The best analogues of Detralex
Although the drug Detralex is popular, in some cases the patient may need to select analogues. There are various drugs similar to Detralex, we will tell you how to choose the best of them, what to consider when choosing drugs

Among venotonic drugs, Detralex is considered the most famous and most often prescribed drug. It is used in the treatment of various stages of the development of varicose veins (with their expansion in the lower legs, thighs, or in the pelvic area), as well as in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug helps in suppressing the inflammatory process inside the walls of the veins, down to the smallest ones, helps to eliminate the stagnation of venous blood in the veins, stimulating their walls. The drug has many scientific studies proving its effectiveness, but there is one significant drawback – it is quite expensive, and more than one package of the drug is needed for the course of treatment. Therefore, many patients choose Detralex analogues for themselves, and want to know which ones will be the best, most effective and safe.

It is believed that Detralex analogues do not have the same efficacy and safety profile, they do not have the same large amount of scientific research as the original brand drug. However, their cost is somewhat lower. Detralex is produced in the form of tablets with a dosage of 500 and 1000 mg, a suspension of 1000 mg per 10 ml and in the form of Detragel.

Analogues can be produced both in the form of a gel, and tablets, capsules.

The drugs have the following effects:

  • reduce the intensity, as well as the duration and frequency of spasms, pain in the calf muscles;
  • eliminate swelling, discomfort and pain in the legs after a long standing or sitting, walking;
  • reduce the permeability of the venous walls, increase their tone, improving blood circulation;
  • inhibit the progression of varicose veins, as well as its complications in the form of trophic skin disorders and the development of ulcers;
  • restore the process of microcirculation in the area of ​​small veins and subcutaneous capillaries;
  • normalize the outflow of lymph, which helps to reduce the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

The composition of the original drug Detralex includes components such as bioflavonoids, mainly diosmin and hesperedin. They have a special form – micronized fractions, the drug is quickly delivered directly to the area of ​​the affected veins. Analogous drugs have the same active ingredients or similar ones, but the form of their delivery is different.

They may also have different side effects and contraindications, and this should also be taken into account when choosing the best analogues of Detralex.

How to choose an analogue of Detralex

It is important to know that Detralex analogues can be of two types:

  • preparations similar in composition: Detravenol, Stimulven (they contain the same active ingredients);
  • drugs similar in action: Angiorus, Phlebodia 600, Diosmin, Troxevasin (their composition does not fully correspond to Detralex, but they have similar effects).

The most inexpensive analogues of the drug are produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies, foreign analogues may be slightly more expensive.

In general, when choosing analogues of the drug, it is worth consulting with the attending physician who recommended the medicine. When prescribing the drug, he takes into account the effectiveness of the original remedy and can advise the analogue that is best suited in each specific situation.

In addition, the form of administration is also important – if it is a local remedy, replacement with analogues is less problematic than when choosing drugs for oral administration. The dosages of drugs are also important, they should be similar precisely in terms of the main active substance (or several), and not a set of all components.

Top 5 rating according to KP

Among the list of all analogues of Detralex, it is worth highlighting those that have proven themselves to be effective analogues. They have a fairly high quality and not so high cost.

1. Detravenol

The drug of domestic production, is available only in tablets of 500 and 1000 mg. The main active ingredients are natural compounds of diosmin with hesperidin in combination with a micronized fraction of flavonoids. It is a structural analogue of Detralex, has a similar composition.

It belongs to the group of venotonic drugs, and also exhibits an angioprotective effect. Helps in reducing the symptoms of venous insufficiency, is used in the treatment of various stages of varicose veins, is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The effectiveness of the treatment of these diseases has been confirmed in clinical studies.


  • in the treatment of symptoms of venous insufficiency and disorders of lymph circulation (spasms in the muscles of the legs, pain, a feeling of heaviness, fullness, rapid fatigue of the legs when standing or walking);
  • when eliminating the insufficiency of the venous-lymphatic circulation (the appearance of edema of the extremities, changes in skin trophism, the appearance of trophic ulcers);
  • to reduce the symptoms of both acute and chronic hemorrhoids.

Of the contraindications, it is worth highlighting intolerance to the components of the drug. Not recommended during breastfeeding due to lack of research data.

The drug is used in pregnant women, reports of undesirable side effects during the period of gestation have not been identified.

The dosage should be determined by the doctor based on the existing diagnosis. To achieve the maximum effect, the drug should be combined with lifestyle changes, the use of compression stockings, weight loss and dosed physical activity.

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2. Stimulant

The drug of domestic production, is available only in tablets of 500 mg. The main active ingredient is a micronized fraction of flavonoids: hesperidin in combination with diosmin. The agent has a venotonic effect, exhibits an angioprotective effect. It helps in reducing the extensibility and permeability of the venous walls, increasing their tone, helps in eliminating blood stagnation in the lumen of the veins, and normalizes capillary circulation.

Unlike Detralex, which has a dosage of the drug of 1000 mg, the drug is available only in a dosage of 500 mg, and in the treatment of certain pathologies, a single dose of 2 tablets is required.


  • therapy of varicose veins of the extremities and small pelvis with a decrease in unpleasant symptoms (pain, muscle cramps, feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs);
  • correction of lymphatic insufficiency and chronic venous stasis (edema in the legs, trophic skin disorders, the appearance of trophic ulcers).
  • treatment of hemorrhoids in both acute and chronic forms (as part of combination therapy).

Among the contraindications for the drug, only intolerance to the individual components of the drug is singled out, but it is important to first discuss its intake with a phlebologist. There may be additional contraindications for a particular patient. The drug is taken only inside, it does not have a form for external use, the dosage is selected depending on the indications and the stage of the process.

Side effects from the nervous system, digestion, skin, general reactions, the appearance of which should be monitored during treatment, are described.

If discomfort persists after a course of treatment, it is important to discuss further treatment with your doctor in detail. The most effective drug will be in combination with lifestyle changes, nutrition and physical activity, the use of compression stockings.

There are no data on negative reactions during pregnancy when taking the drug; it is not recommended for breastfeeding, since there is no data on safety for children.

3. Phlebodia 600

The drug is produced in France, has several forms of release – tablet form, cream-gel. The drug is based on one active ingredient – diosmin (bioflavonoid), which has a venotrophic effect. Produced in a dosage of 600 mg. Cream gel in addition to diosmin contains menthol.

The main effect of the drug is the normalization of the state of the venous walls, the reduction of blood stagnation in them, the strengthening of the vasoconstrictor effect of hormones. One tablet contains a daily dose of the drug to influence the tone of the veins. Also, the drug has a beneficial effect on microcirculation in small capillaries, reduces their permeability, preventing swelling. A certain effect is exerted on the lymphatic system, the outflow of lymph from the tissues improves, the tone of the lymphatic capillaries increases, the pressure inside them decreases, and puffiness is eliminated.

The drug has anti-inflammatory, decongestant properties, reduces the adhesion of blood cells to the walls of capillaries.

Indications for admission:

  • treatment of insufficiency of lymphatic circulation with venous congestion (including varicose veins);
  • elimination of swelling of the legs and heaviness in them, a feeling of fullness and pain;
  • normalization of microcirculation in tissues;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids (as part of complex therapy).

Among the contraindications, it is necessary to highlight the age of up to 18 years, lactation period, allergy to the components of the drug.

The drug is taken orally in the form of tablets, the cream-gel is used externally, applied to the area of ​​u2bu1baffected tissues (mainly on the legs). The average course of treatment is 2 months, with exacerbation of hemorrhoids, high doses are indicated in the first days with the transition to maintenance doses as they improve. With repeated exacerbations, the course of treatment is discussed with the doctor. With chronic hemorrhoids, coursework is shown up to XNUMX – XNUMX months.

Let’s take it in pregnant women according to the strict indications of a doctor. There were no negative effects on the fetus.

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4. Angiorus

The drug of domestic production, it is available in tablets with a dosage of 500 and 1000 mg. There are no local forms of medicine. The main active ingredients are hesperidin and diosmin in the usual form (as opposed to micronized in Detralex). It has a venotonic and angioprotective effect, affects the lymphatic capillaries. Reduces the stretching of the walls of venous vessels, reduces blood stasis inside their lumen. The drug affects the capillaries, improving microcirculation, reducing their permeability, and normalizes the outflow of lymph from tissues.

Indications for admission:

  • complex treatment of chronic insufficiency of venous vessels in the legs;
  • elimination of heaviness in the legs, discomfort, swelling in the evening, a feeling of fullness or heaviness;
  • complex therapy of hemorrhoids (both acute and chronic).

Among the contraindications in the instructions are lactation period and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The medicine is taken orally in courses, as prescribed by the doctor. The daily dose is contained in a tablet of 1000 mg, you can take the drug once or twice a day. Side effects are similar to those of all other drugs. Treatment will be most effective when taken as a course and combined with changes in lifestyle, the use of compression stockings and nutritional correction.

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5. Normaven and Troxerutin Vertex

Preparations of domestic production are in the form of capsules, gel in the form of Troxerutin-Vertex gel and Troxerutin-Vertex capsules. Additionally, the line has Normaven in the form of a cream and gel for feet (with plant extracts of chestnut, witch hazel, menthol, needles in combination with panthenol).

Refers to analogues of Detralex in terms of effect on veins and lymphatic capillaries. The main active ingredient is troxerutin.

It has venotonic effects, normalizes the work of capillaries. Reduces puffiness, congestion, prevents the adhesion of blood cells to the walls of blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces the symptoms that are typical for chronic insufficiency in the veins of the legs, is used for trophic ulcers, leg cramps, and edema. Helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids, eliminating burning and itching, soreness and bleeding.

Indications for use include:

  • complex therapy of chronic venous insufficiency;
  • correction of post-thrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • disorders of tissue trophism against the background of varicose veins (including the development of trophic ulcers);
  • as an additional treatment after removal of hemorrhoids;
  • treatment of all forms of hemorrhoids in the stage of exacerbation and remission;
  • problems of hemorrhoids and varicose veins during pregnancy (from the 2nd half);
  • treatment of microangiopathy and retinal lesions in diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

The drug has a greater range of contraindications than other previously described drugs. These include ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, gastritis, the first half of pregnancy, allergies to components. Extreme caution should be exercised when taking drugs for kidney problems, under the age of 15 years.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the doctor, based on the clinical situation. In the acute stage, it is higher than in the subsequent follow-up treatment. The course of therapy is up to 4 weeks, if you need a longer treatment, you need a doctor’s advice.

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Reviews of doctors about analogues of Detralex

Answered our questions pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, editor-in-chief of MedCorr Zorina Olga.

The most popular analogues of Detralex:

  • composition – Detravenol, Stimulven;
  • by action – Angiorus, Diosmin.

An analogue of Detralex, speaking in a general sense, is a drug that is similar in composition and / or in action. In any case, when taking the original drug (Detralex is the most famous and expensive of them) or its high-quality analogue, which I mentioned, the desired effect stated in the instructions will be achieved.

Analogues may have features of action (effects last less in time, are absorbed worse, more frequent side effects), but the main result will be approximately the same for all drugs.

The best analogue of Detralex is a drug that completely matches in composition (active and excipients), acting on the body in the same way as the original remedy (this is the so-called bioequivalence). But usually in a pharmacy, patients select an analogue not on this basis, but on cost.

Cheap analogues of Detralex are always worse in quality: although they contain the same active ingredient, the auxiliary composition is different, so the drug may be worse tolerated by the patient (the main effect is worse or side effects appear). Possible (but not necessary) troubles when taking the latter – additional side effects, manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract, and so on.

If the drug you need is not in the pharmacy, then it is better to consult a doctor about choosing another remedy, and not a pharmacist.

Popular questions and answers

When can analogues be used?

If the drug analogue of Detradex is taken for prophylactic purposes, and not for the treatment of an acute condition with severe symptoms.

What are the advantages of analogues?

Complete analogues of Detralex (by composition) act in a similar way.

Are there any downsides to analogues?

Incomplete analogues of Detralex (by action) have a weaker effect than Detralex.

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