- What is useful rose hips for the kidneys
- How to brew and drink rosehip tea for the kidneys
- Rosehip infusions for the kidneys
- Rosehip decoction for kidney disease
- Rosehip Root Recipes for Kidney Stones
- Rosehip from kidney nephritis
- Противопоказания
- Conclusion
- Reviews of the treatment of rosehip root for kidney stones
The health benefits of rose hips are scientifically proven and recognized by official medicine. It is extremely valued for its tonic effect, beneficial effect on the body and a wide “spectrum of action”. Doctors also recommend decoctions, infusions, and other folk remedies for the “targeted” fight against certain diseases. For example, rosehip is very effective for the kidneys. But only if you take it according to the treatment regimen and take into account the existing contraindications.
What is useful rose hips for the kidneys
Rosehip is a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In very high concentration it contains:
- vitamin C, it strengthens and supports the body, increases its resistance to any diseases, promotes speedy recovery;
- vitamin E, which activates protective functions, preventing the negative effects of external factors;
- vitamin K, it has a beneficial effect on blood clotting;
- organic acids, tannins, tannins with a pronounced antibacterial effect;
- pectins;
- potassium, calcium, phosphorus.
Their presence is due to the beneficial properties of rose hips for the kidneys:
- “Sand” is removed from them in a timely manner, not having time to turn into larger stones that provoke severe pain;
- viruses, bacteria, other pathogenic microflora are destroyed, rose hips are also useful in autoimmune diseases;
- organs are cleansed, begin to function normally due to the removal of “bad” cholesterol;
- the load on them is reduced due to a pronounced diuretic effect, as a result, edema disappears.

Folk remedies with wild rose contribute to the comprehensive improvement of the kidneys
With the regular use of decoctions, infusions, and other folk remedies from wild rose, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, they are cleared of cholesterol “plaques”. As a result, all organs and tissues, including the kidneys, are better supplied with oxygen and other essential substances, which has a positive effect on their performance.
How to brew and drink rosehip tea for the kidneys
To make tea for the kidneys as useful as possible, you must consider the following nuances:
- If the recipe involves chopping fruits, the liquid, when it is brewed, must be strained. The pulp contains hard “hairs” that, if ingested, can seriously damage the mucous membrane.
- You can not pour fruits with boiling water. The optimum water temperature is 70-80 °C. Otherwise, the drink significantly loses its usefulness.
When brewing a drink in a thermos, it is recommended to first pour boiling water over its walls. So you can keep the heat as long as possible.
Classic recipe
For a drink, you need 3-4 tablespoons of fresh fruits and a liter of hot water. The berries need to be cut into several pieces or turned into a pulp with a wooden kitchen mallet. Preparing the drink is extremely simple – the rosehip is poured with hot water and brewed in a teapot or thermos for 10-12 hours, adding a tablespoon of ordinary large-leaf black or green tea.
Drink the drink in mugs, daily, twice or thrice, about half an hour after eating. Sugar, honey, lemon and other “taste” additives are not welcome.

Rosehip tea helps to get rid of toxins, useful in the presence of sand in the kidneys
Vitamin tea
The drink is suitable for the prevention of kidney disease. Also, this tea normalizes the activity of the entire excretory system, saturating the body with vitamins and other substances it needs.
To make tea, dry rose hips (1 tablespoon) are mixed with approximately the same volume of other dried berries (currants, raspberries, mountain ash, viburnum, cherries). Then they are poured with 0,5 liters of water, pour a tablespoon of tea leaves. Rose hips are brewed with berries for the kidneys for at least ten hours. The recommended daily “dose” is two cups a day, after lunch and dinner.

Raspberries and black currants are inferior to rose hips in terms of the content of substances necessary for the body, but are also good for health.
Rosehip infusions for the kidneys
All parts of the plant are used to prepare the infusion. Useful substances contain not only rose hips, but also its rhizomes and leaves.
Infusion of rhizomes for the kidneys
Only fresh rhizomes are used. They are collected where the ecological situation is favorable – away from factories, factories, highways and big cities.
The rhizomes are thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces. Then pour hot water (about 0,5 liters per 2 tablespoons) and insist in a saucepan under a tightly closed lid or in a thermos for 5-7 hours.
The infused liquid is filtered. Drink an infusion of rosehip rhizomes for the kidneys, a glass at a time, twice a day, 15-20 minutes after eating.
Infusion of fruits
This drink is extremely easy to make. But only fresh fruits are suitable for him. They can be “recognised” by their uniform red-orange skin and relatively soft flesh. For 100 g of fruits take 0,8 liters of hot water.
The rosehip is cut in half or “smashed” with a wooden mallet. Then the berries are poured with water and kept in a saucepan under a tightly closed lid for 10-12 hours, wrapped in a towel.
Rosehip Leaf Remedy for Kidneys
In the leaves, the concentration of nutrients is not as high as in the rhizomes and fruits, however, such a drink will be useful for the prevention of kidney diseases and strengthening the immune system.
It is prepared from fresh leaves. 100 g will require 1 liter of water. The greens are cut (not too finely), poured with water and left for 12 hours in a closed container. The taste is quite specific, but you should not sweeten the infusion with sugar or honey. The entire volume must be drunk per day.

To prepare the infusion, use all parts of the rosehip at once.
Rosehip decoction for kidney disease
Rosehip decoction, in addition to preventing and combating kidney diseases, strengthens the ureters and restores their flexibility. As a result, slags, toxins and “sand” are quickly removed from the body. It also gives a pronounced diuretic effect.
A decoction of the roots in diseases of the kidneys
Rhizomes are dug up only in autumn, when they turn brown. They are thoroughly washed, dried, finely chopped and dried naturally or in an oven, electric dryer, microwave oven.
To prepare a decoction, 100 g of rhizomes are poured into 0,5 liters of hot water. Simmer in a water bath for about half an hour or a little more, then remove from heat and allow to cool to body temperature. Be sure to express the “thick”. Take 1/3 or 1/2 cup, each time immediately before meals.
A decoction of rose hips for the kidneys
The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and slight diuretic effect. It also gives a complex general tonic effect.
For 2 st. l. fresh berries take 300 ml of water. The wild rose is finely chopped, simmered on a minimum heat for a quarter of an hour, allowed to cool. Drink 2/3 cup twice a day, before meals. After 30-40 days, a break between “courses” is necessary.
Decoction of seeds
Take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of hot water. The liquid is boiled for a quarter of an hour, then infused under a closed lid for 2-3 hours. Drink no longer than a month, 1/4 cup, three times a day, before meals.

The finished decoction of the seeds must be filtered so that the “hairs” do not get into the mouth and throat.
Rosehip Root Recipes for Kidney Stones
Rosehip with kidney stones can be taken in courses with a break of 4-6 weeks. Means are very useful in the presence of stones. They help to get rid of the pain syndrome, “dissolve” them and remove the remnants in a natural way.
For maximum effect, dried rhizomes are mixed with leaves of strawberries, black currants, hop cones (evenly divided – 1 tbsp each). Pour in 1 liter of hot water and keep under a lid or in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Filter the liquid, drink 1-2 tbsp. l. twice a day, before meals.
Similarly, an infusion is prepared from the rhizomes of wild rose, knotweed and horsetail. The proportion of ingredients is 6:2:1. Water will need 0,75 liters. Take it half a cup each time before meals for no more than a month in a row.
There is one more option. A tablespoon of dry horsetail is poured into a glass of boiling milk, kept on the stove for another 10-15 minutes. After cooling the liquid, it is mixed with a ready-made decoction or infusion of rhizomes. Rose hips can also be used in this recipe for kidney stones.

It is quite possible to remove stones from the kidneys with rose hips
Rosehip from kidney nephritis
In case of pyelonephritis, remedies with rose hips not only stop the inflammatory process, but also help to get rid of increased fatigue and chronic fatigue typical of this disease. The course of treatment not only promotes recovery, but also strengthens the body as a whole.
The best remedy for nephritis is vitamin tea. To dry fruits (3 tbsp.) add 2 tbsp. l. large-leaf black and green tea and 1 tbsp. l. lingonberry and bearberry leaves. If desired, you can “supplement” with birch buds, sage leaves, corn stigmas, immortelle flowers in about the same volume.
All ingredients of the dry mixture are crushed. Tea is prepared by pouring 1 tbsp. l. collecting a glass of boiling water and letting it brew for an hour. Drink it 2-3 times a day, like regular tea.

Vitamin tea is both healthy and very tasty
The list of contraindications, in which kidney disease definitely cannot be treated with rosehip folk remedies, is quite long:
- individual intolerance, at the slightest sign of allergy, it is necessary to stop taking decoctions, infusions;
- increased acidity of gastric juice, regular bouts of heartburn, the problem is further aggravated due to the high concentration of organic acids;
- any pathology of the digestive system;
- thrombophlebitis, a tendency to thrombosis, due to the high concentration of vitamin K, rose hips have the ability to “thicken” the blood;
- severe diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
- heart problems, especially hypertension, rose hips increase blood pressure, cerebral hemorrhage is quite possible;
- gout, arthritis, arthrosis, other diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the acute stage.

Rosehip allergy is not uncommon, therefore, with a tendency to such reactions, a new remedy is tried with caution.
Rose hips and kidneys are not only beneficial, but also possible harm. Even in the absence of contraindications, the funds should not be abused. Otherwise, negative consequences are very likely:
- development of non-infectious jaundice;
- constipation, flatulence;
- rashes, irritation, other skin problems, if they already exist, the question of whether it is possible to take folk remedies with rose hips is decided by a dermatologist;
- thinning of tooth enamel, caries, ulcers on the oral mucosa;
- leaching of calcium from the body;
- decreased production of bile.
If a doctor has prescribed a course of medications with a similar effect, it is forbidden to additionally “cleanse” the kidneys with such folk remedies.
Rosehip for the kidneys is both an effective prevention of relevant diseases, and an effective tool that speeds up the healing process. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used – fruits, rhizomes, leaves. Its benefits are due to the high concentration of vitamins, macro- and microelements. However, it must be remembered that folk remedies should be included in the course of therapy only with the approval of the attending physician. Rosehip, despite the undeniable benefits for the kidneys, has a lot of contraindications. There are also negative consequences if it is abused.