The best analogues of Essentiale forte
For liver problems, doctors often prescribe Essentiale as an additional component of treatment. It helps to support the work of the body, saturating it with useful phospholipids. But it is quite expensive, and patients are looking for the best analogues.

The liver is the largest gland in the body, performing several functions simultaneously. It is responsible for digestion, metabolic processes, detoxification of metabolic products and drugs, helps in blood circulation, protein synthesis, lipid and carbohydrate utilization, fight against infections and the formation of immunity. If the liver is damaged, it needs help and support, in this case, doctors prescribe hepatoprotectors. The most famous common drug in this group is Essentiale in its various forms. But often the drug is quite expensive, especially if a course is needed, so patients often look for adequate prices and the best analogues of Essentiale forte.

The Essentiale preparation is imported, it has the Essentiale N release form (5 ml solution for injection) and the Essentiale forte N form – these are capsules for oral administration.

The drug is sold in the pharmacy network without a prescription (for capsules), the injection solution is dispensed by prescription, but it should be recommended by a doctor.

The main active ingredient of the drug are essential phospholipids with a high concentration of phosphatidylcholine. Phospholipids are components of cell membranes and intracellular structures. Against the background of liver damage, hepatocytes (liver cells) suffer, which leads to disturbances in the activity of metabolism inside the organ, the functioning of enzymes and receptors, and the ability of the liver to renew itself. Phospholipids in Essential forte are similar to natural ones, replenish the supply of these substances in cells, restore damaged membranes, stimulate liver regeneration, and stimulate metabolic processes. The drug helps in the regulation of fat metabolism (including cholesterol) and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as protein synthesis. It helps to improve the functioning of the liver, its detoxification functions, inhibits the formation of fat droplets in cells and connective tissue, and normalizes the composition of bile and its secretion.

The drug is well absorbed in the intestine, enters the liver, and where it actively enters into metabolic processes and restoration of the cell membrane. Essentiale in capsules or injections is indicated for the treatment and prevention of:

  • chronic hepatitis having any etiology;
  • development of fibrotic processes in the liver;
  • fatty hepatosis (it is also fatty liver);
  • liver damage by various poisons, toxins, drugs or alcohol;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy and liver damage;
  • problems with the liver in various somatic diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • psoriatic manifestations on the skin and joints (as part of a comprehensive treatment);
  • radiation and radiation injuries.

Among the contraindications to taking the drug, hypersensitivity to components, soy products, age up to 12 years is indicated.

The drug is used orally, if it is a capsule, without chewing and drinking a large amount of water. Injectable forms are prescribed by a doctor with a strict selection of dosages. The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist. The drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare, usually mild digestive disorders, skin rash. It is important to adjust the dose of the drug when taken with anticoagulants. Let’s take it in pregnant and lactating women under the supervision of a physician.

Essentiale analogues can be divided into two groups:

  • identical in composition: Phosfonciale, Phosphogliv, Essential phospholipids, Essliver;
  • similar in action: Hepaphor, Heptor, Karsil.

How to choose an analogue of Essentiale forte

When replacing the drug with analogues, you should first consult with your doctor and determine which ones are most suitable. It is recommended to choose drugs that have a similar composition, their action will be closest to that of Essentiale Forte. In addition, it is worth paying attention to dosages and forms of release, they must also match so that the course of treatment and the amount of medication taken are the same.

When replacing with analogues in action, you need to discuss with the doctor the duration of the course and the specific type of medication taken, evaluate possible contraindications and indications, side effects. There are a number of drugs with similar effects and composition that can replace Essentiale.

Top 5 rating according to KP

Among all the drugs analogues of Essentiale, it is worth highlighting a few that are most suitable as an adequate replacement for this medicine.

1. Phosphoglyvium

The drug of domestic production, is available in the form of capsules (sold without a prescription) and lyophilisate for the preparation of solutions (by prescription). There are forms of Phosphogliv and Phosphogliv forte, they differ in the amount of active substance in one capsule.

The main active ingredients are essential phospholipids in combination with sodium glycyrrhizinate. The drug has heptoprotective and antiviral, immunostimulating effects. Helps to stabilize the membranes of liver cells, protecting them from harmful external influences. Helps in the normalization of metabolic processes, restores the neutralizing function of the liver, inhibits the development of cirrhosis and fatty degeneration. It has anti-inflammatory effects, helps in suppressing the activity of viruses, stimulates the synthesis of interferons. Increases the activity of corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines.


  • acute or chronic forms of hepatitis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • liver damage of toxic, medicinal or alcoholic origin;
  • liver fibrosis or cirrhotic changes;
  • eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis as part of complex therapy;
  • poisoning.

Among the contraindications, it is worth highlighting the period of childhood up to 12 years, pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding, and allergies to the components of the drug.

The medicine is taken orally with a large volume of water, the dosage is determined by the doctor. Of the side effects, digestive or skin manifestations, swelling, pressure, and a decrease in potassium levels are possible.

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2. Essliver

The drug is manufactured in India, is available in the form of a solution and capsules for oral administration. Solutions are dispensed by prescription, capsules are over-the-counter drugs. It belongs to the group of hepatoprotective drugs, has a combined composition – a complex of essential phospholipids in combination with vitamins (group B – thiamine, cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin, vitamin E). The main action is determined by the constituent substances. It helps to stimulate metabolic processes, restore liver cells, regulates fat metabolism, normalizes the properties of bile, enhances the efficiency of the liver under stress. Vitamins enhance the effects of phospholipids.

Key indications include:

  • fatty hepatosis;
  • cirrhotic lesions of the liver;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • toxic liver damage (including the effect of alcohol);
  • drug load;
  • radiation damage to hepatocytes;
  • complex treatment of psoriasis and other skin pathologies.

Of the contraindications for the drug, only allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the drug were identified. The dosage and duration of the medication is selected by the doctor, based on the situation. On average, the course lasts at least 3 months.

Side effects are rare, usually digestive disorders, skin rashes. The drug can be used with caution in pregnant and lactating women, in children under 12 years of age.

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3. Gepaphor

The drug of domestic production, refers to the analogues of Essentiale in effect (not in composition), refers to over-the-counter drugs, is sold in the form of capsules.

It belongs to the group of hepatoprotective agents, the composition includes milk thistle extract in combination with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

When taken orally, the drug helps to inhibit damage to hepatocytes, inhibits the effect of free radicals, suppresses pathological immune responses and inflammation. Bifido- and lactoflora help in the regulation of metabolic processes, the absorption of proteins, lipid and carbohydrate compounds, vitamins and minerals. They normalize the microbial flora of the intestine, help in enhancing liver detoxification, removing waste metabolites from the body. Also, the drug has a choleretic effect, prevents stagnation of bile and stone formation.

Among the indications are:

  • complex treatment of various liver lesions, including drug and alcohol;
  • treatment of hepatitis of any form, including those that occur while taking medication;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, the formation of fibrous areas;
  • liver obesity;
  • recovery after acute viral hepatitis;
  • alcohol intake in order to prevent its pathogenic effect on the liver.

Among the contraindications, only individual intolerance is indicated, there is no data on the use of the drug in childhood, and it is more severe in pregnant and lactating women.

The dosage is individually selected by the doctor, based on the severity of the condition and the form of the disease. The course lasts up to 30 days. If necessary, preventive courses are repeated after 2-3 months. The drug is taken orally without chewing the capsule with a large volume of water.

Of the side effects, a laxative effect, an allergy is noted.

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4. Phosphonciale

The drug is available in the form of Phosfonciale MONO (these are ampoules for injection) and in the form of capsules for oral administration. The drug is produced in our country, dispensed from the pharmacy network without a doctor’s prescription (for capsules).

The main active ingredients are essential phospholipids in combination with silymarin (substance from milk thistle extract).

It has a hepatoprotective effect, is used in the treatment of problems with the liver or gallbladder. The action is due to a complex of phospholipids in combination with the active component of milk thistle. Helps in the normalization of metabolic processes in the liver, improves its functioning, neutralizes toxic components, helps restore liver cells, inhibits fibrotic processes. Has choleretic effects.

Indicated for use in the complex treatment of various pathologies:

  • hepatitis in both acute and chronic forms, having a different origin;
  • fatty hepatosis of the liver against the background of various diseases and overweight;
  • cirrhotic processes in the liver;
  • gestosis of pregnant women;
  • the threat of hepatic coma;
  • correction of metabolic problems in radiation sickness;
  • elimination of manifestations of psoriasis (as an additional treatment);
  • intoxication with various substances, including alcohol, drugs, food toxins;
  • correction of metabolic disorders against the background of serious somatic pathologies;
  • problems with lipid metabolism.

Among the contraindications, only allergy to the components of the drug was noted. Dosages depend on the type of pathology, individually selected with the doctor. The course of treatment is similar to that of Essentiale, it is recommended to drink the drug for at least 3 months. Against the background of certain pathologies, it can reach 12 months. It can be used as a prophylactic in people whose liver is exposed to negative influences. Among the adverse reactions, only mild digestive disorders were identified.

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5. Heptor

The drug of domestic production, is available in the form of tablets and lyophilisate for injection. Sold in pharmacies without a prescription, refers to hepatoprotectors, is an analogue of Essentiale in action (not in composition). The main active ingredient is ademetionine.

The drug has an antidepressant effect, stimulates the liquefaction and outflow of bile, helps in regeneration, detoxification, protection against free radicals, prevents fibrosis and protects nerve cells from damage. Replenishes the deficiency of methionine in the brain and liver, participates in the metabolism of biologically active substances. Helps reduce the levels of bilirubin and liver bile acids, thereby helping to relieve itchy skin.

Indications for admission include:

  • cholestatic processes (stagnation of bile) in cirrhosis and pre-cirrhotic processes;
  • fatty hepatosis (aka – fatty liver);
  • chronic hepatitis of any etiology;
  • toxic effects on the liver, including medication and alcohol;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis (without stones);
  • inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatic encephalopathy.
  • cholestasis during pregnancy;
  • depressive disorders.

The list of contraindications compared to Essentiale is longer, it includes genetic disorders in the methionine cycle, homocystiuria, age under 18, allergy to the drug.

Applied orally or administered solutions intravenously, the dose is selected individually, especially in old age against the background of kidney and heart problems.

Possible side effects on the part of digestion, the nervous system, bones and joints, skin rashes and allergies. The drug should be taken very carefully in conjunction with antidepressants, products containing tryptophan. It is important to remember that vitamin B12 deficiency reduces the effect of the drug.

Reviews of doctors about the analogues of Essentiale forte

Answered our questions pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Zorina Olga.

An analogue of Essentiale in the general sense is a drug that is similar in composition and (or) in action. In any case, when taking the original drug (the most famous and expensive) or an analogue, the desired effect (non-pathoprotective, choleretic, regenerating) will be achieved.

Analogues may have features of action (shorter effect, side effects), but the main result will be approximately the same for all drugs.

The best analogue of Essentiale is a tool that completely matches in composition (both active and excipients). It acts on the body in the same way as the original remedy (bioequivalence). But usually in a pharmacy they select an analogue not on this basis, but on cost.

If Essentiale is not in the pharmacy or it is too expensive for you, then it is better to consult a doctor about choosing another remedy, and not a pharmacist. Or for consultation you need a pharmacist or head. department, it is better not to consult with pharmacists about this.

Popular questions and answers

When can analogues be used?
For the prevention of liver diseases, including when taking a large number of drugs (antibiotics, hormones, anti-tuberculosis drugs). For the treatment of existing liver pathologies, it is better to take the medicine prescribed by the doctor. What are the advantages of analogues? They are not here.
Are there any downsides to analogues?
There are, and each drug has its own. They are described above, in the description of analogues.

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