The benefits of wine and wine therapy

“Bath with champagne” is generally still considered the highest degree of sarcasm in describing the delights of “dolce vita”, but now wine masks, grape wraps and souls, from which streams of “Bordeaux” are poured – a pleasure that has received official recognition as a conducive rejuvenation, body shaping, better blood circulation.


Scientists have long noted one peculiarity: Roman patricians, famous for their love of wine, died mainly from viruses and infections, and not at all from liver cirrhosis or heart failure, as one might think. On the contrary, all the nobility were healing themselves with wine, and very successfully! But the healing properties of grapes were discovered only in the 19th century, when they noticed that the inhabitants of French, Italian, Swiss cities came to improve their health precisely to rural winegrowers.

The phenomenon of grape juice

Experts have studied fermented grape juice and found in it a huge amount of useful substances – polyphenols, which can block the aggressive influence of the external environment on the body: remove toxins, have an anti-stress effect, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the risk of developing heart disease. When used topically, polyphenols can slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

But even without polyphenols, grapes, upon closer examination, turned out to be a real storehouse of precious substances necessary for the body: all 20 amino acids were found in it, without which it is difficult for cells to grow and develop, vitamins A, C, E, P and group B, as well as indispensable for the heart – magnesium, for blood – iron, for liver – chromium, for blood vessels – zinc….

Indications for the course of wine therapy:

  • Stress, insomnia
  • Overweight
  • Cellulite
  • Circulatory problems
  • Fading and sagging skin
  • Avitaminosis of the skin

Wine cosmetics

The whole vine is used in wine therapy, leaves, juice, skins, seeds, and even sawdust are used! Also, in the beauty recipes, the necessary ingredients are mineral water enriched with oils and extracts from grapes, wine yeast extract, and finally, the wine itself. For example, a grape gruel mask makes the skin shiny and smooth, like the skin of a grape. Wine scrubs, gommages, peels, injections, massages, baths and wraps are widely used in programs for rejuvenation, body shaping, and anti-cellulite.

The French pioneered the creation of wine cosmetics. They blended the mineral water from the Codali springs with the fruits of the famous Bordeaux vineyards and launched the Caudalie line of cosmetics. Now this line is known all over the world, it is not for nothing that the graceful limbs of grape crushers have always been considered the most well-groomed among female legs, who were regularly exposed to grape juice and massage with seeds! Now the most popular cosmetic procedures using Kodali products look like this:

  • Vinolift procedure: a combination of electrical stimulation of the facial muscles and application of a grape-based serum, microdermabrasion: facial peeling with microcrystals
  • Imperial procedure: cleansing, microdermabrasion of the face, followed by the application of vitamin masks, at the same time a plantar massage is carried out; duration of the procedure – 2 hours, various types of masks (cleansing, nourishing).

Grape therapy

This course is carried out only during the grape harvest, a mandatory medical examination before the start of the course.


A whole range of pleasant procedures: a jet shower with mineral water, an underwater massage in a pool with mineral water, an intoxicating massage (massage in 2 or 4 hands under a shower with mineral water using grape seed oil and vegetable oils), hydromassage in a bath with an extract from grapevine, Barrick bath – a pearl bath with mineral water and squeeze from freshly crushed grapes with the addition of vegetable oils, followed by an ionization session in the relaxation room with water mattresses, wine-honey wraps, (application of a mixture of warm wine yeast, honey and vegetable oils), Merlot wrapping (a mixture of warm clay and vegetable oils).

Famous spa resorts

In principle, this type of SPA is now very popular in the resorts of southern Europe, in Latin America.

In Russia, wine therapy is practiced by some sanatoriums in the Krasnodar Territory, and among Russians, wine therapy is in demand as the best remedy for vitamin deficiency, depression and dry skin.

But the most famous “wine resort” in the world is, of course, the Codali Springs in France, not far from the city of Bordeaux.

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