The benefits of cucumbers: 4 recipes

First, it should be noted that cucumbers are not vegetables at all, but berries. Secondly, despite being sweet, they are very healthy, as they contain a wide range of vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2, B6) and minerals. For example, they contain a lot of iodine, so lovers of cucumber salads do not know problems with the thyroid gland, blood vessels and memory. Cucumber also contains calcium to strengthen hair and nails, silicon and sulfur, which improve the condition of teeth and gums, and potassium to remove excess fluid from the body. Also cucumber will help:

Lose Weight

Checked: the day of the cucumber diet – minus a kilogram from problem areas. You need to eat cucumbers without salt and salty seasonings. You can allow a light breakfast (to taste – but not more than 200 kcal) and a cup of tea with sugar, and then on schedule: three times a day, cucumber salad and a thin slice of bread. Before bed, you can choose to eat an apple, orange, pear, banana or fruit salad. This diet can be kept for a week.

Strengthen the body

If you drink a glass of cucumber juice every day for a month, you can speed up your metabolism, cleanse the liver and strengthen the nervous system. The main thing is to use dark green fruits (they contain the most B vitamins) and do not peel off the peel.

Heal wounds

Dried and powdered cucumber can heal burns and other skin conditions. Only first must the fruit be rid of the seeds.

Relieve pain

Finely grated and mixed with honey, it cures coughs and relieves fever. And the aroma of fresh cucumber can relieve headaches, insomnia and depression.

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