The best butter in 2022
This product has long become a staple in refrigerators: it will decorate a sandwich, make the dough airy and complement porridge. We tell you about the best butter producers in 2022

It would seem that science is small: to choose a good butter. Everything looks the same and costs in the range of 100-200 rubles per briquette. Have you noticed that one butter under the knife turns into shavings, while the other spreads evenly, as in advertising? One briquette exudes a pleasant nutty-creamy aroma, and the second can only boast of a vigorous yellow color?

All due to the fact that manufacturers are looking for a way to reduce the cost of an expensive product. After all, the most valuable thing in milk is fat cream. And given that the packaging flaunts large numbers of 72,5-82,5% fat, it is necessary to adjust the product to such a high standard! Therefore, dairy plants go to various tricks, such as dilution with vegetable raw materials. So not all butter that is yellow and shiny. We have prepared a selection of the best brands of butter in 2022.

Top 10 brands of the best butter according to KP

To prepare the rating, we evaluated brands according to several criteria:

  • openness of information about the product to the consumer;
  • negative and positive reports about companies in the media field: participation in other ratings (Roskachestvo, Roskontrol), as well as mentions of manufacturing plants in releases of supervisory authorities;
  • composition of the product;
  • value for money butter.

The price is indicated everywhere without discounts and promotions for a standard 180 gram briquette with a fat content of 82,5% or its equivalent from a specific manufacturer.

1. “Brest-Litovsk”

In Our Country, Belarusian products are very fond of. Our consumer has a fad, they say, we have not had the same quality standards for a long time, but the fraternal republic holds the bar. This oil is made by the large Savushkin Product company, which has a string of different brands of dairy products in its portfolio. On the shelves of our stores you can often find creamy “Brest-Litovsk” 82,5% fat. Although the company also has a budget 72,5%, as well as salted butter, rare for our shelves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Excellent consistency, moderate smell and taste, spreads well, passes heat resistance tests (read more below).
In recent years, the company has faced a large number of counterfeit products, which are sold even in high-profile hypermarkets. This hit the manufacturer’s reputation very badly. It is difficult to distinguish a fake from the original, but it is real: on fake packs, the text of the composition and other information is typed inaccurately, letters and lines “stick” to each other.
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2. “From Vologda”

The gingerbread is from Tula, the watermelon is from Astrakhan, and the butter is from Vologda. Various companies are trying to exploit this regional brand. Therefore, look for a product from the Vologda Dairy Plant or the “Training and Experimental Dairy Plant named after. Vereshchagin. They make the very product that we have included in the list of the best butter 2022. Real butter from Vologda has a special nutty flavor, which is obtained through proprietary cream pasteurization technology. On sale you can find butter with a fat content of 72,5%, 82,5%, as well as chocolate 62,5%. Sometimes there is salty 80%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Produced in factories with a long history, according to all the canons of technology, retains its shape at room temperature.
The price is above average, they began to produce briquettes of 160 grams instead of the classic 180 grams, there are complaints that the same branded nutty flavor disappears.
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3. Ecomilk

The product under this brand is produced by the Ozeretsky Dairy Plant in the Moscow region. Their butter has repeatedly become the best at various industry competitions and exhibitions, which the company proudly demonstrates with a lot of diplomas on the official website. On the shelves you can find blue packages of not only 180, but also 450 grams. In accordance with GOST, the manufacturer labels the product 82,5% fat as “traditional” butter, and 72,5% as “peasant”. There is also chocolate 62% and salty 80%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Balance of price and quality, soft, noted by various experts.
The abundance of packaging design variations of the same oil often misleads buyers, the taste is too neutral, many people want a little more creamy.
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4. “Russkoe oil”

Agroholding “Ruzskoe Moloko” in the capital region is known for its high standards and prices. What distinguishes their products from most competitors on supermarket shelves is a short shelf life. This has its own magic, when no one can be surprised by dairy products that keep fresh for 365 days. Their butter belongs to the category of the highest grade according to GOST. 35 days are good, which can also be considered an anti-record by the standards of other manufacturers. But buyers note the real creamy taste and delicate structure. The plant produces only briquettes with a fat content of 82,5%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many awards based on the results of agricultural exhibitions, pleasant taste, balanced texture.
The price is above average, the weight of the package is 175 grams, instead of the usual 180 grams, it is sold only in Central Our Country.
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5. value

Finnish company with a long history. “Milk” of this northern country was a brand a hundred years ago. It was exported to other European countries and even to the imperial court. A few years ago, oil was brought to Our Country from Finland and its expiration date was suspiciously long. They even found antioxidants not listed on the package – not harmful “ess”, but still unaccounted for. Now oil is made in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region. The expiration date has become within our GOSTs. On sale two form factors of packages: 150 and 450 grams. In 2022, we will be supplied with sour and sweet butter. All with a fat content of 82,5%.

Advantages and disadvantages

Widespread, many positive reviews of successful use in baking, good packaging.
A small volume of packaging, sweet cream butter wants to add flavor, there were previously publications about the unreliable composition of the product.
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6. Noble Cream

This brand of dairy products is still new to the market. But it definitely deserves its place in the ranking of the best butter for 2022. Packaging and positioning again under the Finnish product, although it is produced at a factory in the Vologda region – in the city of Totma. And what about Northern Europe? The manufacturer himself explains everything by the fact that he resorts to Finnish recipes and technologies. Pure marketing or truth – only factory workers know. Although against the background of a modern tasteless oil, this has a pleasant sweetish notes and behaves perfectly on a knife. Only briquettes with a fat content of 82% are on sale. But the weight of the packages is from 180 to 200 grams – different networks use different grams.

Advantages and disadvantages

It retains its shape, the taste in a good way resembles European oil, the shelf life is 35 days.
A high price without a promotion (from 200 rubles), just appeared on the market and has not yet passed tests and has not participated in industry exhibitions.
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7. Prostokvashino

This brand can be found in almost every store: from a kiosk in the yard to hypermarkets. Its prevalence is quite understandable: behind the name of the book village of Uspensky’s grandfather is a large Danon holding. A few years ago, they launched a series of such products in our country at fairly affordable prices and quickly conquered the market. Butter they have 72,5% and 82%. Packs of 180 or 400 grams. We have to mention that several times in various products of the company found an increased level of undesirable substances. Although there are samples of awards in the “portfolio” of this butter.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is sold in many places, reasonable price, suitable for cooking and for self-eating.
Complaints about the poor quality of packaging are not uncommon, and there have been mixed tests in the history of the oil.
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8. “Cow from Korenovka”

This butter is made at the Korenovsky Milk Canning Plant. The company is relatively new. They launched their brand only in 2004. At first they conquered the southern market (an enterprise from the Krasnodar Territory), but by the current year they have spread their products to almost all of Our Country. On sale – briquettes of 180 and 400 grams. They make only peasant (72,5%) and traditional (82,5%) butter.

Advantages and disadvantages

It does not crumble, it tastes good, it passed several independent tests as “excellent”.
The pale color, which misleads some, although this is permissible by GOSTs, there are complaints about the loose consistency of individual images.
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9. “The Joy of Taste”

Butter of this brand is made at two factories: in Elani (Volgograd region) and Semikarakorsk (Rostov region). Their main product is cheese. But they also have awards for oil, as well as successfully passed the results of independent examinations. “Traditional” with a fat content of 82,5% is sold in 180 or 400 grams, and “Peasant” 72,5% in briquettes of 180 or 450 grams. Interestingly, for a large portion, the company chose a rather unusual shape – oblong. So it is more convenient to divide into two parts and put one in a butter dish, and freeze the second, for example.

Advantages and disadvantages

The briquette does not “get wet”, which indicates the quality of raw materials, plastic, withstands the price-quality ratio.
Different packaging for different retail chains, which can be misleading, some give off a mealy taste, the sample failed an independent quality test a few years ago.
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10 “Svitlogorye”

A brand of dairy products and desserts that is gaining more and more popularity. Butter is made by factories in Belarus. The company is still young and especially has not yet had time to light up in independent tests and food exhibitions. There is only one public examination result on the Web, in which the sample did not get a couple of percent to the declared fat content. However, many companies do this from time to time. However, the mention of the product in the rating of the best butter is deserved – this is evidenced by many positive reviews from ordinary buyers. Briquettes for sale at 72,5% and 82,5% of 180 grams.

Advantages and disadvantages

Passes thermal tests and does not spread, smells like cream and has a corresponding pleasant taste, adequate price.
The company has been on the market not so long ago, there are complaints about the evenness of the shape of the briquettes, not everyone likes the snow-white color.
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How to choose the right butter

Tips on how to choose butter will be shared by a person who regularly uses this product in his work – chef Aidar Khaloev.

Check composition

The best butter has a concise composition of one component. This is pasteurized milk or cream. The use of milk powder and cream is not prohibited by GOST. Buttermilk may also be mentioned on the pack – this is skimmed cream. For sour cream butter, leaven is also indicated.

Salt is acceptable in small quantities – it is used in the manufacture of not only salted butter. Sometimes sodium chloride is also needed in the production of ordinary – such is the technology. May contain thousandths of carotene – more on that below. The mention of vegetable fats on the packaging indicates that this is a product of a lower class. It is correct to call it a spread – a mixture of animal and vegetable fats. Emulsifiers and thickeners also speak of a low-end product.

Pay attention to color

GOST allows the following shades for a butter briquette: from light yellow to yellow. In this case, the color should be uniform throughout the mass. To give a pleasant shade, food coloring carotene, aka E160a, is used.

How to check the quality of butter at home

If you have a stick of margarine and butter, dip each into your own pot of hot water. Vegetable fat margarine will melt faster.

Another test is taken from the appendix to GOST for butter. An indicator of a quality product is heat resistance. The regulation prescribes testing at a temperature of +30 degrees Celsius and then measuring with a ruler how much the briquette has spread. At home, you can simplify the task. Put the piece on a plate at room temperature. For two hours, it should retain its shape and only melt a little. If the oil turned into a liquid, the product failed the test.

Butter according to GOST and STB

In Our Country, there are two standards for butter according to GOST. The first appeared in 2004 (1) and applies not only to oil, but also to oil paste. He is less strict. The second GOST sample of 2013 is better and stricter (2). 

The nuance is that manufacturers can often put a stamp on the packaging that the product meets GOST, and write in small print that this is a standard from 2004. After all, not all consumers understand the standards.

You can also find that the product is made according to STB (3) – this is the Belarusian analogue of our standards. He is more loyal to the quality of the oil, but still a kind of quality mark.

According to our GOSTs, the best samples of butter have:

  • pronounced creamy taste; 
  • taste of pasteurized milk; 
  • without foreign odors; 
  • dense, homogeneous consistency; 
  • plastic; 
  • on the cut, the oil glistens; 
  • looks dry. 

Bad oil:

  • bitter, rancid, overly sour taste; 
  • musty, metallic, moldy and even oily smell; 
  • It is too salty; 
  • sticky 
  • crumbles (not frozen); 
  • loose consistency. 

How to store oil

It is best in the freezer if you rarely use the oil. Make sure that in the store where you bought it, the briquette is also in a place with cooling, at a temperature close to zero. In the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 … 5 degrees, butter is stored for no more than 35 days.

Sources of

  1. GOST R 52253-2004. National standard of the Federation. Butter and butter paste from cow’s milk. General specifications. URL:
  2. GOST 32261-2013. Interstate standard. Butter. Specifications. URL:
  3. STB 1890-2017. State standard of the Republic of Belarus. Butter from cow’s milk. General specifications. URL:

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