The best age for pregnancy and childbirth. Video

The best age for pregnancy and childbirth. Video

A woman can become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child between the ages of 12-14 to 50, but there is a certain age range when it is advisable to plan a pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is impossible to indicate the exact age that will be the best for pregnancy and childbirth: everyone has different organisms, capabilities, fates, psychological and physiological characteristics. In addition, there are advantages and disadvantages for planning a pregnancy at different times in life.

Age for the birth of a child

Today, many women prefer to plan a pregnancy: they paint their lives, build a career, plan the birth of a child by a certain date, in order to be sure of the material support of the future baby. On the one hand, the later the child is born, the better the family’s financial condition and psychological readiness will be; on the other hand, the risk to the health of the mother and baby increases. To answer the question of what age is best for birth, several age categories need to be considered.

The birth of a child at 16–20 years old

At the age of 16, the girl’s body was almost completely formed and ready for pregnancy, and by the age of 18, the formation of the endocrine, bone and cardiovascular system completely ends, in addition, chronic diseases have not yet developed, the body is young and full of strength and health, the organs are in excellent condition, there are rarely disruptions in the hormonal system. Therefore, both pregnancy and childbirth in this period proceed well, often without toxicosis and other complications. But at the age of 18–20, the girl still has little life experience, there is no financial stability, her studies have not been completed, her goals in life have not been determined. A child at this age is usually a rash and unplanned step and sometimes even an inappropriate problem. Young girls are not always ready to become mothers, they have child psychology, their responsibility is not so developed, so they neglect many rules for caring for a child, as a result, the babies of young mothers are more likely to get sick, fall and get injured.

The birth of a child at 20–30 years old

After 20 years, slowly but surely, minor health problems appear: the cardiovascular system is no longer working so well, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, stress and bad habits begin to affect health. But the reproductive system is in its prime during this period, so this is also a good age for pregnancy from the point of view of health. In addition, if you do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, play sports and do not have chronic diseases, then we can confidently say that this age is the best for a healthy and easy pregnancy and childbirth.

Previously, girls who gave birth after 25 years were called “late-bearing”, but today this term is no longer used, and doctors have a positive attitude towards women who give birth during this period. In addition, studies show that between the ages of 20 and 30, women are already beginning to take a more responsible attitude towards pregnancy and raising a child, read books and articles, attend courses, and monitor their health. Therefore, it is also a good age for raising a healthy and smart child.

The birth of a child at 30–40 years old

After 30 years in a woman’s body, the level of estrogen begins to decrease, ovulation occurs less and less, so the likelihood of getting pregnant decreases. In addition, low estrogen levels also affect health: the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, liver, and kidneys deteriorates. Pregnancy and childbirth in such a period of life are more difficult, there are problems with gestation, premature birth, the older the age, the greater the likelihood of fetal death. The risk of developing defects and diseases in a child also significantly increases. During childbirth, ruptures of the birth canal are more likely, since women 30-40 years old have less elastic tissues. From a health point of view, this age is not recommended for the birth of a child.

Today, medicine is well developed, there are special obstetric procedures, so in most cases the pregnancy ends well.

But from a psychological point of view, this is an excellent age for birth, since a woman has already reached certain heights, she has a well-developed responsibility, the desire for a child leads to the fact that she most thoughtfully approaches the issues of planning, maintaining pregnancy, childbirth and upbringing. She is confident in her abilities and ready to take on many problems.

The birth of a child after 40 years

After 40 years, a woman has a chance to give birth to a healthy child, but the risks of developing all kinds of pathologies increase many times over. At this age, pregnant women need close medical care and careful adherence to all recommendations. But with a favorable outcome, the woman’s body rejuvenates after the birth of a child, the woman becomes younger in a psychological sense. But how many women at this age had to endure complications during pregnancy and childbirth, so you always need to be prepared for problems.

Sometimes the passionate desire of a child after 40 years leads to the fact that the mother literally dissolves in her baby, lives his life, pampers and overly cares for, as a result, a dependent, spoiled and unadapted person grows up.

If this is the second birth, then the process is faster, and the first birth can be complicated.

Thus, if we analyze all the pros and cons of each age category, it can be argued that the best age to have children is the period from 20 to 30 years old, when the state of health and the girl’s readiness for this important step balance each other.

See also: Russian diet.

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