The benefits and harms of rosemary

The benefits and harms of rosemary

Native to the Mediterranean coast, the herb with needle-like leaves and pink, blue or purple flowers is used as a condiment to flavor soups, main courses and sauces. In addition to the culinary use of the plant, rosemary has been used for centuries to treat diseases. And I must say, our ancestors were not mistaken, hoping for the healing qualities of the herb.

Thinking, you will be surprised at the positive effects of the plant on our health. The benefits of rosemary, according to modern researchers, offer promising promise for the development of cancer drugs. Experiments in rodents have shown that eating greens for two weeks can slow down the development of tumors by 76%.

In addition, rosemary has great benefits for improving memory. Back in the 15th century, the Aesculapians recommended it to be eaten by people with brain diseases and cerebral disorders. Today, scientists suggest that the plant is able to protect humans from Alzheimer’s disease, as well as reversible changes associated with the deterioration of mental activity.

An interesting fact is that the benefits of rosemary are possible even from its smell. Essential oils of greens improve memory and mood, in addition, they are able to relieve headaches and joint pain. The plant is also used to relieve inflammation in bones and joints. This is facilitated by its constituent carnosol. Experiments have proven the substance’s ability to relieve inflammation and pain.

Rosemary has little harm due to its diuretic effect, it puts stress on the kidneys and is therefore not recommended in large quantities for patients with kidney problems. In addition, rosemary is known to be harmful to pregnant women. The plant can lead to spontaneous abortion, as it intensifies the contractions of the uterus. Rosemary is also harmful for hypertensive patients, as greens tend to raise blood pressure.

Of course, the benefits and harms of rosemary have long been the subject of scientific controversy. The plant is now known to have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. In addition, it is capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria that cause stomach ulcers and the spread of staphylococcal infections. And the unique qualities of greens strengthen immunity, cleanse the liver, improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth.

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