The best analogues of Fenistil
Not always in the nearest pharmacy there may be the right drug Fenistil for allergies or skin itching, or its price does not suit the buyer. In this case, you need to choose the best analogues of Fenistil, which will be as safe as possible and almost as effective.

The original Swiss drug Fenistil belongs to the group of antihistamines, helps in the effective removal of allergies and skin processes, accompanied by itching, local swelling, inflammation. The drug has different forms of release – external forms and drops, capsules for oral administration, but its price is quite high. If necessary, after consultation with the attending physician, you can choose analogues of the drug – structural or having similar effects.

The drug Fenistil is produced in Switzerland, belongs to the class of first-generation antihistamines. The drug is based on a compound – dimethindene. For a long time there was not a single exact structural analogue on the market, but in the past few years, drugs with the same composition have appeared – Dimetinden-Akrikhin, Akristin and Phenicitol. All of them are in the form of drops for oral administration. There is also an analogue of the external form of Fenistil-gel – Dimetinden-Akrikhin gel.

For other forms of drugs, there are no structural analogues, there are only analogues for the main effect.

Analogues of Fenistil in action: Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil (like Fenistil, they are all a generation of antihistamines), Cetirizine, Zirtek, Kestin (these are more modern anti-allergic drugs).

How to choose an analogue of Fenistil

The drug Fenistil has a fairly wide range of applications, given the presence of several dosage forms. Basically, these are allergic pathologies, skin rashes with itching, contact dermatitis, insect bites, irritation from plant sap. The main component is dimethindene maleate, an antihistamine belonging to the first generation of drugs. The tool has many dosage forms:

  • oral drops for both children and adults;
  • capsules for oral administration with a prolonged effect;
  • Fenistil-gel for external therapy of skin problems;
  • emulsion for external use;
  • Fenistil-pencevir (the drug, although it has the same name as others, belongs to a completely different type of drugs – antiviral, from herpes for topical use during rashes).

With the exception of the last form of the drug, intended for the treatment of herpes rashes on the face or body, different forms of Fenistil can be recommended:

  • with the development of acute or chronic urticaria;
  • when reacting to stinging, blood-sucking insects;
  • for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, all forms of contact, skin reactions to medication;
  • to eliminate itching of the skin on the background of infectious diseases;
  • for the complex treatment of erythema, eczematous rashes.

Drops and the drug in capsules are taken orally on the recommendation of a doctor, they are sold without a prescription. Gel forms and emulsions are applied to the skin in the affected area, adhering to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Although the drug is effective and safe, many patients are looking for Fenistil analogues, since the original medicine is quite expensive. Although there are a lot of similar drugs in the pharmacy, it is important to consult a doctor first. Each drug has its own range of indications, a number of restrictions on admission and contraindications, as well as side effects that can be extremely undesirable. Therefore, it is important to select analogues with a doctor, and not on the advice of a pharmacist at a pharmacy. Often, pharmacy workers cannot choose a drug that will be ideal for a particular situation, taking into account the characteristics of the state of health.

Top 5 rating according to KP

Among all Fenistil analogues, we have selected the best, most popular and frequently prescribed drugs. We will discuss both structural analogs and analogs by mechanism of action.

1. Dimetinden

The drug is produced both in Poland and in our country. They have several forms of release – drops for oral administration, as well as a gel for external use. Sold in over-the-counter departments, but it is important that they are prescribed by a doctor.

The drug belongs to the blockers of histamine H1 receptors, has an anti-allergic effect, relieves itching. It also has a local anesthetic effect, gives a weak sedative effect.

Indications for use for the form of drops:

  • acute urticaria, recurrent and chronic forms;
  • attacks of hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis;
  • allergies to food or medicines;
  • development of Quincke’s edema;
  • treatment of the consequences of anaphylactic reactions (as a component of therapy);
  • correction of immune responses in serum sickness;
  • itching with infections and rashes on the skin, insect bites;
  • prevention of seasonal allergies.

Indications for use for the gel form:

  • itching and redness, swelling with dermatoses;
  • treatment of insect bites;
  • adjuvant therapy for urticaria, food allergies, itchy lesions.

The drug has a number of restrictions for admission, which you need to know in advance. These include intolerance to the components of the drug, glaucoma, prostate problems and difficulty urinating, age up to 1 month, bronchial asthma, pregnancy (first 16 weeks), lactation.

Dosages are selected by the doctor depending on the type and severity of the pathology, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the daily doses indicated in the instructions. Externally, the drug is used according to the instructions.

Among the key side effects, it is worth highlighting the sedative effect of the drug, fatigue and dizziness. Therefore, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle while taking the drug. The drug is incompatible with alcohol, ethyl alcohol enhances side effects together with sedative effects.

2. Acrystal

The drug is produced in Poland, produced in drops, taken orally, sold without a prescription. Refers to the structural analogues of Fenistil, contains a similar active ingredient – dimethindene maleate.

The main action is the blocking of H1-histamine receptors, due to which anti-allergic, antipruritic and sedative effects are achieved. It has a weak local anesthetic effect.

Key indications include:

  • any form of urticaria;
  • attacks of hay fever (seasonal or year-round rhinitis);
  • allergies to food, various medications, household chemicals;
  • angioedema and anaphylactic reactions as part of complex therapy;
  • serum sickness therapy;
  • treatment of eczema, dermatitis;
  • reactions to insect bites;
  • pruritic dermatoses of any etiology.

It is also possible to use the drug as a prophylactic in patients with a tendency to allergic reactions.

The drug has a number of contraindications – glaucoma, age up to a month, prostate problems, intolerance to components, pregnancy, asthma, lactation.

Dosages are selected by the doctor, you can not exceed the permitted daily doses of the drug. Of the side effects, it is important to note weakness and sedation, dizziness. The drug is incompatible with alcohol, enhances side effects.

3. Suprastin

The drug is produced in Hungary, available in the form of tablets and solution for injection. Refers to over-the-counter drugs (in the form of tablets), solutions require a doctor’s prescription. It belongs to the group of H1-histamine blockers of the first generation. This is an analogue of Fenistil in action (it has a different composition). The main active ingredient is chloropyramine hydrochloride.

The drug has an antihistamine effect, a first-generation drug. Additional effects – antiemetic, antispasmodic, sedative, anticholinergic. It has a quick effect, which occurs 20-30 minutes after ingestion, one dose lasts up to 6 hours. Rapidly excreted by the kidneys.

Indicated in the treatment of:

  • serum sickness and various forms of urticaria;
  • allergic rhinitis (hay fever, year-round rhinitis);
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • various dermatitis with skin itching and rash;
  • reactions to food and medicines;
  • various forms of eczema, atopic dermatitis;
  • reactions to insect bites.

Solutions are administered to help eliminate anaphylactic reactions as part of complex therapy.

The drug has a number of contraindications that must be considered before starting treatment. These include allergies to the components of the drug, acute asthma attacks, age up to 3 years, pregnancy and lactation, lactose intolerance. Extremely carefully, the drug is used for glaucoma, prostate adenoma, liver and kidney problems, heart pathologies.

The dosage is selected by the doctor, the maximum daily doses and frequency of administration should not be exceeded, the drug is incompatible with alcohol. The medicine has a sedative effect, it is forbidden when driving a car.

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4. Cetrin

The drug is produced in India, the release form is only tablets, sold without a doctor’s prescription. Refers to analogues of Fenistil in action. The main active ingredient is cetirizine. It belongs to the third generation antihistamines, with a prolonged effect and without sedation. Helps to eliminate or prevent allergic reactions, relieves itching and swelling, relieves spasm of smooth muscles. Eliminates reactions to histamine and cold form of reactions, reduces bronchospasm in allergic asthma. Begins to act 20 minutes after ingestion and retains the effect for up to a day. Against the background of the course of treatment, the duration of the effect is prolonged.

Indications for taking the drug:

  • various forms of allergic rhinitis;
  • pollinosis;
  • conjunctivitis of allergic origin;
  • different forms of urticaria;
  • dermatitis with itching, redness and swelling of the skin;
  • anaphylactic reactions (in complex therapy).

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, allergies to the drug, during lactation, up to 6 years. Caution should be used for problems with the kidneys and liver, in old age.

The drug is taken once a day, the dose depends on age, the course of the drug is most effective, especially for the prevention of allergies.

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5. Zyrtec

The drug is produced in Italy, has the form of drops and tablets, refers to over-the-counter drugs. An analogue of Fenistil in action, as part of the drug, the main active ingredient is cetirizine. The drug belongs to antihistamines without sedation, the third generation. Has a prolonged effect.

Shown at:

  • various types of allergic dermatitis with itching and swelling of the skin, redness;
  • anaphylactic reactions (as part of complex therapy);
  • treatment of hay fever, conjunctivitis of seasonal and year-round type;
  • allergy prevention.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, kidney failure, allergies to the components of the drug, children under 6 months (drops) and up to 6 years (tablets).

The dosage is determined by the doctor, the drug can be used once a day. Most effective in course admission.

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Reviews of doctors about analogues of Fenistil

Answered our questions pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Zorina Olga.

An analogue of Fenistil, speaking in general, is a drug similar in composition (there are still very few of them) or in action. In any case, when taking the original drug (it costs a little more) or an analogue, the desired effect (anti-allergic, antipruritic) will be achieved. Analogues may have features of action (other side effects, a different period of action), but the main result will be approximately the same for all drugs.

The best analogue is a drug that completely matches in composition (this is a drug with the active substance dimetinden) and acts on the body in the same way as the original remedy (the concept of bioequivalence). In a pharmacy, it is important to select drugs according to this criterion, and not by price.

Popular questions and answers

When can analogues be used?

When is an allergy medicine needed? If you have previously taken Fenistil, but it is not at hand (in a pharmacy). If you were previously prescribed Fenistil, but the doctor also indicated replacement drugs (analogues).

What are the advantages of analogues?

Modern analogues in action do not have a side effect in the form of drowsiness. Taken 1 time per day.

Are there any downsides to analogues?

Cheap analogues of Fenistil may be worse in quality: they also contain the same active ingredient, but the auxiliary composition is completely different, so the drug may be worse tolerated by the patient (the main effect is worse or side effects with drowsiness appear).

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