Deciduous shrub native to Western Europe is grown for the manufacture of medicines or culinary dishes. In England, chefs use berry jelly as a seasoning for roasts, Scandinavians like to add fruits to fruit soups and puddings, in Germany they make creams, in Austria they use them as a filling for cakes.
The benefits and harms of red currants for Russians are traditionally used in winemaking or for the preparation of soft drinks. The bush foliage is quite rightly appreciated in folk medicine for its healing qualities.
The benefits of red currants are the ability to increase immunity, reduce the risk of developing a malignant tumor of the colon, and regulate the work of the cardiovascular system. Doctors also recommend eating berries for the prevention of stroke and during the treatment of osteoporosis.
The benefits of red currant are known from its ability to prevent epileptic seizures and prevent hair loss. In addition, the berry has a high concentration of vitamin C, vitamin K is present, trace elements endow it with great capabilities to resist respiratory diseases, the ability to stop bleeding and prevent hemorrhage.
A large amount of iron in fruits is the undoubted benefit of red currants for increasing hemoglobin and treating anemia. Potassium, which is part of the composition, makes it possible to recommend the fruits of the bush for regulating water balance and normalizing the heart rate.
Despite its excellent taste, the delicacy has its drawbacks. The fruits are not kept fresh for a long time, as they quickly deteriorate.
Unlike other berries, there is no harm to red currants for allergy sufferers, moreover, according to doctors, it can successfully fight eczema and dermatitis of various etiologies.
Despite the many factors that have a beneficial effect on health, there is harm to red currants for people with ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa due to the increased acidity of the fruit. Doctors also advise against eating it during exacerbations of gastritis of liver disease.
The harm of red currant is known, expressed in its low nutritional properties, it has a low calorie content, but such qualities make it possible to use it as one of the components of dietary dishes.
In addition, the benefits and harms of red currants lie in its ability to remove toxins and harmful compounds from the body; this quality of a treat when overeating can cause dehydration and diarrhea. Like other foods, it has its own limitations, which depend mainly on human health and the amount of berries eaten.