cause was an infection, the problem will occur again and again, each time only getting worse. Also, these drugs do not affect the relaxation of the prostate and improve the passage of urine.

5. Candles “Ichthyol”

The active ingredient in these suppositories that people are looking for on the Internet to treat prostatitis is ichthammol.

The mechanism of action is quite complex. Ichthyol irritates the intestinal mucosa at the injection site, more blood begins to flow to this place. By increasing blood circulation, various inflammations heal better. We can say that immunity is slightly enhanced – simply due to the fact that there is more blood and leukocytes, respectively, too.

Ichthyol suppositories do not fight directly with infection or pain.

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How to choose suppositories for prostatitis

Often people do not go to the doctor, but ask the pharmacy to sell “the best suppositories for prostatitis”, hoping to cure the disease. There is a situation when a not very decent doctor in a private center prescribes not the most effective treatment for you. To make it easier for you, but at the same time you have not fully recovered and he has not lost a client. Let’s figure out how to choose prostatitis suppositories and distinguish good prostatitis suppositories that are offered to you from pacifiers.

Complex treatment. Remember: there is no one miracle pill or miracle candle that will cure your prostatitis. For a complete cure for prostatitis, a complex of drugs is prescribed, each of which acts in its own area. This is fine. If the doctor prescribes several drugs (3-4-5) for you, they really need to be used all. Moreover, some of these drugs can be in tablets, some in suppositories, some in injections.

But if you are prescribed or offered a single drug in a pharmacy, this is a scam!

Active substance. Remember: it is always written in the composition of the medicine in the first place or indicated separately from the auxiliary components! If in the first place in suppositories for prostatitis is an extract of a plant or an extract from a shark fin, bear ears or Japanese macaque cartilage, they are trying to sell you dietary supplements!

In medical candles for prostatitis that really work, the first place will be written with an antibiotic (oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, etc.), an anti-inflammatory component (ibuprofen, paracetamol, diclofenac, etc.), drugs that relax the prostate (silodosin, tamsulosin , terazosin, etc.).

Registration as a medicine in Russia. On the packaging of the drug, the registration number as a medicinal product must be written. The inscription looks like “Registration certificate No.……..” or “Registration number: ……..”.

You can also check the drug in the Russian Register of Medicinal Products. If your suppositories for prostatitis are there on the search and they have full instructions – a description of the active substance, a pharmacological group, a nosological classification of ICD-10 (a list of diseases for which it is used), then this is really a drug for prostatitis, and not a dummy.

By the way, the font on the site is much larger than on the packaging of the medicine or in the instructions for the drug. If you have poor eyesight, it will be more convenient for you to read in detail about it on the website.

Manufacturer. The package must contain the full name of the manufacturer and its address with the postal code, city, street and house number. It should say “Manufactured:…..” or “Production Address:……”. If the package says “Organization authorized to accept claims” and there is no production address, this is a dubious cure for prostatitis! Also, do not buy candles for prostatitis, on which only a PO box is indicated from the manufacturer. Avoid drugs that do not have a manufacturer or address! Now you know how to choose suppositories for prostatitis.

Expert Opinion

“Most over-the-counter and TV-advertised products are dietary supplements,” he warns. Head of the Department of Urology and Andrology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Kotov. “They are not medicines. They did not undergo large clinical trials, as it should be when registering a medicinal product.

Many of these drugs work on the placebo effect. The patient accepts something and psychologically it becomes easier for him. These drugs generally do not have a powerful therapeutic effect. Therefore, if you use only them to treat prostatitis, you will simply waste money and waste time.

These drugs can be used in complex treatment with more serious prostatitis drugs at the end of the course of treatment. But I would not advise anyone to start with them or be treated only by them.

The main symptoms of prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (or simply the prostate) in men. Women do not have such an organ. The prostate is located approximately in the perineum. Through it passes the urethra, through which urine flows from the bladder to the penis when you go to the toilet in a small way. If the prostate becomes inflamed, it becomes very painful to pee, urine comes out literally drop by drop. Therefore, you have to spend a lot of time in the toilet and constantly return to it again, since not all urine came out at once. In addition, you can still freeze and shiver because of the high temperature. These are the main symptoms of prostatitis.

There is acute prostatitis (when a person falls ill for the first time) and chronic prostatitis (when inflammation occurs several times). With acute there is always a temperature, with chronic prostatitis, inflammation can occur even against the background of normal temperature, and pain and problems with urination come first.

Causes of Prostatitis

As you understand, the main symptoms of prostatitis (pain, frequent desire to go to the toilet and the inability to squeeze out all the urine) are due to inflammation of the prostate. But what causes inflammation itself?

– As a rule, the onset of prostatitis is preceded by hypothermia. But it’s just a trigger,” he says. head of the urological department of the FGBUZ KB85 of the FMBA of Russia, candidate of medical sciences Sergey Savelyev. – The main thing is the presence of infection. Microbes are always looking for organs that are warm, dark, damp and have something to eat. If microorganisms enter the prostate for various reasons, and our immunity also falls due to hypothermia or a large amount of alcohol consumed, prostatitis may begin.

Treatment of prostatitis

If, after examinations and tests, the urologist officially diagnoses you, then the treatment of prostatitis occurs according to a fairly standard scheme. First of all, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed to bring down the temperature and relieve pain. Special preparations are also connected that relax the prostate and improve the passage of urine. When it comes to recovery, you may be prescribed vitamins and dietary supplements to consolidate the effect.

Now let’s see what people on the Internet are most often looking for as a means for the treatment of prostatitis.

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