The benefits and harms of porcini mushrooms

The porcini mushroom from the Borovikov family is considered the most valuable. It is found in forests with coniferous and deciduous tree species, often side by side with chanterelles and russula. It grows in Europe and America, Turkey and Mongolia, Japan, China, Siberia. The only country whose inhabitants do not have the opportunity to appreciate this magnificent mushroom is Australia, where it does not grow.

The benefits and harms of porcini mushrooms are known to all chefs. It is unpretentious and safe for humans. It is used to make wonderful sauces, nutritious soups, delicious salads. Contrary to popular belief, it cannot be said that the benefits of porcini mushrooms in their nutritional qualities, there are representatives of the mushroom kingdom that are much richer in the content of useful microelements.

Their value and popularity is due to their unsurpassed taste and rare ability to stimulate the function of digestion. The benefits of porcini mushrooms are much higher than from chicken and meat broths, which doctors prescribe to patients with a sick stomach.

The product is often used in pharmaceuticals. The studies carried out by scientists have made it possible to find out that the benefits of porcini mushrooms for patients with oncology and mastopathy are quite large. They have pronounced antitumor properties. The extract from the product is also used to treat severe frostbite, angina pectoris and metabolic disorders.

The harm of porcini mushrooms is possible largely due to the activities of the person himself. They absorb all harmful toxic substances and heavy metals that industrial enterprises pollute the environment with. If stored improperly, porcini mushrooms are harmful to the digestive tract. In poorly ventilated rooms, mold may appear on them from which you can get poisoning when using the product.

The harm of porcini mushrooms for young children is known, in whom an unusually rich dish rich in chitin, which causes difficulties in digesting food, can cause stomach upset. They are harder to digest than meat foods.

The benefits and harms of porcini mushrooms often depend on the amount of the product consumed; due to the high content of fatty substances, you should not eat them in large quantities, so as not to gain excess weight. But the product is known for its antibacterial properties, rich in iodine, copper, zinc and manganese. Due to its rare healing qualities, it is recommended for use by many people suffering from various diseases.

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