Treadmill tires with monotony, yoga – leisurely, and you don’t want to take Pilates? There is an exit! Ballet and salsa, belly dancing and tap dancing will help you get rid of the unfortunate extra pounds just as well as exhausting exercises in the gym. talks about how to “dance” yourself a great figure.
Belly dancing has long ceased to be the privilege of exclusively oriental beauties. Fitness trainers have long adopted “bally dance” in their arsenal, knowing that it helps to deal with extra centimeters in the waist area, strengthens the muscles of the legs and hips, improves posture, and generally adds sexuality to all, without exception, female representatives. And all this is only due to the dance, without exhausting exercises. The characteristic movements – shaking – act like a massage, destroying cellulite and preventing excess fluid from remaining in the body. This dance is also good for women’s health – it strengthens the pelvic muscles.
Royal posture, lightness and gracefulness of movements, graceful gait and slender figure – all this gives classes of classical choreography.
Of course, on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, a beginner “swan” is unlikely to ever dance, but 500 calories per hour of ballet practice will easily lose. Ballet is an indispensable form of dance for those with long-standing posture problems. Throughout the entire lesson, “ballerinas” are forced to keep their backs straight, which instantly becomes a habit in everyday life. Ballet improves flexibility and stretching (read about
Salsa forms the correct posture and a beautiful gait, works well the muscles of the hips, back, waist and arms.
Passion, sensuality, a sense of rhythm and a good partner are what it takes to complete a salsa practice. At first, it will be difficult to calculate the steps in the dance, but after a short time salsa becomes intuitively understandable, and you no longer have to think about where to put your foot and which pirouette to perform at the right moment. Salsa is fitness for two, so the choice of a partner must be taken very responsibly. However, salsa is often danced in groups, performing movements to four percussive rhythms. The dance forms the correct posture and beautiful gait, works well the muscles of the hips, back, waist and arms.
This kind of dance is good because it tones the cardiovascular system: 30 minutes of tap dancing is quite comparable to a half-hour run!
Try kicking the rhythm of your favorite song with your feet. If a dozen more compositions are guessed in this rhythm, or you are exhausted after the second verse, then it’s time to sign up for tap dancing. You will be given special shoes with metal “horseshoes” that will allow you to knock on the floor even louder. Just don’t train at home! Neighbors will hardly appreciate your “clear” achievements. This kind of dance is good because it tones the cardiovascular system: 30 minutes of tap dancing is quite comparable to a half-hour run. And tap dancing also improves memory, because memorizing the rhythmic sequence even for a three-minute performance is not the easiest thing.
Fitness trainers immediately appreciated the advantages of a “break”: the main movements are performed with bent knees, which means that the hips and buttocks are tense all the time.
If it seems to you that hip-hop and break dance remained somewhere in the “XNUMXs”, you are deeply mistaken. Of course, guys in wide trousers and oversized T-shirts are rarely found on the street, and the song “Free Styler” has not been heard on the radio for a long time, hip-hop continues to exist. Fitness trainers immediately appreciated the advantages of a “break”: the main movements are performed with bent knees, which means that the hips and buttocks are tense all the time (find out what exercises are necessary for beautiful buttocks), and some elements in this dance are quite akin to acrobatic ones. Some girls reject hip-hop for fear of losing femininity and grace, but no matter how “broken” break-dance is, it gives the opportunity for free self-expression, so what to express in dance – elegance or brutality – let everyone decide for himself.
Christina Aguilera had to work hard to learn how to dance in huge heels while filming Burlesque.
Burlesque shows reached the peak of their popularity in America by the middle of the 10th century – half-dressed women entertained the audience with jokes and scenes with erotic overtones. Over time, the girls were left with less and less clothes, and the performances themselves began to resemble a regular striptease. Today, this type of dance show is experiencing its rebirth, so they began to teach burlesque in dance studios. They dance it only in shoes, and more calories are burned precisely due to balancing on XNUMX-centimeter heels. The movements in burlesque are reminiscent of strip-plastic, except that burlesque teaches you to seduce without taking off your clothes – although by no means the most modest one (read how to look sexy in tight jeans).
Real drive and a good figure can be obtained by making a pas from a Latin American program, that is, dancing, for example, samba or cha-cha-cha.
Ballroom dancing is traditionally divided into several programs: the European one includes waltzes and foxtrot – rather slow dances, which will do only in order not to gain a couple of extra pounds. Real drive and a good figure can be obtained by making a pas from a Latin American program, that is, dancing, for example, samba, cha-cha-cha or paso doble. Ballroom dancing is good because it is suitable for any age: both a very little girl can go to the floor in order to learn to be graceful and graceful from childhood, as well as an adult woman who wants to get rid of flaws in her figure (read tips for those who want to lose weight quickly ). Fast dancing stimulates the cardiovascular system, improves coordination and increases the tone of all muscles of the body, because in order for the dance to receive the highest rating, every movement must be verified, and every muscle of the body must be tense.