The benefits and harms of pomegranate juice for the human body

The benefits and harms of pomegranate juice for the human body

Pomegranate is one of the most edible fruits known to mankind thousands of years ago and used for medicinal purposes. According to the facts, this product was grown in Babylon, but the benefits and harms pomegranate juice studied to this day.

For the entire long period of use of pomegranate for preventive and therapeutic purposes, he earned the title of “king of vitamins”, and the rich useful properties of this berry were appreciated by the best minds of ancient times – Avicenna and Hippocrates. So, Hippocrates recommended this fetus to his patients for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and Avicenna – for the treatment of the throat, as an antipyretic agent and normalization of blood circulation.

Due to its high biological activity, pomegranate juice is considered one of the most valuable products among the juices of other berries and fruits. It retains all the valuable healing qualities that fresh fruits can boast of. It is also rich in various organic acids, including citric acid, which gives the juice a sour taste. How does its use affect human health?

Benefits of pomegranate juice

  • Strengthens the immune system… Drinking pomegranate juice, we saturate our body with a complex of vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B, which contribute to the prevention of vitamin deficiency and the speedy recovery of an exhausted body after serious illnesses or surgeries, as well as accelerate the treatment of colds, respiratory infections and tonsillitis. It is during the winter period, when the likelihood of contracting viral or colds increases, that the sales season of this product in our area falls – this is an undoubted plus for the residents of Russia;
  • Ensures the successful functioning of the cardiovascular system… The complex of organic acids contained in pomegranate juice maintains normal blood cholesterol levels and optimal blood pressure. Malic acid improves the absorption of iron, minerals improve the quality of blood, increasing the level of hemoglobin and thereby preventing anemia. It is worth noting that pomegranate juice holds the record for heart-healthy potassium among drinks made from other fruits or berries;
  • Rich in amino acids… Pomegranate juice contains as many as 15 amino acids, six of which are not produced by the body on its own, but can only be supplied with food. These amino acids provide the construction of proteins in the body, and their lack can lead to disturbances in metabolic processes;
  • Relieves Inflammation… Pomegranate juice can be used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis, sore throat and acute respiratory viral infections, as it relieves inflammation due to tannins (tannins);
  • Slows down the aging process… The antioxidant effect of pomegranate juice is provided by the presence of polyphenols in its composition, which neutralize the destructive effect of free radicals. Due to the ability to prevent oxidative processes in the human body, regular consumption of the drink helps to slow down the aging process. In this component, pomegranate juice surpasses even such popular drinks as red wine or green tea in terms of efficiency. Given these properties of the product, this drink is often used to prevent the formation of malignant tumors that provoke oncological diseases;
  • Contains citric acid, which prevents the development of urolithiasis… It is also an excellent diuretic that relieves swelling, prevents hypertension and removes metabolic products and toxic substances from the body. Unlike synthetic drugs used for this purpose, pomegranate juice does not wash out potassium from the body and, on the contrary, enriches it with this vital microelement;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system… Pectins, folacin and tannins, which are part of the juice, are necessary for the full functioning of the intestines or stomach, as they are able to relieve inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, these components improve the processes of food digestion and increase appetite. Pectins, in turn, help get rid of diarrhea;
  • It has antibacterial properties… Scientists have proven the benefits of pomegranate juice for the kidneys, since in the complex its components kill infections in this internal organ;
  • Restores male strength… Experts often recommend combining pomegranate juice with a proper diet and regular physical activity to improve blood circulation, which restores and strengthens potency. It also causes a surge in testosterone, increasing sex drive and improving mood. Also, the juice of the “granular apple” helps to prevent prostate cancer – daily consumption of the drink reduces the growth of prostate tumors;
  • Improves women’s health… This juice has the ability to thicken the blood, so taking it helps to stop prolonged uterine bleeding. Pomegranate juice also reduces the risk of breast cancer, supports the normal functioning of the ovaries and relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women;
  • Stimulates adaptive functions and body resistance to external stimuli… The invaluable benefit of pomegranate juice is that it helps the body prevent the harmful effects of radiation by removing radionuclides from it. Therefore, this product should be paid attention to those who live in areas with an unfavorable environment;
  • Prevents the development of eye diseases… Lotions from this juice help prevent myopia and astigmatism;
  • Easily absorbed by the body… Pregnant women often suffer from a lack of vitamins, feeling lack of energy and lethargy. In this case, the intake of pomegranate juice will also help, which gives the body all its useful substances as much as possible. For the same reason, it is recommended for mothers during lactation, children, the elderly and simply healthy people to prevent vitamin deficiency, increase the tone and performance of the body;
  • Will help put your nerves in order… A daily intake of pomegranate juice strengthens the nervous system and saturates the body with energy, helping to get rid of insomnia, neuroses, irritability, dizziness and other manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Is a dietary product… The cleansing properties of the drink allow it to replace one of the meals and remove accumulated toxins with the help of antioxidants. However, you should not abuse the intake of this fresh juice, because any natural juice, if taken excessively, leads to the accumulation of fat folds, since it contains easily digestible sugars;
  • Promotes the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system… Pomegranate juice contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which improve the condition of the bone structure, strengthening bones and joints;
  • Used in cosmetology… Effective masks, baths and wipes are made from pomegranate juice. With its help, you can get rid of freckles, blackheads and age spots, and the juice mixed with sour cream will help preserve the natural color, youth and freshness of the skin for many years.

Harm of pomegranate juice

In some situations, a person can suffer from the harm of pomegranate juice, since it is not completely safe to drink.

  • Too rich in biologically active ingredients… Excessive consumption of pomegranate juice can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane in a person with high acidity of the stomach. This is due to the abundant amount of vitamin C in its composition. Therefore, to prevent irritation of the digestive organs, the juice should be diluted with water, adhering to a ratio of 1 to 3 – even for healthy people;
  • It is not recommended to get carried away with this drink for those who have poor coagulation.… This is because pomegranate juice only increases bleeding;
  • May cause constipation… This is due to the astringent properties of pomegranate;
  • It is strictly forbidden to regularly consume pomegranate juice for ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, suffering from pancreatitis and gastritis with high acidity… Taking a drink in such cases will increase pain and discomfort;
  • Contains a lot of sugar… However, this applies to undiluted juice, which is prohibited for patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Corrodes tooth enamel.

At first glance, it seems that this is a harmless and unusually healthy drink, however, pomegranate juice can also have harmful properties for the human body, which largely depend not on the correctness of its preparation, but on who uses it and in what quantities. In any case, if you do not neglect the warnings about taking pomegranate juice and dilute it with water, beetroot or carrot juice, you can extract only positive properties from it.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of pomegranate juice

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements

Caloric content of 56 kcal

Proteins 0.3 g

Fats 0.1 g

Carbohydrates 14.2 g

Organic acids 2.4 g

Dietary fiber 0.2 g

Water 82.5 g

Ash 0.3 g

Vitamin A, RE 3 mcg

beta Carotene 0.02 mg

Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.04 mg

Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.01 mg

Vitamin C, ascorbic 4 mg

Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.3 mg

Vitamin PP, NE 0.4 mg

Niacin 0.3 mg

Potassium, K 102 mg

Calcium, Ca 12 mg

Magnesium, Mg 5 mg

Sodium, Na 4 mg

Phosphorus, Ph 8 mg

You can learn more about pomegranate from the article: “Pomegranate: 23 useful and 5 harmful properties”.

Video about the benefits and harms of pomegranate juice


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