The benefits and harms of white beans

The benefits and harms of white beans

White beans are a valuable source of protein and a champion among other plant foods in terms of its content. Beans have a wide range of useful properties for the human body, but not everyone can eat them. Therefore, it is worth studying in more detail the qualities of this delicious product.

Taste qualities. Beans are not only healthy, but also tasty. It can be consumed for lunch and dinner. Each person has his own gastronomic preferences and complements bean dishes with different vegetables. So, white beans harmonize very well with asparagus. In turn, red beans give the dish an attractive look, saturating it with colors.

Composition of white beans

The benefits and harms of white beans

100 g of white beans contains:

  • Proteins – 7

  • Indigestible dietary fiber that helps cleanse the body of harmful substances.

  • Vitamin B9, which is necessary for the body to fight atherosclerosis.

  • A set of amino acids, including: Tryptophan, Arginine, Lysine, Tyrosine.

  • Magnesium and calcium, which help strengthen teeth and bones.

If we consider what are the benefits and harms of white beans, then the positive qualities of this product will definitely prevail. First, beans are a valuable source of protein. Secondly, the arginine contained in beans helps to lower blood sugar levels. Thirdly, beans are a non-calorie product, because there are only 100 kcal per 102 g.

The benefits of white beans

The benefits and harms of white beans

Despite the low calorie content of white beans, it contributes to the fact that the feeling of hunger after eating it does not come for a long time. Beans are rich in fiber, which takes longer to digest, which means that a person remains full for a long time.

The protein contained in the composition of the beans is absorbed by the body by 75%. While the protein obtained from animal products is absorbed worse. By regularly including white beans on the menu, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Immunity increases.

  • A person is less likely to get sick, as his body is better able to resist various infections.

  • The metabolism returns to normal.

  • Inflammatory processes in the liver decrease or completely disappear.

  • The work of the digestive system is getting better.

  • The work of the nervous system is normalized.

These are not all the positive qualities of white beans. With its regular use, you can regulate the functioning of the urinary system, remove stones from the kidneys, and prevent tartar from appearing. Beans must be included in their menu for people suffering from constipation.

Traditional medicine widely uses beans to treat a wide variety of diseases. The product is useful to use and just to improve your body.

Are canned white beans healthy?

Canned white beans are a product that people often use to prepare various dishes. Indeed, it is very convenient to use ready-made beans from a can. However, keep in mind that canned beans contain acetic acid and a large amount of salt. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of the dish, beans must be washed before use. It should also be remembered that canned beans, when consumed in large quantities, can provoke increased gas formation.

Proper storage and selection of beans

The benefits and harms of white beans

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to choose natural, not canned beans. When buying beans, you need to pay attention to its appearance. You should not buy beans, on the surface of which there is rot or mold. These signs indicate spoilage of the product, which means that it is dangerous to eat it.

After purchase, the beans should be folded into a glass container and tightly closed with a plastic lid. The jar should be placed in a dark and dry place, such as a kitchen cabinet.

You can store not only fresh, but also boiled beans. When ready, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. For convenience, before freezing, beans should be divided into small portions.

Proper preparation of beans

The benefits and harms of white beans

White beans can cause harm only when consumed raw. This product contains a large amount of polysaccharides, which contribute to increased gas formation and bloating. There are also toxic substances in raw beans. However, with proper processing of the beans, the toxins from them disappear.

To prepare beans, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Beans must be soaked in water before cooking. The exposure time is 10 hours.

  • One part of the toxins from the beans will be removed with the water in which they were infused, and the remaining harmful substances can be removed during cooking. To do this, immediately after boiling, the water must be drained. Then the beans are again poured with cold water, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil are added to the pan and put on fire.

  • You need to cook the beans for a long time, you should not interfere with it so that the fruits do not crack. The fire must be made weak.

  • During the cooking of the product, it is not salted, as this will negatively affect the appearance of the beans. Salt is added after the pan is removed from the heat.

If you cook beans according to all the rules, then it will certainly benefit the body.

What is better to use? Beans go well with vegetables that are rich in ascorbic acid. You can add beans to salads and other cold snacks. Dishes that combine white and red beans look very nice.

spicy white bean salad recipe

The benefits and harms of white beans

To prepare the dish, you need 300 g of boiled beans. It is advisable to cook the beans yourself, and not use a canned product. So, the salad will turn out tastier.

It is necessary to grind 100 g of crab meat, mix it with beans and add 2 chopped tomatoes to the dish. Then fresh parsley is put in the salad, and 2 cloves of garlic are squeezed out. All ingredients are mixed, the salad is salted, peppered and seasoned with mayonnaise. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with crackers.

You can also add fresh or pickled cucumbers, boiled chicken and cheese to the salad, but potatoes in it will be inappropriate.

Contraindications for use

Beans contain a substance called purine. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for people of retirement age. It is worth giving up beans to patients with gout, with a stomach ulcer, with gastritis, pancreatitis, nephritis and cholecystitis. There are no more contraindications to eating white beans.

White beans are definitely healthy food. Therefore, if there are no prohibitions, beans must be included in your menu.

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