The benefits and harms of sturgeon

The handsome sturgeon is rightfully considered a delicious delicacy in many countries of the world. It is prized as a fishery for its nutritional value.

The benefits and harms of sturgeon are appreciated by culinary experts. It contains essential amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids and minerals we need. Its flesh tastes meaty due to the presence of glutamic acid in fish.

There is a benefit of sturgeon for people suffering from atherosclerosis, due to the content of fatty acids in the delicacy. Fish has a large amount of protein and therefore has a high nutritional value. The delicacy can be called a panacea for diseases of the brain and heart.

In many ways, the benefits of sturgeon are valued due to its ability to normalize blood pressure, improve metabolic processes, and affect skin regeneration. The great benefits of sturgeon are recognized by nutritionists. The combination of low calorie content with high energy value makes it a good choice for diets. In addition, fish facilitates the digestion and assimilation of food, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Unfortunately, along with the excellent beneficial qualities of the fish, there is the harm of the sturgeon due to its ability to accumulate toxins in the tissues. Fish living in sewage can cause serious poisoning. Pesticides and dioxins are often found in its flesh, which pose a serious threat to health.

High levels of mercury in fish caught in Oregon last year led researchers to argue that sturgeon harm due to hazardous compounds should be a contraindication to eating the delicacy for women of childbearing age, young children, people with liver, kidney and pancreas diseases.

The harm to sturgeon can become quite significant for health if the fish is not properly processed during its preparation. She is a carrier of botulism, the pathogens of which easily get from the intestines of a marine inhabitant into caviar and meat, if mistakes are made in the processing of raw materials. Poisoning with a delicacy associated with violations of the technology for preparing a product is a fairly common occurrence.

The benefits and harms of sturgeon, its nutritional and medicinal qualities, the ability to accumulate toxins, have long been an object of discussion for scientific men, but any culinary specialist will tell only about the positive qualities of a wonderful delicacy. The fish can be used to prepare any delicious dishes and has exquisite taste. It is used to make aromatic kebabs, soups, aspic and valuable caviar.

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