The best apricot orta for central Our Country

The apricot, often called the Armenian apple, according to scientists, could first appear in the Chinese province of Tien Shan, although there are other versions. This beautiful deciduous tree, whose height can be from 5 to 8 meters, is quite thermophilic. Although growing it in the areas of central Our Country is fraught with many difficulties, there are certain varieties that are perfect for this type of terrain.

Description of varieties

Triumph of the North

Back in the 19th century, the famous scientist I. V. Michurin began work on the creation of frost-resistant hybrids of apricot varieties that could quickly and well acclimatize in central Our Country. One of the best varieties that many gardeners have been able to appreciate for a long time is the Northern Triumph fruit tree. This apricot, which can be grown today in central Our Country, is a tree with a luxurious crown.The best apricot orta for central Our Country

With proper care, this variety can easily feel good in almost any weather, not excluding big frosts, it is also not afraid of all kinds of diseases or pests. This apricot variety is self-pollinating, so it can be planted separately from other species. An adult plant begins to bear fruit after three years, their number can be approximately 60 kg from each apricot. Ripening with proper care falls on the time from mid-July to mid-August. The large-sized fruits of this variety can reach a weight of about 55 g and have a pleasant yellow-orange color.


Another variety well suited for central Our Country is the Alyosha fruit tree. Such an apricot, subject to proper planting and normal care, can grow up to four meters; it is characterized by the presence of a huge round crown. Its fruits are not too large, their weight is about 20 grams. On rich yellow apricots, you can see a small fluff, they are slightly flattened. On the surface of the fruit, the presence of dots and reflections characteristic of this variety is noted.The best apricot orta for central Our Country

A fruit tree of this kind, which is great for planting today in central Our Country, is able to please its owner with a large harvest and normally endure winter frosts. The fruits have the ability to keep well for a long time. Apricots of the Alyosha variety are distinguished by an exquisite sweet and sour taste. When caring for a garden in which this type of plant is grown, special agricultural technology is not needed. The main condition is the collection of fruits on time.


This one of the best varieties of apricot stands out among other fruit crops suitable for the middle zone with its high level of frost resistance. It is a rather small tree, reaching about 150 cm in length, the ripening of which, with proper care, falls in mid-August. At this time, about 10 kg of fruits can be harvested from each apricot, the weight of which reaches 18 g. They are distinguished by their characteristic cream-colored skin and crimson blush, have a dense middle in consistency, have an average sugar content and a wonderful taste. With good winter shelter, this variety can be grown even in the northern regions and in the Urals.The best apricot orta for central Our Country


The next variety that will feel good in the middle lane is an apricot with the interesting name Cup. This tree is very small, it can grow to a height of no more than one and a half meters. Its name comes from the characteristic cup-shaped crown. This excellent winter-hardy hybrid does not need any special care, it bears fruit annually and in large quantities. They weigh approximately 30 g, have beautiful creamy yellow skin and a blush. The pulp of such fruits has a loose structure, has a delicate sweet taste.


This apricot variety was bred in 1986. Its height can be about three meters, and the annual shoots are quite branched, the flowers are also large. Such trees have characteristic large oval-shaped fruits, the weight of which can be up to 22 grams, yellow-orange color, thin skin, dots are permissible on the surface. The bone is easily separated from the core. Sugars in fruits are present at about 8%, and in 7 gr. fruit contains 100 mg. potassium. Grafted plants with proper care begin to bear fruit no earlier than three years later. Harvest time is at the beginning of August. Such fruit trees are distinguished by a high degree of frost resistance. Apricots of the Iceberg variety are quite well stored, they are usually used both fresh and as compotes, jams, for preservation.The best apricot orta for central Our Country


Another variety that can be grown on your site in the middle zone of the country is Aquarius. It is a seedling of the Lel variety obtained from free pollination. L. A. Kramarenko was singled out, and the originator institution is the Main Botanical Garden. Aquarius is a tall, up to 6 meters long, well-developed tree with medium-sized flowers and slightly branched annual shoots. The fruits are round in shape with a characteristic seam, and weigh about 30 g.

They are not as shiny as those of the Lel variety, they have a beautiful yellow color, a slight blush can be seen on the surface. The pulp has a medium density and a delicate texture.The best apricot orta for central Our Country

The taste of Aquarius apricots is pleasant, sweet and sour, the tasting score of experts is 4 points.

The chemical composition of the fruits is as follows – they contain 14% dry matter, 2% sugars, 7% titratable acids, 6 mg per 2 g of potassium. The stone is well separated from the pulp. Ripening time is average – approximately in the second decade of August. Begins to bear fruit three years after the plants have been grafted, has a regular yield. Differs in good frost resistance.


It is a seedling of the 3rd generation from free pollination, isolated in 1996 by L.A. Kramarenko. In 2004, he was included in the State Register for the Central District. It is a tree with a spreading crown, having medium-sized flowers and moderately branched annual shoots. Fruits appear on all types of shoots. The fruits are oval in shape, somewhat flattened on the sides, their weight can be up to 40 g, the skin has a lemon-yellow tint with a slight blush. The skin has a small edge, rather rough.The best apricot orta for central Our Country

The pulp is very juicy, pleasant orange color, medium consistency. The fruits received a tasting expert assessment of 3 points. They have a large bone, which is almost completely separated from the pulp. The chemical composition of fruits is as follows – dry matter is about 5%, sugars – 16%, titratable acids – 9%, potassium – 8 mg per 1 g. cool – in the second half or the end of the month. The yield of the variety is quite high. Differs in good resistance to colds and frosts. Special care for this type of plant is not required.


This variety of apricot tree was obtained thanks to the efforts of specialists from the Main Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences A. K. Skovrtsov and L. A. Kramarenko. This variety was obtained among others, adapted to the weather conditions of the middle zone of the country. Trees are able to grow up to 4 meters in height, large flowers appear on them, and annual shoots have an average degree of branching. It has an early ripening period – this time falls at the end of July – the beginning of August.The best apricot orta for central Our Country

The fruits of the Royal apricot has a very high degree of frost resistance – practice has shown that such a plant is able to withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees below zero with honor. It has a high yield and tasty fruits. Apricots of this species can be planted both in autumn and in spring. Fruits reach 22 g, they are characterized by the presence of a thick yellow skin, a slight blush can be seen on the surface. The pulp of such fruits is juicy and sweet and sour, while tasting they received a high score of 4 points. They have the following chemical composition – 5% solids, 16% sugars, 1% titratable acids, 7 mg of potassium in every 9 g of fruit. The keeping quality of the variety is good. The yield can be called average, but at the same time stable.

Video “Seedling selection”

The agronomist of the NGO Gardens of Our Country talks about how to choose the right apricot seedling.

Pro apricot. Part 1: How to choose an apricot seedling

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