The technology for the production of kefir consists in fermenting milk by introducing special microorganisms – yeast with lactic acid bacteria. Milk proteins are broken down by bacteria to lactic acid, which is easier for the body to absorb and serves as a nutrient for yeast. And yeast fermentation helps the formation of alcohol, the release of carbon dioxide, which irritates mildly the walls of the stomach, this in turn entails an increase in the formation of gastric juice, increases the intensity of the secretion of digestive enzymes. Kefirs are digested several times faster than whole milk.
We add that lactose is broken down during fermentation, thanks to which kefir is allowed to be consumed by people who are lactose intolerant.
Also, in the manufacture of kefir, free amino acids, enzymes, antibacterial substances and vitamins are accumulated. This all improves the body’s acceptance of trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium and zinc, and lowers blood cholesterol levels. This is the benefit for the cardiovascular system.
The substances that make up kefir prevent the appearance of toxins, stops the formation of putrefactive intestinal processes. Taking kefir is also useful for the immune system, it helps to cope with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, indirectly affecting the nervous system positively. With all responsibility, kefir can be considered a wonderful tool for the prevention, and sometimes even treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and digestion.
The beneficial properties of kefir are well known to nutritionists. For them, it is an indispensable product that is part of medical or dietary food. The benefits of kefir for weight correction have been tested for years. The kefir diet is effective and safe, easily tolerated, does not require exhausting fasting, and most importantly, it is financially available to everyone. Kefir not only contributes to weight loss, it helps to find lightness throughout the body. Just one fasting day a week on kefir will help both maintain an ideal figure and provide the body with calcium and phosphorus. Kefir has a different fat content. But the benefits are about the same. Low-fat kefir in dietary nutrition helps to achieve the desired result much faster. The calorie content of fatty kefir is 59 kcal, of low-fat kefir – 30.
Many people prefer to drink kefir at night. It turns out that it has a relaxing effect on the body, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and guarantees a calm and sound sleep. Also, it has been experimentally proven that the benefit of kefir at night lies in the maximum saturation of the body with calcium, because it is at night that calcium is best absorbed, which is rich in kefir. During the night, the product is completely digested and stimulates the appetite. For those who are losing weight, this is very important, because a hearty breakfast helps to limit yourself in food during the day.
Recently, biokefir has gained great popularity; some consider it the most useful type of kefir. In its production, special preparations of direct application for sourdough are used, which determines its usefulness. Acidophilus bacilli, as well as bifidobacteria included in the starter culture, significantly reduce the activity of harmful bacteria. Biokefir does not cause discomfort and bloating, has a positive effect on the body, because bifidobacteria are a natural component of the intestinal microflora.
Perhaps not all mothers know what the benefits of kefir are for their children. This is one of the first complementary foods. It is essential for their growth and development. But yogurt for kids is not only a healthy and nutritious product, but also a tasty treat, which is why most people prefer fruit or chocolate yoghurts over kefir.
Kefir is forbidden to be consumed by people who have diseases with high acidity. If your intestines are weak, you are not worried about constipation, it is better to refuse this drink, because kefir has a laxative effect. It is also undesirable to consume kefir before you get behind the wheel of a car: when tested for alcohol in the body, the result will be shown to be positive, you will lose time and, quite possibly, money.
Today we got acquainted with the beneficial properties of kefir, and also found out who is better off not using it at all. If you want to help your body without making any special efforts, consume kefir at least once a day.