The benefits, harms and effects of isochronous rhythms on humans

Hello dear blog readers! Isochronous rhythms and their impact on humans is the topic of today’s article.

Earlier, we mentioned more than once that our brain emits electromagnetic radiation. And if you synchronize its activity with certain frequencies, then you can specifically cause relaxation, or vice versa, a state of activity. Improve the body and even cheer up, help develop some abilities and skills, become more perfect and more conscious.

Isochronous sounds help achieve all of the above, so let’s take a closer look at them.

What are they?

Isochronous sounds are sounds that are used to synchronize brain waves. They are tones that turn on and off quickly. Most people find them pleasant, relaxing. Since they help to plunge into a meditative, hypnotic state.

Do not confuse them with music, this is just one sound that is played at intervals that are adjusted depending on the tasks. That is, relax or vice versa, activate the centers responsible for brain activity.

To better understand how isochronous tones affect our body, think about yourself at a disco, in a nightclub, or just in a car with the radio turned on loudly.

The body moves to the rhythm of the melody, sometimes completely without our volitional participation, awareness of the process. Hands and feet, as if by themselves, dance to the beat. This lifts your spirits and gives you more energy. So right?

Exactly the same process occurs with the brain during synchronization with external frequencies. At the cellular level, changes occur, due to which we recover after a protracted illness. Or we get rid of the negative consequences of the experienced stress, we realize something that we could not understand before, and so on.

In general, in addition to isochronous, there are also binaural, monoural rhythms. But they are not as popular. Since they are not suitable for most people who consider them, on the contrary, heavy, causing a feeling of tension.


You should not be afraid of them, because they do not cause harm, just as they do not change consciousness, inspiring some ideas and thoughts. You can read more about how our brain reacts to music in this article. It describes exactly what effect classical melodies produce on the human body and, in general, on any living creature.

Take care of yourself and be happy!

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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