The best analogues of Mexidol
If treatment of neurological or vascular pathologies is necessary, doctors may recommend Mexidol. But if its cost is too high or it is not available in pharmacies, it is important to choose the best analogues of Mexidol

The modern rhythm of life leads to tension of the nervous system, which threatens with serious consequences. Constant stress, lack of sleep, overwork and age-related changes lead to problems such as cerebrovascular accidents, transient ischemic attacks. The impact of external factors and bad habits only exacerbates the condition. Mexidol can help maintain the activity of the nervous system and brain. However, the drug, although effective, is quite expensive. Is it possible to choose analogues of the drug so that they are no less effective?

You can understand the principle of choosing the best analogues of Mexidol only by determining what effects the original medicine has. Mexidol is a Russian-made drug that is available in the form of injections and tablets. The main active ingredient in its composition is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, this difficult-to-pronounce compound has a number of positive effects on metabolism in nerve cells and the body as a whole. Released only by prescription.

The main biological effects of this compound in relation to the human body are antioxidant (neutralizes the effect of free radicals), antiplatelet (does not allow platelets to stick together), antithrombotic, hypolipoproteinemic (helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol). In addition, the drug helps in the conduction of nerve impulses, regulates fat metabolism, stabilizes cell membranes, inhibits lipid peroxidation, and stimulates cellular metabolism. Due to these effects, Mexidol is indicated for use:

  • with atherosclerosis of the arteries;
  • against the background of encephalopathies of various origins;
  • to combat cerebrovascular disorders;
  • for recovery after concussion and other TBI;
  • in order to correct the state against the background of stress, with neuroses and anxiety;
  • to eliminate vegetovascular dystonia;
  • to support the body against the background of asthenia, which occurs as a result of mental overload;
  • after poisoning with alcohol or drugs of the neuroleptic group.

Although the drug is relatively safe and has a certain effectiveness, it has a number of contraindications:

  • severe damage to the kidneys or liver;
  • age of 18 years;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

The drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare, and they are usually not pronounced. Among them are nausea, mild digestive disorders, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, and allergies.

The drug is used orally or by injection, the dose is selected by the doctor depending on the pathology, no more than 800 mg of the drug is allowed per day. The duration of admission is from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the pathology. Cancellation is carried out gradually, for 3 days reducing the dose.

The drug affects the concentration, is not recommended for use in drivers and people who require extreme composure, caution. Against the background of bronchial asthma, a deterioration in the condition may occur.

You can choose the drug Mexidol Analogs in two categories:

  • composition: Meksidant, Meksikor, Meksiprim, Neurox, Cerecard;
  • according to the main action: MexiB6, Cardioxipin.

Top 5 rating according to KP

If there is a need to replace Mexidol with an analogue drug, it is possible to choose from several drugs of similar action and effect.

1. Mexidant

The drug belongs to Mexidol’s analogues according to the active substance. It is produced only in a solution for injection, produced in Russia, belongs to a group of drugs used to treat diseases of the nervous system. It is dispensed from pharmacies by prescription.

The main pharmacological group is a drug with an antioxidant effect of the 3-hydroxypyridine class.

According to the instructions for use, the drug is indicated as part of a complex treatment:

  • in acute disorders of cerebral circulation (including transient ischemic attacks);
  • after traumatic brain injury;
  • different variants of dyscirculatory encephalopathies;
  • neuroses and neurotic disorders;
  • VSD (or neurocirculatory dystonia);
  • cognitive impairment (including memory problems in old age);
  • abstinence in alcoholism, especially with vascular and neurotic disorders.

The drug has a number of contraindications that must be considered before its appointment. These include problems with the kidneys and liver (chronic and severe), allergies to the drug, the period of bearing and feeding the child, the period of childhood (up to 18 years).

The drug is used only by injection, as prescribed by a doctor, in strictly selected doses. The course is determined by the diagnosis and severity of the condition.

2. Mexico

The drug belongs to the analogues of Mexidol in terms of the active substance, is available in capsules and ampoules with a solution for parenteral administration, is produced in Russia. Sold by prescription only. It belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs with an antioxidant effect, it is used in neurological practice, therapy and cardiology. It improves tissue nutrition, the functioning of nerve cells, protects tissues from the negative effects of free radicals under stress, hypoxia, and metabolic disorders.

According to the instructions for the drug, it is used for the following pathologies:

  • therapy of coronary heart disease (as a component of complex treatment);
  • elimination of the consequences of acute circulatory disorders in the brain (including transient attacks, in order to prevent recurrent attacks);
  • recovery after mild traumatic brain injury;
  • treatment of various forms of encephalopathy;
  • correction of autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
  • elimination of cognitive disorders against the background of atherosclerosis;
  • complex treatment of neuroses and anxiety;
  • as part of therapy for the relief of abstinence on the background of alcohol intoxication, poisoning with antipsychotic drugs;
  • fight against asthenia, including those associated with somatic diseases, stress;
  • correction of post-stress disorders.

The drug is well tolerated, but it has a number of contraindications for admission, which must be taken into account when prescribing the drug. These include allergy to the components of the drug, severe damage to the kidneys and liver, age up to 18 years, pregnancy, lactation.

The course of treatment and its duration, the form of the drug (injections or capsules) is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of the condition, the specific pathology and concomitant factors.

3. Cerecard

The drug belongs to Mexidol’s analogues according to the active substance. Available only in solutions for parenteral administration, produced in Russia by three different manufacturers. It is released from pharmacies only by prescription from a doctor, belongs to the group of antioxidant, antihypoxic and neuroprotective drugs. It is used in patients with cardiological, neurological and metabolic diseases.

Indications, according to the instructions for use, are as follows:

  • treatment of anxiety conditions on the background of neurotic and neurosis-like disorders;
  • autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
  • various forms of encephalopathy;
  • cognitive disorders on the background of atherosclerosis;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation (as part of complex therapy);
  • withdrawal syndrome on the background of alcohol poisoning or antipsychotic drugs;
  • treatment of severe surgical complications, inflammatory processes (as part of complex therapy);
  • treatment of the acute phase of myocardial infarction;
  • therapy of IHD, ischemic strokes (as part of complex treatment).

The drug also has a number of contraindications that must be considered when prescribing it, especially in the elderly. These include insufficiency of the liver and kidneys, allergies to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years.

The course of treatment and its duration, the form of administration (intramuscularly or intravenously) is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of the condition, the specific pathology and concomitant factors.

4. Mexi V6

The drug belongs to the analogues of the active substance, but additionally it contains pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), which enhances neuroprotective effects. The drug is produced in tablets, belongs to the group of antioxidants, antihypoxic and neuroprotective agents. Sold by prescription from a doctor, produced in Russia.

Among the indications for use, according to the instructions, are:

  • treatment of various forms of encephalopathy;
  • therapy of neurosis, anxiety, neurotic conditions;
  • autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
  • elimination of withdrawal symptoms in alcoholism, poisoning with psychotropic drugs;
  • therapy of coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and stroke prevention against the background of transient ischemic attacks;
  • correction of asthenia, stress disorders, complex treatment of somatic pathologies.

Of the contraindications to the drug, the instructions indicate the sensitivity to the components, the period of pregnancy, kidney or liver failure, breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.

Special instructions and caution in taking the drug is required for persons with ulcerative lesions of the digestive system.

The duration of treatment, the dose of the drug and the features of the reception are determined by the doctor.

5. Cardioxipin

The drug belongs to the analogues of Mexidol according to the mechanism of action, as part of another active substance – methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (emoxipin). The drug is dispensed from pharmacies strictly by prescription, has the form of a solution for parenteral administration, and is produced in Russia. It has an antiplatelet effect (does not allow platelets to stick together, thins the blood), reduces vascular permeability, stabilizes blood cells and vascular walls, protecting them from damage, normalizes microcirculation, has an antioxidant effect, protects the retina and neurons, has an antitoxic effect.

The instructions for use indicate the following indications for the administration of the drug as part of a complex treatment:

  • acute pancreatitis, including during operations;
  • to correct the condition on the background of hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke in the area of ​​the carotid, vertebrobasilar artery;
  • with transient ischemic attacks;
  • with chronic circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • after TBI, concussions, brain bruises;
  • after brain surgery
  • in acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris.

The drug can be injected into the tissues of the eye with intraocular bleeding, with retinal angiopathy, chorioretinal dystrophy, retinal vein thrombosis, trauma and eye surgery.

The drug is contraindicated under 18 years of age, in pregnant women, lactating women and people with allergies to the components. It is used with extreme caution for coagulation disorders, after operations, in patients with bleeding.

Features of administration, dose and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor.

How to choose an analogue of Mexidol

Any replacement of the drug Mexidol with its analogues should be discussed with the doctor, since the drug is prescription and can only be purchased with a prescription. The need and expediency of replacing with analogues is determined in each specific situation.

Reviews of doctors about analogues of Mexidol

Doctor-neurologist of the highest category Evgeny Mosin:

– Analogues of Mexidol are used in cases where it is not possible to use the original drug. In any case, all these issues are discussed with the doctor, a specific medicine is determined, which can be used to replace the drug in accordance with the standards and treatment protocols. You cannot make replacements on your own.

Popular questions and answers

We were answered the popular questions of patients on Mexidol analogues pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr Olga Zorina.

When can analogues be used?
With regard to this drug, you cannot take analogues on your own, any changes in the treatment regimen must be made by a doctor (not a pharmacy employee).
What are the advantages of analogues?
In my opinion, they are not.
Are there any downsides to analogues?
Unlike a well-studied branded drug, analogues, although they may have an identical composition, do not always have a similar effect due to the characteristics of raw materials and production, related components. Therefore, they may have the wrong effect (lower onset or more side effects).

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