
Sesame (sesame) is an annual oilseed plant native to South Africa. Although sesame is actively grown in the Far East, India and Central Asia. The plant has many useful characteristics, but it is grown mainly for oil.
The beneficial properties of sesame are known to many due to the record content of calcium – 1474 mg. However, its benefits do not end there, below is information on 15 medicinal properties of sesame seeds.
Composition of sesame
Calories 573 KKal
- Fats:
48,7 g
- Proteins:
20,4 g
- Carbohydrates:
12,2 g
- Water:
7,7 g
- Ash:
4,4 g
- Cellulose:
5,6 g
Vitamins (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) | 0,79 mg | 46,8% |
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) | 0,79 mg | 39,5% |
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) | 97,0 mcg | 24,3% |
Vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinic acid) | 4,52 mg | 22,6% |
Gamma-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E) | 2,44 mg | 16,3% |
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) | 0,25 mg | 12,5% |
Minerals (in 100 g): | Quantity | %RDN |
Silicon | 199,0 mg | 663,3% |
Copper | 4100 mcg | 410,0% |
Vanadium | 54,7 mcg | 136,8% |
Nickel | 190,0 mcg | 126,7% |
Manganese | 2460 mcg | 123,0% |
Calcium | 783-1474 mg | 113,6% |
Hardware | 14,5 mg | 96,7% |
Magnesium | 351 mg | 87,8% |
Lithium | 77 mcg | 77,0% |
Phosphorus | 453-694 mg | 67,5% |
Zinc | 7750 mcg | 64,6% |
Bor | 37 mcg | 52,9% |
Zirconium | 25 mcg | 50,0% |
Selenium | 24,4 mcg | 37,5% |
Molybdenum | 15 mcg | 21,4% |
Cobalt | 2 mcg | 20,0% |
potassium | 468-497 mg | 19,2% |
Rubidium | 11,8 mcg | 11,8% |
Chrome | 5,8 mcg | 11,6% |
* Lead | 1,0 mcg | 10,0% |
Iodine | 7,1-15,0 μg | 8,9% |
Full chemical composition ➤
Other important connections:
Phytosterols – 714 mg (1298% of the RDA). Of these: campesterol – 12 mg, beta-sitosterol – 210 mg, stigmasterol – 1 mg. The presence of 525% beta-sitosterol makes it possible to classify sesame as a feminine product.
Purine — 37 mg (29,3% of RDI)
Sesame is a source of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids.
It contains:
Palmitic acid (4,44 g). It is essential for the body to produce collagen and elastin.
Linoleic acid (21,37 g). It takes part in the formation of cells of the brain, genitourinary system and organs of vision in the fetus.
Oleic acid (18,52 g). It helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
Stearic acid (2,09 g). It has a beneficial effect on the cells of the epidermis.
In addition to these components, sesame is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.
How much calcium is in sesame?
Sesame should be eaten by people suffering from calcium deficiency in the body. In 100 g of unpeeled seeds, it contains from 783 to 1474 mg. This amount is enough to maintain the performance of all organs throughout the day without extracting calcium from the bone tissue.
What do you get by eating just 30 grams of sesame seeds?
Minerals | Unpeeled (black) sesame | Hulled (white) sesame |
Calcium | 263 mg. | 12 mg |
Magnesium | 95 mg. | 95 mg. |
Manganese | 2,88 mg. | 1,71 mg. |
Zinc | 2,09 mg. | 1,79 mg. |
Hardware | 3.93 mg. | — |
Sesame seed has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, but sesamin is the most valuable in it. This ligand is found only in sesame and flaxseeds. Its intake into the body allows you to speed up metabolism, increase the concentration of vitamin E, reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes. The benefits of sesamin from sesame seeds are undeniable, therefore, biological food supplements are made on its basis.
15 incredibly useful properties of sesame
Sesame belongs to valuable food products. Thanks to its regular use in food, a person can achieve the following effects:
Protein. 100 g of seeds contain 18 g of protein, which is 32% of the daily requirement for an adult. The standard dose (30 grams) contains 5,5 grams of protein.
However, it must be remembered that there is little lysine in sesame – an amino acid that is sufficiently contained in animal food. If you don’t eat meat, you can make up for it with beans and chickpeas. On the other hand, sesame seeds are high in methionine and cysteine, two amino acids that legumes don’t supply in sufficient amounts. [2]
Good source of fiber. Just 3 tablespoons per day (30 grams) provides us with 3,5 grams of fiber, which is 12% of the daily value.
Prevention of diabetes. Consumption of sesame helps to prevent a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, so the risk of developing diabetes is reduced.
In addition, sesame seeds contain pinoresinol, a compound that regulates blood sugar levels by inhibiting the action of the digestive enzyme maltase. [4]
Prevention of heart disease and high blood pressure. It has been experimentally proven that sesame contains lignins, which help regulate cholesterol and blood pressure. Lignins and phytosterols allow you to control the increase in cholesterol levels in the blood serum and in the liver. Therefore, doctors recommend taking sesame seeds to patients with a high risk of atherosclerosis. Thanks to sesamol, clots do not form in the blood, and blood clots do not form in the vessels. The value is oleic acid, which is also found in sesame seeds. It helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of good cholesterol. People who consume sesame often have a reduced chance of developing coronary artery ischemia. [5], [6], [7]
Prophylaxis of cancer. Sesame seeds contain substances that prevent cancer cells from multiplying in the body. First of all, this is possible thanks to magnesium and a special compound called phytate. Sesame is useful for the intestines, as it can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Protection of DNA from the destructive action of radicals. This beneficial effect is provided by sesamol, which is contained in both shifts and sesame oil. In addition to destroying free radicals in the body, sesamol is good for the spleen.
Maintaining bone health. Sesame seeds help prevent the development of osteoporosis, as they contain calcium and zinc in high concentrations.
Maintaining the work of the digestive tract. Sesame seeds contain dietary fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. Fiber helps cleanse the body, removing feces and harmful compounds from it. Sesame seeds are included in the diet to prevent constipation.
Reducing joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The copper found in sesame has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This allows you to reduce the intensity of pain and swelling in the area of the affected joint, as well as strengthen the bone tissue and blood vessels.
Prevention of damage to the respiratory system. The seeds contain magnesium, which reduces the risk of developing bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with bronchial obstruction.
Maintaining oral health. The use of sesame seeds and oil helps to prevent the reproduction of streptococci in the mouth, and also helps to whiten teeth and remove tartar.
Maintaining the health of the nervous system. Sesame seed is an excellent natural antioxidant. Magnesium and calcium improve the transmission of nerve impulses, thiamine has a sedative effect, tryptophan enhances the production of serotonin. Thanks to the regular use of sesame seeds in food, it is possible to normalize sleep, as well as get rid of stress.
Prevention of thyroid diseases. This body needs copper, zinc, vitamin B6 and especially selenium. Your thyroid contains the highest concentration of selenium of any organ in your body. This mineral plays a vital role in the production of thyroid hormones. All of these substances are found in sesame, including 18% of the daily intake of selenium (read more: what foods contain selenium?).
Source of group vitamins B1, B3, B6. Interestingly, peeled sesame seeds contain slightly more vitamins than unpeeled ones. 30 grams of sesame satisfies 10-20% of the daily requirement of thiamine, niacin and vitamin B6.
Strengthening of immunity. Sesame seeds are a good source of several nutrients that are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. Be aware that even a small zinc deficiency can impair immune system function! [12]
The benefits of sesame for women
Sesame is good for women’s health. It helps to strengthen nails and hair, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, and also has the unique property of replacing female sex hormones. Sesame seeds contain phytoestrogens, plant compounds similar to the hormone estrogen. Therefore, it is useful to eat it for women during menopause, as well as for patients with hormonal imbalances in the body. [13]
What’s more, these compounds may reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as breast cancer, during menopause. [14]
It is known that after the onset of menopause, pathological changes begin to occur in the bone tissue. Calcium is washed out of it, as a result of which osteoporosis develops. Sesame seed is a source of this micronutrient, as well as sesamin, which has a direct effect on osteoblasts, stimulating the expression of key genes and key enzymes in the process of bone mineralization. Therefore, it must be consumed by all women over 45 years of age. [16]
The benefits of sesame seeds for men
Sesame should not be ignored by men who care about the health of their reproductive system. This product is a natural aphrodisiac that can increase libido.
The more often a man consumes sesame seeds, the lower his risk of developing heart disease. In addition, the product helps muscles recover faster after physical exertion.
Pregnancy Benefits
If the pregnant woman is healthy, then she can consume sesame seeds from time to time. It is allowed to include it in the diet, starting from second trimester of pregnancy.
It is useful for pregnant women to eat sesame seeds, as it allows you to achieve the following effects:
Calm the nervous system. Any unrest for women in position is categorically contraindicated.
Strengthening the teeth and bones of the expectant mother.
Help in the formation of the skeleton of the child.
Enrichment of breast milk with calcium.
Strengthening the immune system.
How to take sesame? How and how much to eat?
Raw sesame contains phytic acid. It leads to the leaching of calcium and iron from the body. To remove phytic acid from seeds, they need to be germinated, soaked, roasted, or fermented.
Phytic acid can be broken down in the following ways:
Soaking in water. The seeds are soaked in the evening, the water is drained in the morning, the sesame seeds are washed and dried.
Soaking in water with a little vinegar or lemon juice. With this method of processing, 2 hours is enough to get rid of phytic acid.
Heating up the seeds. In order not to destroy the beneficial substances contained in sesame seeds, you need to process them for no longer than 2 minutes. During calcination, they should be continuously stirred. Do not add oil or other liquid to the pan.
Also, one study showed that sprouting reduced the concentration of phytate and oxalate by about 50% in sesame seeds.
The processed seed can be eaten without fear that it will harm health. Seeds are added to salads with vegetables and fruits, smoothies, pastries and soups. Tahini is made from sesame seeds, this paste becomes the main one for making hummus or nut sauce. [18]
How to eat sesame seeds to absorb calcium?
In order for calcium from sesame seeds to be well absorbed by the body, the following conditions must be observed:
The body will perceive calcium only on the condition that a person does not suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Food contains little of it. Therefore, in clear sunny weather, it is necessary to go outside as often as possible, allowing the sun’s rays to hit the skin. Alternatively, take liquid vitamin D at 500-2000 IU per day (5000 IU or more daily is safe).
Calcium is well absorbed if a person eats foods rich in phosphorus. It is abundant in fish, seafood, cottage cheese and greens. Therefore, you can combine sesame seeds with these dishes.
The body will not perceive calcium well if the acidity of gastric juice is increased or decreased. Therefore, for its normal absorption, it is necessary to monitor the health of the digestive system.
Calcium is actively washed out of the body if a person experiences heavy physical exertion. They should not be abandoned, they just have to be moderate.
Products such as salt, spinach, sorrel can remove calcium from the body. Contribute to the loss of this valuable trace element coffee and carbonated drinks. Therefore, with calcium deficiency, they must be abandoned.
Video: how to eat sesame seeds to absorb calcium! 4 simple rules!