The benefits of alcohol in small doses

Fighters for a sober lifestyle claim that drinking alcohol is harmful in any dose and leads to terrible diseases. Scientists who have been conducting research on the effect of alcohol on the human body for many years do not agree with them. They managed to prove that in small doses, high-quality alcohol has a positive effect on the mental state of a person and is a prevention of many diseases.

Statistical confirmation of the benefits of alcohol is a study conducted by Dutch doctors in the city of Zutphen. For 40 years, scientists have observed the life of 1373 residents of this town, born in 1900-1920.

In the group of subjects who took no more than 20 grams of pure alcohol per day, the relative mortality index was 36% lower than in the group of complete teetotalers. In moderate drinkers, the researchers found a 34% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease. Another interesting pattern is that people who drink wine lived 3,8 years longer than others.

Correct conclusions

one). Acceptable can be considered a daily dose not exceeding 1 grams of pure ethyl alcohol per day. In terms of our traditional alcoholic drinks, this is approximately 20 ml of wine or 50 liters of beer. It makes no sense to count the amount of vodka, because they don’t drink it in such small portions.

In Russia, drinking alcohol every day in small doses is not accepted, we need a different counting system, for example, in weeks. Multiplying 20 grams by 7 days, we get 140 grams of pure alcohol. In terms of drinks, this is 350 grams of vodka (cognac, whiskey, etc.), 1 liter of wine or 3,5 liters of beer. That is how much alcohol you can drink per week for a healthy adult who has no contraindications to drinking alcohol.

2). The most useful (at least harmless) alcohol is wine. It is this drink that is better to drink for the prevention of many diseases. Wine must be of high quality, made from grape juice.

Many of the wine drinks and draft wines that we sell are really harmful, but alcohol has nothing to do with it, it’s all about chemical additives. This also applies to other types of alcohol. Only small doses of quality alcohol are harmless.

The benefits of alcohol in small doses
The healthiest alcoholic drink is wine

Alcohol helps in the prevention of the following diseases:

  • stress;
  • violation of brain activity;
  • colds;
  • osteoporosis;
  • lymphoma;
  • kidney tumor;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertension;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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