The benefits of flaxseed oil for hair. Video

The benefits of flaxseed oil for hair. Video

Beautiful and thick hair without any problems is not given by nature to everyone, but this is not a cause for disappointment. There are many remedies that help to solve a variety of problems with hair and scalp, one of which is time-tested and called flaxseed oil.

The benefits of flaxseed oil for hair

The benefits of flaxseed oil for hair

This substance has been squeezed out of flax seeds for many centuries, and even then it was known that flaxseed oil has a lot of positive properties. Today it is widely used in both medicine and cosmetology, and can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is recommended to use it not only externally, but also to drink it, for example, with diabetes mellitus and a number of other diseases. Some people take it for weight loss. Flaxseed oil owes such a variety of action to its unique composition, which contains not only many vitamins, but also special fatty acids, which are extremely rare in other plants. For hair, flaxseed oil is useful in that it saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, adds shine to curls, eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair and even stimulates its growth.

With regular use of masks with linseed oil, the condition of the hair will noticeably improve after two to three weeks.

The recipes for masks depend on what problems they are designed to fix. A nourishing mask for any hair type can be prepared by mixing egg yolk, 10 g of linseed oil, 15 g of lemon juice. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, after which the hair must be insulated by wearing a rubber cap, and wrapped with a towel on top. The mask is washed off after an hour with the usual shampoo.

Flaxseed is actively used to stimulate hair growth. To do this, flaxseed oil in equal proportions must be mixed with honey and mustard, then rub into the roots for 20 minutes.

For dandruff, flaxseed oil for hair is rubbed into the roots an hour before washing in a pure form.

And to enhance the shine of the hair, just drop one drop of sesame and linseed oil on a wooden comb and carefully comb the curls. Do not be afraid that the oil will add greasiness to the hair, in such an amount it will not spoil the appearance of the hairstyle.

You can improve the result by taking linseed oil in parallel. 1 tbsp. l. a day is enough to help hair, while there are practically no contraindications to its use

Reviews of linseed oil masks

Most of the reviews on the forums about the use of flaxseed oil are positive. It is only noted that the masks are not very easy to wash off, but any of those that include oils have similar properties. There is also a point of view that flaxseed oil leaves a specific smell on the hair, but it is very easy to deal with this. It is enough just to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the applied mask, and then this problem will not exist.

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