The benefits of water for the body: what kind of water to drink? Video

Water gives life. Even children know about it. However, not everyone knows which water is most beneficial for the human body. Advertising offers many options, but not all of them will help the body function properly. So what is the best water to drink?

The benefits of water for the body: what kind of water to drink?

Some experts argue that raw water is vital for a person, since it contains many different microelements such as: – magnesium; – copper; – calcium and so on.

Boiling converts these substances into sediment, which remains on the surface of metal utensils and electric kettles.

In order for boiled water to retain most of the trace elements, you should turn off the kettle immediately after the first signs of boiling appear.

Raw water is considered “living” because its molecules are arranged in a rather peculiar way. Thanks to this, their structure helps the body to regenerate cells, rejuvenates tissues and organs, and also prevents the appearance of free radicals. Boiled water changes its structure and does not have any beneficial effect. In addition, boiled tap water contains chlorine, which at high temperatures mutates into toxins that cause kidney stones and kidney stones and increase the risk of cancer. However, raw water can also contain dangerous pathogenic microbes, so it is still worth boiling it, using it immediately after boiling and pouring out the rest.

Purified drinking water in bottles has proven itself well. It complies with the standards of the World Health Organization (if not fake) and is equipped with convenient devices for cooling and boiling – coolers and pumps.

Bottled drinking water is purified using industrial equipment, so it is impossible to compare it with water purified by a household filter.

When buying bottled water, always read the labels. The first category means that the water has been artificially purified. The highest category – the water is natural and taken from an artesian well. Water of the first category is in any case more useful than tap water.

Most often tap water in metropolitan areas is not particularly drinkable. It must either be cleaned with filters or defended for several hours. However, if the water supply in the house is old, sedimentation will not be able to remove from the water toxins and microbes accumulated in worn out rusty pipes.

The most useful is spring water, which is purified by layers of soil and in the process of purification is saturated with all the necessary microelements. However, each area has its own composition of microelements, therefore, microbiological and chemical analysis must be carried out before using it.

Remember that spring water from the soil of large cities contains many salts of heavy metals, bacteria and other harmful impurities

Mineral water is extracted from natural sources with underground waters. It contains many microelements and useful salts, with which the water is saturated in the process of passing through rocks and soil layers.

Medicinal mineral water, which contains more than 8 grams of salts per liter, can only be used as directed by a doctor, since its uncontrolled use can provoke disturbances in the mineral metabolism of the body.

If the mineral water contains no more than 8 grams of salts, you can drink it yourself, after consulting your doctor.

You can use table mineral water (1 gram of salt per liter) without any restrictions. This water contains salts, which replenish the loss of minerals from sweat, and also perfectly quench thirst.

When choosing mineral water without a doctor’s recommendation, remember that the most profitable solution is to choose water from springs located near your place of permanent residence. This is due to the fact that the body gradually gets used to the composition of the water you use.

The most economical and easiest way to purify water at home is a household filter. It can either be built into the plumbing system, or it can be a regular jug ​​with filter layers. When choosing household filters, pay attention to the fact that a carbon filter, which easily removes heavy metal salts from water, will not remove excess iron.

The most effective and expensive filter is the osmotic one. This device works on the principle of reverse osmosis and completely removes all impurities from the water, however, depriving it of useful salts, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Most often, osmotic filters are used for water purification on an industrial scale.

And, finally, the most popular and original method of water purification is its freezing and defrosting. Frozen and thawed water is completely purified from harmful impurities and is ideal for drinking. However, despite the popularity of this method, some experts argue that it is almost impossible to obtain melt water at home. To do this, it is necessary to comply with all complex technological conditions that will provide the water with purity and will not deprive it of its useful qualities. However, if other methods of water purification are not available for any reason, melt water prepared even in a city kitchen will be much more drinkable than water from a tap.

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