The benefits and harms of salt for the human body
Since ancient times and to this day, disputes about the benefits and harms do not subside. saltas this is a rather controversial product. Nutritionists constantly warn us that excessive salt intake is deadly, they urge us to reduce the amount of sodium chloride consumed to a minimum or completely abandon it.
But without salt, our food would not be so tasty, and thanks to it, some foods are stored much longer. Take it easy. In fact, using salt in reasonable quantities, you will only improve the condition of your body, because it is a vital product that guarantees the full functioning of any person. Why? Because salt is found in any organ, in blood, sweat and tears.
The absence of sodium chloride in the body would mean the impossibility of the processes of metabolism of nutrients, the transfer of oxygen, the movement of muscles, the transmission of nerve impulses. Salt must be present in the diet of every person, since the body is not able to produce sodium on its own.
The benefits of salt
Table salt often contains other mineral salts that are very important for the human body. Scientists have long proven that no animal will last more than two weeks on a salt-free diet. What is this connected with and why is sodium chloride so important to us?
- The main positive effect of salt is the saturation of cells with nutrients… If an imbalance of salt is observed inside and outside the cell, the body begins to start the processes of intake of nutrients and produce waste products;
- Helps the body produce hydrochloric acid in the stomach with the help of chlorine… It is thanks to this acid, which is the main constituent of gastric juice, that the processes of food digestion in the organs of the digestive system are provided. Salt intake normalizes fat and water metabolism, regulates osmotic pressure. Also, table salt has an antiseptic effect, destroying the processes of suppuration in the gastrointestinal tract. All this speaks of the invaluable benefits of salt for the digestive organs, especially for the stomach;
- Sodium, of which salt is composed, provides fluid and acid-base balance… In addition, this element is involved in the processes of muscle contractions, transmission of nerve impulses, interstitial metabolism, accumulation of the optimal amount of fluid in the body, activation of digestive enzymes. Sodium is also very important for ensuring the work of the heart muscle, a sufficient amount of this trace element in the body will relieve fatigue, lethargy and weakness;
- Maintains optimal electrolyte levels in cells… This component is needed in order for the muscles to function fully. And for this it is necessary to regularly add salt to food as a seasoning;
- Benefits When Used Topically… Salt baths will help get rid of swelling of the feet, saline with baking soda can also be gargled to reduce inflammation of the tonsils. For people who constantly have bags under the eyes, it is recommended to take salt compresses;
- Replenishes the body with sufficient iodine… It is this microelement that is lacking for a modern person living in a polluted and constantly changing environment. Iodine is known to support the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for controlling a huge amount of hormones;
- Recommended for heavy sweating… In the hot season, during intense physical exertion or work in production in hot workshops and while running, people lose a large amount of water, the lack of which is dangerous for the human body. Since salt is capable of retaining liquid, during the period of profuse sweating, doctors recommend increasing its consumption to 20 grams per day;
- By retaining water, it controls the required amount of vital trace elements such as potassium, magnesium and calcium in the body… The presence of these components improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the bone and nervous system, therefore, salt plays a significant role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, anorexia, osteoporosis, stress, depression and sleep disorders;
- Has a positive effect on teeth… To date, many effective folk remedies have been invented with the addition of salt, with which you can strengthen teeth and gums, cure the formation of ulcers in the oral cavity. Salt and soda dissolved in warm water helps to strengthen the tooth enamel;
- Replenishes adrenal cortex insufficiency, relieves pain in extensive burns, relieves diarrhea and vomiting.
Salt damage
Salt is useful only in moderation. Like any other product, it can cause serious consequences for the body if it is abused. Why is this product dangerous?
- Addictive… As you know, salt is used as a seasoning to enhance the taste of food. But over time, this product dulls the sensitivity of taste buds, a person gets used to this taste and, as a rule, begins to add salt to food even more. The fact that people get used to salt and increase its dosage is confirmed by statistics: in many countries, its average consumption is 5 or even 10 times the daily norm. Yes, the body of a healthy person is able to excrete about 5 grams of salt per day with sweat, urine and partly with feces, the rest of the sodium chloride is deposited in the body, an imbalance of potassium and sodium occurs, edema occurs;
- Increases the load on the kidneys, heart, slows down blood circulation in the vessels… When a person is sick, unlike a healthy person, his body is able to excrete no more than 2 grams of salt per day, and if he does not limit the consumption of this product, sodium chloride will retain an excess amount of fluid in the body, which will heavily load the mentioned organs and this will provoke exacerbation of various diseases. In this regard, it is recommended to adhere to a strict dosage of table salt for diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, blood, liver and kidneys with edema;
- Causes obesity… This problem is associated with the same ability of salt to retain excess water in the body when consumed in excess. In this case, excess fluid will accumulate in fat cells, which will increase in volume and cause edema. It is worth noting that salt increases appetite, and this leads to more calorie intake per day;
- Increases pressure… Excess sodium in the body has a strong effect on the mechanisms responsible for maintaining optimal blood pressure. Over-salted food increases the need for high fluid intake, which negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and even provokes the onset of atherosclerosis. Therefore, hypertensive patients should also be extremely careful in the use of salt, because the development of hypertension can lead to a stroke;
- Moreover, the excessive addition of salt to food can lead to deterioration of the skin color, the development of cataracts, and joint problems.
It is very important to control the water-salt balance in the body, since the benefits and harms of salt are directly related to both its excess in the diet and its deficiency. But, as they say, it is better to undersalt than oversalt.
So that salt does not have a negative effect on your health, you need to consume no more than 5 grams of the product per day – this is the optimal dose for an adult. Do not go on salt-free diets, as our body is 70% water and it is sodium chloride that maintains the water balance in the body.
Nutritional value and chemical composition of salt
- The nutritional value
- Vitamins
- Macronutrients
- Trace Elements
Potassium, K 9 mg
Calcium, Ca 368 mg
Magnesium, Mg 22 mg
Sodium, Na 38710 mg
Sulfur, S 180 mg
Phosphorus, Ph 75 mg
Chlorine, Cl 59690 mg
Iron, Fe 2.9 mg
Cobalt, Co 15 μg
Manganese, Mn 0.25 mg
Copper, Cu 271 mcg
Molybdenum, Mo 110 mcg
Zinc, Zn 0.6 mg