A folk remedy known for its healing qualities is mentioned in ancient Greek manuscripts that have survived to our times. The “sacred herb” has been used by healers as an anti-inflammatory agent to boost immunity.
The benefits and harms of sage have been proven in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system and the treatment of neuroses. It contains essential oils that have a rejuvenating and tonic effect. The herb treats pulmonary inflammation and is used to normalize sugar in the body.
In case of burns, sage is known to be useful as a means for the rapid restoration of the skin. It normalizes the digestive tract and helps clear acne from the skin. For medicinal purposes, both dry leaves of the plant and fresh ones are used.
Undoubtedly the benefits of sage to increase potency. It increases attraction to the opposite sex, and it is also considered a well-known remedy for the treatment of female diseases. It can provoke a delay in menstruation, although it facilitates the onset of menopause.
The plant is recommended to drink in decoctions in the treatment of oncology, bronchitis, rheumatism. The benefits of sage are known to strengthen tooth enamel. It helps with diarrhea as it contains tannins. It lowers the temperature in case of fevers, helps relieve tension, and eases the course of menopause in elderly women.
The harm of sage is observed with the abuse of herbs for food. It can cause an increase in heart rate, provoke convulsions, it is not recommended for use by epileptics.
With the abuse of preparations containing the plant, sage harm is observed, which is expressed in skin irritation and itching. It can not be used for diseases of pyelonephritis. Greens can aggravate coughing, so it is not recommended to take it if you have a sore throat.
Sage harm is possible with a pronounced allergic reaction to grass. In large quantities, it can play the role of a hallucinogen. If consumed within reasonable limits on a regular basis, it will help women suffering from infertility to conceive a child.
The benefits and harms of sage are used in cooking and are used in pharmacology. Housewives like to add these greens to salads and main dishes.
But the plant should be consumed with a strict dosage, as it is very toxic. You should not drink herbal decoctions during pregnancy and with advanced bronchitis. In addition, the drink should not be consumed for more than 20 days in a row.