The benefits of peanut butter and how to choose the healthiest one
In peanut butter, the benefits of this legume are better used

Those of us who have been lucky enough to set foot in the United States have witnessed, and our stomachs, how almost all the bonbons and other chocolates sold there are made with peanut butter. Can it be said that it is a key ingredient in North American pastries? Yes, ‘la peanut butter’ is a ‘must’ in this country.
But not only there, where they have earned a bad reputation in terms of food, but nutritionists consider the peanut butter an essential for its high protein content. María Sanchidrián (@sanatecomiendo), dietician-nutritionist, says that although the peanut is a legume and not a dried fruit, as many people believe, its
nutritional composition is more similar to nuts due to its high fat content (fat that is heart-healthy): «The special thing about peanuts is that it has a high percentage of protein, between 27-30%, more than any dried fruit and more than all legumes except for lupine ».
Nuts and peanuts provide many calories according to their strict nutritional composition but, in reality, as the nutritionist says, they are not all absorbed so they are not used by our body. However, in the butter-crushed version “you get more use than if you have to chew the peanuts yourself.”
In any case, the most relevant in terms of energy or calories it contributes is that the amount taken from peanut butterCompared to peanut intake, it can be grossly underestimated. And this applies to all nut butters: «When we chew the nuts we receive signals of satiety and we stop eating earlier. And, on the other hand, the ‘scoop’ measure can vary a lot depending on how much you fill. We can be talking about twice the amount between a normal tablespoon and a full of peanut butter, without realizing the difference when eating it, “he says.
Raquel Bernacer, an expert in healthy eating and author of ‘Learn to have breakfast’, confesses that her favorite time to have it is at breakfast: «I usually take it for breakfast, especially on the days when I know that I will need a little extra energy Either because I’m going to the gym or because a busy day awaits me ».
We have been saying that it is an essential for nutritionists but, for what reason? María Sanchidrián says that it is useful for dietitians-nutritionists to recommend peanut butter because it is spreadable and healthy, “allowing us to substitute creams of chocolate untables and other products full of sugar and unhealthy fats ».
The nutritionist advises that when buying it we make sure that the bottle contains as its only ingredient roasted peanuts, without salt, sugar, or sunflower oil.
«In general, peanut butter is very versatile and can be put in porridges of oatmeal, toast, smoothies, pancakes, sandwiches, cereal bars, cookies … Although to spread it alone on toast it is dry and sticks quite to the palate, there are many people who do not care, “he says.
Indicate the expert who is especially useful for athletes for its caloric and protein content, without being too satiating for what we have commented before. “That is why it is usually found in sports stores, where they sell it in 1 kg jars, and it is also useful for people vegetarian and vegan, for its not inconsiderable protein contribution. In addition, for those who need to regain weight, they can enrich shakes, bars or homemade cookies with them ”, concludes María Sanchidrián.