The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits

Carp can weigh 10 kg or more, and every angler wants to catch it, especially since it is a cunning and at the same time strong fish. The angler who was able to outwit the carp can be safely called experienced.

To catch him, you need to pay special attention to cooking groundbait. As a hook attachment, baits, both animal and vegetable, are suitable, despite the fact that carp is considered a predatory fish. He is very picky about various nozzles, so choosing the right one is quite difficult, especially since other factors, including weather conditions, also influence the choice.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsTall

Recently, in retail outlets, you can find boilies that are most suitable for catching this fish. Many experienced anglers have learned how to make boilies themselves, and they are no worse than purchased ones. The main thing is to cook according to technology and then they will be attractive to fish.

Types of boilies

Boilies are considered the best bait for carp fishing. As a rule, these are balls with a diameter of about 2 cm, having a different coloring. You can find several types of boilies:

  • floating. They are not boiled, but cooked in the microwave, after which they become light and dry.
  • Sinking. As a rule, they are boiled and then stored in the freezer.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits

All these types of boilies have different options:

  • Fish. The composition of such boilies includes fishmeal.
  • Fruit. Made on the basis of semolina or corn flour, with the addition of fruit flavors.
  • Other flavors. It can be garlic, cumin, dill, etc.

Recipe for self-preparation of boilies

Making boilies with your own hands is not at all difficult, the main thing is that all the components are prepared, and there is time. It is very important that the ingredients are fresh. Although boilies are different in purpose, the technology for their preparation is almost the same.

To begin with, blanks are made – dry and liquid, after which they are combined together and mixed. As a result of such preparatory operations, dough will be obtained. Balls with a diameter of about 2 cm are rolled from the dough and dried or boiled. It all depends on the purpose of the boilies.

To prepare the summer version of boilies, you will need the following components:

  • 400 of cornmeal;
  • 150 g soy flour;
  • 150 g of milk protein;
  • 100 g semolina;
  • 50 g of hemp or sunflower seeds;
  • 50 g salt.

In this case, salt is needed as a preservative. In order for the bait to have a certain aroma, fruit flavors, betaine or eggs are introduced into it. When preparing boilies for catching fish in cold periods, the main component is cornmeal with protein. The percentage is approximately the same as for the summer version.

Super boilies for carp “Bolshaya-Kukuruzina” fishing boilies

Equipment for fishing for carp

Fishing for carp requires the presence of a heavy sinker, so that the fish self-hooks. The weight of the load is selected depending on the intensity of the current. In strong currents, you will need a heavy sinker. As a rule, flat or drop-shaped loads are used.

So that small fish do not confuse, the diameter of the boilies should be at least 2 cm. The boilies are mounted on the hook with a special needle. Very often used hair accessories. Boilies are mounted in such a way that they perfectly withstand any current.

Widely known sports equipment is used:

  • Type “Method”.
  • Paternoster. Very easy to knit and quite sensitive.
  • Asymmetrical loop. It is possible to use a “method” type feeder.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits

Carp is caught until ice appears on the river. After that, the fish goes to the places of permanent parking. In the spring-autumn period, carp pays more attention to baits of animal origin. Boilies with the smell of fish have proven themselves well. The carp pecks especially actively during the “Indian summer”, when it is warm outside and there is no wind.

What boilies are preferable to use for catching carp?

You can use boilies of various sizes and various shapes. To catch a fish of normal size, you need to use small balls, but if you want to catch a real trophy specimen, then the diameter of boilies should be at least 20-25 mm.

As a rule, a carp can bite on a boilie of any color, but its composition and aroma can be decisive. Moreover, the aroma is selected depending on various factors, sometimes not entirely clear to the angler. In the spring-summer period, carp can take a bait with a fruity aroma, but in the autumn-winter period it bites better on fish boilies.

How to fish for carp with boilies

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits

To catch a carp, you have to work hard. The process of fishing is very long, and it begins from the moment of acquisition and installation of tackle, as well as from the moment of preparation of bait and boilies. This is only for patient anglers. Carp does not like a lot of noise, so you need to follow these rules, otherwise carp will not come to the shore.

During fishing, you need to decide on the type of boilies that do not mind trying carp. To do this, you should take turns throwing boilies with different flavors. At the same time, one should not forget about bait. The best bait for carp is a handful of maggots.

The success of fishing will depend on how high quality boilies turned out. Not every angler will be able to show so much patience and make so much effort to get a quality product. In this regard, many fishermen buy industrial-made boilies. In this case, there is no need for such a waste of time, especially since it is not enough anyway. But this is if there is an opportunity to pay extra money.

Animal baits for carp fishing

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baits


Maggot is a fly larva and is the most common bait. Not only carp, but also other fish are caught on maggot. Maggot can be purchased at a retail outlet or grown by yourself, but this is not a very pleasant process. In order for the maggot not to pupate, it should be kept in the cold.


The larger the worm, the larger the fish you can catch. For catching catfish, for example, creeps are used. These are big worms for catching big fish.

When using worms as bait, you need to know certain subtleties:

  • Float fishing involves the use of dung worms.
  • When bottom fishing, a good crawl out.
  • When added to bait, you can use earthworms.

Worms also keep well at elevated temperatures. At the same time, earth should be present in the vessel, and preferably wet.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsChafer

As a rule, May beetles appear in the month of May. They can be found near large trees, but they fly well into the light when the sun has already set. At this time, they can be caught with a net or just with your hands. After that, they should be placed in a bowl with young shoots of aspen or birch. Before putting the cockchafer on the hook, wings are torn off from it. They put the beetle on a hook, piercing it in the breast area.

clam meat

Shellfish can be found in any body of water. To use them as a nozzle, you need to remove them from the shell. After that, the meat is divided into pieces and baited on a hook. To prevent the meat from slipping off the hook, it can be dried in the sun or on a fire.

The use of vegetable baits when catching carp

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsDough

Many anglers use dough when catching fish. The basis of such a bait is various flour, mixed to a doughy state. The simplest recipe consists of wheat flour and sunflower oil. To make carp interested in such a bait, a little sugar, eggs and any berries should be added to the main ingredients.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsBread

As a rule, bread crumb is used without additives or with additives of various oils, potatoes or flour. Suitable balls are made from the ingredients mixed together, after which they are put on the hook.


Carp prefers millet porridge. It should be well cooked, thoroughly kneaded and put in the oven. After that, the porridge is taken out so that it cools down. Such porridge is well cut into cubes of a suitable size. It all depends on the size of the hook.

Peas and corn

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsPeas and corn are also very popular with anglers. To prepare peas, they are soaked for a day in water with soda, after which they are boiled in bags for 20-60 minutes. It becomes very soft in order to put it on the hook. Old corn is also insisted in water for 2-3 days, after which it is cooked until tender. Very often, fishermen use fermented corn. To get it, you need to take a bowl, pour corn into it and fill it with water. In this form, it is left for at least a week, or even more. In this case, the vessel must be tightly closed. Experienced fishermen keep corn for almost a month and then use it.

Alternatively, you can use a canned product. As a rule, it is green peas or corn. Sometimes carp is more interested in canned foods. But when purchasing, there is a risk of buying a low-quality product in the sense that it may turn out to be either incomplete or too small.

The best baits for carp: boilies, animal and vegetable baitsPotatoes

It can also be effective when catching carp, but for this you need to take a dense potato that does not boil soft. To prevent this from happening, it is better to cook it in the peel. For fishing, you can select potatoes with a diameter of up to 2 cm. If you cook it correctly, you get a kind of boilies. If larger potatoes are used, then, after cooking, they are cut into several parts.


Carp will not refuse such berries:

  • grapes;
  • plum;
  • currant;
  • cherry or sweet cherry;
  • Rowan;
  • raspberries.

They are planted on the very tip of the hook.


 Choosing the best bait for carp fishing

Firstly, we must not forget that in spring and autumn, carp, like any other fish, is more interested in baits of animal origin, but in summer they are more interested in plant baits. As for animal components, baits such as worm, maggot or bloodworm are mainly used. They can be used alone or in combination, which can help determine the best bait at the moment. As for plant baits, there are a lot of options and choosing the best one is quite difficult, since these experiments take a lot of time. At the same time, one should not forget that in the summer, carp will peck at a worm or maggot.

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