Banana composition
I eat at least one banana almost every day, not a single smoothie is complete without it, I add it to oatmeal or casserole, take it with me on the road as a snack. In my recent article on vegan bodybuilder Robert Chike, he revealed that he eats 8 bananas a day, which is of course an extreme example. After this article, I decided to take a closer look at these products and figure out what are the benefits of bananas for the human body. Bananas are considered a high-calorie product – each 100 grams contains 91 kilocalories.
The native land of bananas is the tropical Indomalayan zone, and the history of its cultivation numbers 4000 400. And it is not without reason that bananas have stood the test of time: we all know how tasty and satisfying they are. Even eating bananas throughout the day gives you a variety of nutrients, including potassium and magnesium, but bananas are also extremely healthy. This is what they give us.
Why bananas are good for the body
I have singled out for myself the most useful properties of bananas for the human body:
1. Powerful boost of energy + nutritional value
Just two bananas will provide you with enough energy for an hour and a half workout! So it’s no surprise that bananas are often the preferred snack for marathon runners and climbers. In addition, they have a high nutritional value.
2. Stroke protection
Research shows that a daily intake of 1,6 grams of potassium (about three bananas) can reduce the risk of stroke by 21%, so bananas are extremely beneficial for people with high blood pressure.. Human cells with high blood pressure, as a rule, lack potassium ions with an excessive amount of sodium ions. This can lead to excessive water accumulation in the body, which also increases blood pressure. So by including bananas and other foods rich in potassium and magnesium in your diet, you help remove excess sodium ions from the body while stabilizing blood pressure levels. The benefits of bananas for the heart, as you can see, are undeniable.
The magnesium found in bananas can also help fight fatigue, improve mood and boost physical strength.
3. Just happiness!
Scientists know that in order for a person to feel happy, his brain needs a sufficient number of neurotransmitters, among which is serotonin. The absence of this happiness makes us grumpy, tired, makes us suffer from insomnia. Bananas literally send us positive vibrations thanks to the tryptophan they contain.
4. Fighting excess weight
Fiber-rich fly helps to cleanse the intestines, while at the same time activating the growth of beneficial bacteria in its microflora, which is also important for normalizing stool. In addition, bananas are starchy, and therefore keep you feeling full for a long time.
5. Cooling during heat
Practicing naturopaths classify bananas as a “cooling” fruit, making them extremely suitable for those who live in tropical countries or suffer from the summer heat. Bananas are also effective in treating hemorrhoids or constipation caused by internal overheating.
I recently learned about “cooling” products from my Chinese nanny. Not so long ago, my second son was born, and I was amazed at how much easier and more comfortable the birth was, and two months after it was calmer and quieter (in terms of baby crying). Much of this increased level of happiness is due to the special Chinese nanny we hired to help in the first three months of the baby’s life.
It promised that a special diet would be able to improve milk production, overcome problems with the baby’s tummy, and make me relaxed, contented and happy. Despite my skepticism about her promises, she managed to fulfill them 100%.
During the restriction period, mothers are advised to follow a certain diet. This diet is based on traditional Chinese medicine and the theory that all foods can generate either “hot” energy in the body. Jahn), or “cold” energy (correlates with the concept yinWarming foods are said to love the hot sun, are sweet or spicy, “dry” or “tough,” and are rich in fats and sodium. And “cooling” foods grow in a small amount of sunlight, they are low-fat, “wet” and “soft”, rich in potassium.
Some “cooling” foods: bananas, pears, grapefruits, persimmons, watermelon, tangerine, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, Chinese bitter gourd, lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli and cauliflower, zucchini, radish, lotus root, seaweed, turmeric, marjoram, mint, sugarcane, barley , bean curd, chicken egg white, yogurt, shellfish and crabs.
Some “warming” foods: cherries, raspberries, blackberries, black currants, mangoes, grapes, chestnuts, grapefruit, peaches, garlic, leeks, shallots, green onions, soybean oil, vinegar, walnuts, apricot pits, pepper (seasoning), cinnamon, ginger, brown sugar, coffee, nutmeg, basil, cloves, coriander, chicken, ham, lamb, shrimp.
The benefits of bananas for the male body
Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of bananas for men.
Men need two to four servings of fresh fruit every day, depending on their age and activity level. One large banana, which contains 120 calories, provides the body with nutrients that affect male fertility and stimulate heart health.
Banana contains 0,5 mg of vitamin B-6, which may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (according to a study by the University of Maryland). Such benefits of vitamins in banana will have a beneficial effect, of course, including on women.
It also contains manganese, which helps in the development of connective tissue. This can be especially important for people who play sports or are active. Manganese also plays a role in male fertility.
The benefits of bananas for the female body
It is believed that women are more likely to experience constipation symptoms than men. One banana contains about 3,5 grams of fiber, which can regulate bowel movements and improve digestion.
Among the beneficial properties of bananas for women who would like to lose a little weight, we can once again note the nutritional value of these fruits. Eat bananas, snack on them, add to ready-made meals, and the problem of overeating will disappear by itself.
How to choose the right banana
Eating raw bananas is not recommended for people with diarrhea, flatulence and nephritis (kidney dysfunction), coughs and swelling during pregnancy. But if the fruit is steamed to rid it of the “cooling” properties, people with the ailments listed above may well eat them and appreciate the beneficial properties of bananas for the stomach.
In addition, excessive consumption of bananas can lead to a significant decrease in gastric acid secretion and, as a result, gastrointestinal upset. Therefore, you should not eat bananas on an empty stomach.
Bananas are convenient to take with you to have a snack on the road or at work. But in many recipes for breakfasts, pastries and smoothies, they will find a worthy place for themselves! For example, try making oatmeal with a banana for breakfast.
Healthy banana recipes
Oatmeal with banana
This banana oatmeal recipe will help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, supply fiber and nutrients, and energize you all day.
- oatmeal – 50 g,
- vegetable milk – 350 ml (can be replaced with water),
- bananas – 1/2 pcs.,
- raisins and goji berries – to taste,
- organic honey to taste.
- Pour plant-based milk (or water) into a saucepan.
- Add oatmeal and simmer over low heat.
- Slice the banana and place it in the pot a few minutes before the porridge is cooked.
- Raisins or goji berries can be added for flavor and texture if desired.
- You can find out how to make delicious banana bread, banana pancakes or banana-strawberry casserole in my recipe app.