The benefits and harms of products How and where to store grapes correctly?

The benefits and harms of products How and where to store grapes correctly?

The shelf life of grapes depends on the variety. The varieties belonging to the category of medium and late ripening are stored longer. Such varieties can be distinguished by elastic fruits and dense skin.

Depending on the shelf life, grapes can be:

  • with a long shelf life;
  • with an average shelf life;
  • perishable.

It is possible to reveal such properties of grapes by knowing its variety. Before buying, you need to study at least minimal information about the variety of grapes that you plan to store.

The optimal storage temperature for grapes is between 0 and +7 degrees.… Under these conditions, the berries can remain fresh from several weeks to several months (depending on the variety and degree of ripeness).

In the refrigerator at a temperature of -1 to +2 degrees, grapes are stored for several weeks (provided that low-quality berries were previously removed). During storage, the bunches should be regularly inspected. When the first signs of rot on the berries are detected, they must be removed.

In the freezer, grapes can be stored for several months. The main condition for the preservation of taste is the exclusion of repeated freezing after defrosting, as well as maintaining a stable temperature level. At -20-24 degrees, berries can be stored for 7 months, after which they must be eaten. Otherwise, the taste and juiciness of the grapes will be lost.

If there are a lot of grapes, then you can store it for several months on the balcony.… As a container, you can use cardboard or wooden boxes. Berries should also be regularly examined for spoiled fruit.

How to store grapes

When storing grapes, it is necessary to carefully examine the brushes and remove rotten, overripe or damaged berries. Otherwise, the shelf life will be reduced several times, and the decay process will develop at a rapid pace.

There are several ways to store grapes.:

  • in the refrigerator, in room conditions;
  • in the freezer;
  • in dark, cool rooms (for example, a cellar, if there is a private house).

The nuances of storing grapes:

  • in the refrigerator, grapes must be stored in the fruit compartment;
  • if the grapes are stored indoors, then they must be hung so that the bunches do not come into contact with any surface;
  • grapes lend themselves well to freezing (berries are placed in plastic bags or wrapped in cling film);
  • grape varieties with dark skin are more suitable for freezing (but you can freeze any kind of grapes);
  • it is not recommended to wash the grapes before any storage method (moisture will accelerate the process of berry rotting);
  • it is not worth storing grapes in polyethylene (condensation will accelerate the decay process);
  • for storing grapes in the refrigerator, it is better to use containers without lids or paper;
  • hybrid grape varieties have a shorter shelf life (maximum one month);
  • it is better to store grapes in bunches, without separating the berries from the branches (damage to the berries will affect their shelf life).

Unusual methods are also used to store grapes. For example, if the bunches are placed in a jar of water and then refrigerated, the berries will remain fresh for two months. The main condition in this case is the complete exclusion of damaged or overripe berries. Ripe berries will get through the liquid and their taste will change.

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