The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

The problem of acquiring real estate is always relevant at all times. And when the question concerns the capital, it becomes aggravated many times over. When choosing housing from a great variety, it is difficult to immediately single out areas of Moscow for a comfortable stay. In order to choose the optimal location for yourself and your family, you need to consider many nuances: location, ecology, infrastructure, crime situation and housing costs. All these requirements must be taken into account depending on individual requests.

We hope that thanks to this rating of the best areas of Moscow for living, it will be a little easier to navigate.

10 Troparevo-Nikulino

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

In 2019, our rating of the most favorable areas for living in Moscow opens Troprevo-Nikulino. The region is known for its high environmental cleanliness. About half of the area is allocated for Troparevsky Park, the Olympic Village and Ochakovsky Ponds. There is not a single industrial institution in Troparevo-Nikulino, apart from the Institute of Chemical Technology, which, however, does not affect the ecological situation. Small pollution is created only by exhaust gases, but this problem is relevant for the whole of Moscow and large cities of the country.

Troparevo-Nikulino is a favorable place for children. In addition to the cleanliness of the environment, there are 11 educational institutions, several of which are among the top best in the capital, and 16 kindergartens, several sports complexes, 7 buildings of various universities, 3 libraries.

Crime rate indicator unsatisfactory. The main reason for this is burglaries and various kinds of fraud.

Infrastructure includes all the necessary institutions and services, but, according to residents, they can hardly cope with servicing the population.

Average cost for real estate is 180.000 rubles per m².

9. Mitino

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Area Mitino is included in our ranking of the most livable districts of Moscow due to its ecology. The favorable ecological situation of Mitino is primarily due to the fact that in the entire history of its existence, large enterprises have not functioned on its area. In addition, there are several large parks with rich flora on its territory.

By level public safety and fire safety Mitino ranks first in its district. In addition, the risk of natural disasters and man-made accidents is extremely low.

Educational institutions Mitino is able to meet the need of parents to provide quality education for their children, as there are 9 schools on its territory, 8 of which were included in the top 300 best educational institutions in 2018. Also on its square there are a large number of kindergartens, both public and private.

Mitino initially had a well-thought-out plan for the distribution of roads, hospitals, shops, thanks to which there are all conditions for quickly serving the needs of residents.

average price real estate is about 160.000 rubles per square meter.

8. Lomonosovsky

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Lomonosov district, located in the Southwestern District of Moscow, is rightfully considered the most intelligent in the capital, since in Soviet times it was inhabited by scientists. This is due to its close location in relation to the buildings of Moscow State University and the Academy of Sciences.

Despite the fact that there are no enterprises in Lomonosovsky, the ecological situation here is not at a high level due to the lack of dense vegetation and exhaust gas pollution.

Infrastructure fully provides all the needs of the population for a comfortable life. 18 schools operate here, 4 of which were included in the ranking of the best schools for 2019. There are also 5 buildings of higher educational institutions. The main drawback of the infrastructure is the transport system, as it does not include metro stations.

Crime level gradually decreases and now it is quite safe here.

Average cost square meter in a new building – 260.000 rubles.

7. South Butovo

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Due to the absence of large enterprises in Southern Butovo and its vast territory, which includes a large amount of greenery, the area is considered one of the most environmentally friendly in Moscow.

Infrastructure in South Butovo is controversial: there are 7 schools and only 1 of them is included in the list of the best. Pre-school education is not bad enough, excellent conditions for sports, several buildings of higher educational institutions. But, the transport system hardly meets the needs of the population, since most of it is employed outside of South Butovo itself.

Less than 10 crimes are committed per 000 people, so safety in South Butovo is considered very high.

South Butovo is quite an expensive place to live. Average cost per m² – about 200 rubles.

6. Academic

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Ecology in the Academic cannot boast of good performance: a thermal power plant operates on its territory, the air is polluted by transport, and green spaces are not enough to compensate for the harmful effects of the above factors.

Akademichesky has a significant collection of research institutes and higher educational institutions. The district copes with the provision of education for schoolchildren due to the many schools and gymnasiums, but there are not enough kindergartens. Sports opportunities are also somewhat limited.

Transport system very developed: there are 2 metro stations on the territory of Akademichesky, it is intersected by major highways.

Crime level Academically relatively high: the number of committed crimes for 2018 is about 200 per 10 people.

Average cost square meter of housing in the secondary market is approximately 240 rubles.

5. Golovinsky

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

В Golovinsky there are a significant number of various enterprises that cannot but pollute the environment. The amount of green spaces also leaves much to be desired.

В infrastructure Golovinsky includes 10 schools, 1 of which was marked in the list of the best in the capital, 21 kindergartens, several universities and research centers. But despite the good conditions for the education of children, the conditions for the sports development of young people here are relatively poor: there are no outdoor pools, skating rinks, stadiums.

public transport system at a decent level: in addition to a sufficient number of ground transport routes, 2 metro stations operate in Golovinsky.

Number of crimes per 10 people – about 000, which is not the lowest figure.

Real estate price in Golovinsky is below the average among its kind in terms of distance from the center. Today, Golovinsky is planned to be renovated, many old buildings are to be demolished.

4. Ramenki

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Ramenki is one of the greenest areas of the capital, since most of the area is occupied by plantings of various plants. In addition, there are no large industrial enterprises here.

Ramenki is considered a place of concentration of the intellectual and creative elite. The main building of Moscow State University, the Mosfilm studio, and the embassies of many countries are located here.

Ramenki is a great place for the development of a child: 8 schools, 21 kindergartens, several creative development centers, a sports complex, a ski school and sports centers operate on its square. Also in Ramenki there are many institutions for spiritual development.

The Vorobyovy Gory and Universitet metro stations operate on the territory of the district. In 2018, a new Michurinsky Prospekt station was put into operation.

In addition to a carefully organized infrastructure, many architectural monuments have been preserved in Ramenki.

Crime in Ramenki is below the average for Moscow.

It seems that everything is fine, but it also could not do without minuses. Average cost real estate per m² in Ramenki is about 250 rubles, thanks to which it is included in the rating of the most expensive areas of Moscow.

3. Krylatskoye

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Despite the fact that Krylatskoye is the owner of five natural monuments, and half of the area is green, it can hardly be called environmentally friendly, since the level of air pollution exceeds the permissible norm.

In terms of the ratio of territory and population density, Krylatskoye is compact, due to which most of the institutions serving the needs of the population are “at arm’s length.” The district has 14 kindergartens, 17 schools, as well as many sports facilities that it inherited after the 1980 Olympics. Although there is only 1 metro station in Krylatskoye, the ground transport network fully compensates for this circumstance.

Criminal situation Krylatsky has good performance, being two times lower than in the capital as a whole.

Average cost square meter in the secondary market is about 300 rubles and it’s a lot!

2. Khoroshevsky

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

In the territory Khoroshevsky there are several large parks, the vegetation of which does not save it from air pollution with exhaust gases, since the traffic here is quite active.

There are 8 schools in Khoroshevsky, 4 of which are included in the list of the best in the city, which indicates a high indicator of the quality of education. There are also 14 kindergartens, 5 swimming pools, 9 sports complexes, the CSKA Ice Sports Complex.

In other aspects infrastructure Khoroshevsky is just as good: the territory has modernly equipped medical facilities, many shopping centers and a well-developed transport system.

Criminogenic indicators The area is one of the highest in the city – about 250 crimes per 10 people.

Khoroshevsky is known for its diversity of architecture, with futuristic whimsical buildings interspersed with Stalinist structures and stuccoed houses.

Average cost square meter in Khoroshevsky – about 200.

1. Strogino

The best areas of Moscow to live in 2019

Strogino at the moment it is considered the most promising and prestigious residential area.

The first reason for this is the purity of its ecosystem. Strogino is located on a peninsula and is washed by the Moskva River from three sides. Exhaust gases are the only significant source of pollution in Strogino.

Thanks to infrastructure Strogino is the best area to live with children according to realtors in 2019. The infrastructure includes many educational institutions, two cadet schools, a center for children’s and youth creativity, and the Ice Palace. On the other hand, there is a shortage of kindergartens, which the local authorities are currently aiming to increase.

Crime rate indicator in Strogino is in the top of the lowest in the city.

average price per m² in Strogino is approximately 215 rubles.

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