the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

Modern lovers of this intoxicating drink affectionately call it “white”, all the rest – vodka. In the minds of foreigners, her connection with Russia is unbreakable. This is due to the history, which we will not delve into now. Better yet, let’s talk about the benefits and harms of vodka.

Adam Olearius said that no nation is so susceptible to drunkenness and is not devoted to it as much as the Russian. This, of course, does not do us credit. The most terrible harm vodka can bring with its abuse. She, like any alcoholic drink, can lead to alcoholism, and this is a severe psychological dependence, from which it is very difficult to get rid of.

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

The composition of vodka effect on the human body

Vodka contains ethyl alcohol, which is toxic to brain cells. It accumulates and leads to the destruction of the cerebral cortex. There is a scientifically proven fact that alcohol is a blood clotting agent. What does it mean? Blood cells clump together into balls that increase with the amount of alcohol you drink. As a result, oxygen deficiency of brain cells occurs. In everyday life, this is called intoxication. It is these alcoholic bonds that clog the blood vessels that cause cell death. This is detrimental to health.

The harm of vodka is that it slows down the work of the central nervous system, which is why drunkards are so inhibited. But this is perhaps the most harmless thing that vodka is capable of. It can lead to death. Regular consumption of large quantities of this drink will inevitably lead to cirrhosis or hepatitis. There is a great chance of developing bacterial peritonitis, ascites, renal failure. And the most unpleasant thing. Vodka poisons the body, thereby causing nausea.

But, the devil is not so terrible, as they say, if you know when to stop. The benefits of vodka are measured in grams. For example, as a medicine, this hot drink in a dose of 50 g can be used when refrigerated. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood flow. Vodka also whet the appetite. 20 g will be enough for this.

There is a myth that vodka is low in calories. So, citizens losing weight, relax: 250 kcal per 100g of product. Not so little, you must admit. Why then drink it? Most relieve stress in this way. And there is some truth in this. The benefit of vodka is that 20-30g really helps to relax. Even with the help of small doses, you can reduce pressure.

Application of useful properties of vodka:

  • Vodka is a good disinfectant. It is used to disinfect wounds and abrasions, disinfect hands.
  • Vodka compress lowers body temperature in case of colds.
  • In folk medicine, it is used in tinctures, rubbing.
  • Gargling with vodka can relieve toothache.
  • With the help of vodka, psycho-emotional stress was relieved during hostilities. The so-called “Combat hundred grams” were issued to soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. 100 grams of vodka is both good and bad. They provided morale to the soldiers, and also helped with chills and as a pain reliever during operations.
  • Its warming effect is used in the treatment of colds, tracheitis and bronchitis.

Recommended human dose of alcohol – benefits and harms

It is believed that drinking vodka in small quantities is even beneficial for humans. This amount should not exceed 50 grams of vodka per day. Let’s see if drinking 50 grams of vodka a day is good or bad? This reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and the formation of plaques in the vessels. Drinking a small amount of vodka daily reduces the risk of arthritis, cancer, angina pectoris and colds. It improves appetite, normalizes sleep, tones up the immune system of the human body.

Why is a surrogate dangerous for human health?

Of course, the use of an alcoholic substitute is not only dangerous to health, but also fatal. What is a surrogate? It is an alcohol-containing liquid that is used in a domestic environment. They also include counterfeit wines, cognacs, liqueurs, cocktails, vodka. That is, they are made from raw materials of inadequate quality: expired or technical.

The use of surrogates can cause irreparable harm to health. It primarily affects the liver, kidneys, eyes and the central nervous system. A person can be poisoned by a surrogate by accidentally using it, without even knowing about it. Chronic alcoholics also drink surrogates. They use household chemicals, industrial alcohol. And this leads to dire consequences.

It is important not to be poisoned by a surrogate, buy vodka in proven specialized stores and store household chemicals separately from food.

The harm of drinking vodka for men

Whatever useful properties vodka has, it can still harm health. An uncontrolled addiction to alcohol can lead to problems:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cirrhosis of the liver, colitis, stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids);
  • the cardiovascular system suffers (coronary heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, thrombosis);
  • hormonal disruptions (diabetes mellitus, cholesterol surge, endocrine system diseases);
  • problems in the genitourinary system (prostatitis).

Drinking vodka with diabetes

Many are worried about the question of whether it is possible to use vodka with diabetes mellitus, because there is no sugar there as in wines and cognacs? But there is alcohol, which is a source of energy and can cause a jump in sugar levels. Then it decreases below the normal value. This is due to alcohol, which inhibits glycolysis. This affects the functioning of the liver.

Medicinal vodka tinctures:

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

For the preparation of medicinal tinctures on vodka, various raw materials of plant origin are used. These can be medicinal herbs or honey derivatives.

Tinctures have medicinal and symptomatic properties.

Healing tinctures are prepared on herbs of medicinal plants and have a healing effect. These are such tinctures, which include ginseng, valerian, motherwort, camphor, wormwood, calendula or hawthorn.

Symptomatic infusions relieve the main symptoms of the disease. These include infusions of pine nuts, thyme, sea buckthorn, chamomile and marshmallow.

Tincture of honey with lemon for colds

Vodka with honey is used for colds. Lemon wedges or hot pepper are added to this tincture as additives. The tincture causes a diaphoretic effect and forces the body to fight the virus. And honey contains a powerful vitamin composition. But do not forget about a possible allergic reaction to honey. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before use so that there are no side effects, such as increased blood pressure, a jump in sugar or an attack of pancreatitis.

Juniper vodka benefits and harms

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

The use of juniper tincture in its large amount of vitamins, tannins, resins, minerals, phytoncides and essential oils. The tincture takes all the beneficial properties of the plant.

The tincture has a tonic, antiviral, diuretic, choleretic, analgesic and sedative effect on the body.

This tincture is easy to prepare yourself at home. You need to take 1 liter of vodka and 2 tablespoons of dried juniper berries. Grind the berry before use, and then pour vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Before taking it, be sure to strain it. To soften the taste, you can add cinnamon, rosemary or lemon zest to the tincture.

Kalgan: useful properties

Kalgan is a herbaceous plant that is a relative of the erect cinquefoil. Grows in Europe, the Caucasus, some regions of Siberia. If you try very hard, you can find it in the Moscow region. Potentilla root helps with hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, joint pain, burns, menstrual bleeding and inflammation.

There are several ways to tincture on galangal. Here is the simplest one. Boil the washed and dried roots of galangal and strain. After cooling, pour the broth with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1. Insist for two weeks.

Viburnum tincture on vodka

Viburnum vodka tincture helps with insomnia, hypertension, and it also cleans blood vessels well. The tincture can of course be drunk for pleasure. It has a tart taste and a slight bitterness.

To prepare tincture on viburnum, you need to prepare fresh berries. For 1 liter of vodka, take 1 kg of viburnum and sugar to taste. Sort out the viburnum, clear from the bunches. Rinse the prepared berries well. Put the berries in a jar or bottle and pour vodka so that it covers the layer of berries by 3 cm. Close the tincture with a lid and put it in a cramped place for 24 hours. Then add the rest of the vodka. Insist for a month, shaking daily. After a month, strain the infusion and add sugar, bottle. The resulting tincture has approximately a strength of 34-35 degrees. And can be stored for up to 3 years.

Hawthorn benefits and harms to the body

Hawthorn vodka: benefits and harms, as well as homemade recipes, we will consider all this in our article. Many people believe that hawthorn is a remedy for 100 diseases! The benefits of hawthorn have been known for a long time. For medicinal tincture, various parts of it are used: inflorescences, leaves, fruits, bark. In addition to vitamins C, E, K and B vitamins, they contain organic acids, tannins, essential oils. The tincture is useful for cerebral vasospasm, heart disease and nervous overexcitation. And also the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases and blood pressure normalizes.

The tincture recipe is simple. For 200 grams of berries – 2 liters of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 3-4 weeks, shaking constantly. Then strain and the medicinal infusion is ready for use.

Many people abuse hawthorn and buy it as a cheap, affordable alcoholic product. Therefore, it was decided to regulate the sale of hawthorn tincture in pharmacies.

Vodka on pine nuts

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

Cedar tincture is beneficial for male strength. Pine nuts contain substances that have a positive effect on the sex drive in men. The tincture has a positive effect on the functioning of the sex glands, thereby increasing potency and increasing libido. It cannot be drunk as a table product, as the concentration of nuts is too high.

You will need fresh pine cones for cooking. Grind pine nuts in the amount of 500 grams and pour 0,5 liters of vodka. And insist for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain the infusion and pour it into a dark bowl. Consume 1 teaspoon for 2-3 months.

Horseradish – horseradish vodka: the benefits and harms of tincture

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

Horseradish is best consumed chilled before eating a small amount as an aperitif. Horseradish-infused vodka has a positive effect on the body:

  • activates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • has a tonic effect;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • enhances appetite;
  • shows a diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The tincture tastes good and is easy to drink. Therefore, you need to be careful not to abuse it, otherwise it can be addictive.

Garlic vodka tincture benefits and harms

Garlic has many beneficial properties and can be enhanced by preparing an alcoholic tincture. This tincture will protect the body from viruses and help lower cholesterol. It is a prevention of thrombus formation, as it normalizes blood clotting.

The benefits of vodka cranberry tincture

Alcohol-based cranberries help out with vitamin deficiencies during colds, increase immunity, normalize blood pressure, reduce asthma attacks, eliminate joint pain and angina.

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

Anise vodka useful properties

Anisovka, as it is popularly called, has a positive effect on the work of the heart muscle. Rubbing with aniseed vodka helps to get rid of skin diseases. At the same time, it is worth remembering that you cannot use anise tincture for more than a week in a row, otherwise it will cause addiction. You need to take it 30 drops 3 times a day.

Moonshine and its cleaning at home

the benefits and harms of vodka for the health of the body: vodka tinctures

Purification of moonshine is an important step in the preparation process. The quality of the drink depends on it. Fusel oils, present in large quantities in moonshine, are poisonous.

Moonshine cleaning at home takes place in 2 stages:

The first stage.

The product obtained after the first distillation is purified. Potassium permanganate or activated carbon is used as cleaning agents.

The second stage

There is a repeated distillation and separation of the drink into fractions. Harmful substances are separated. The result is pure moonshine.

As you can see, the benefits and harms of vodka are very ambiguous. It will hardly be possible to exclude it from our, Russian culture altogether. Therefore, try not to abuse this drink, take care of brain cells and have a snack, be sure to eat hot fatty meals.

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