The benefits and harms of the pollock liver, according to scientists, are in the rich content of phosphorus, which is responsible for the formation of bone tissue and provides us with healthy teeth. In addition, it contains potassium, which normalizes metabolic processes, cardiac activity, and relieves swelling.
The well-known benefits of pollock liver in a high concentration of vitamin A, the role of which in our body is vital. It regulates the production and deposition of cholesterol, is responsible for the regeneration of cells, and therefore gives us a healthy look and improves the activity of the heart. By the way, it is vitamin A that helps us fight diseases, protecting against genitourinary, viral and fungal infections.
The benefits of pollock liver have been known to doctors since antiquity. It was prescribed to patients to restore vision. If consumed daily, it can normalize thyroid function. Despite the fact that the fish itself is dry, the entire supply of omega-3 (fatty acids) is contained in its liver.
The product contains the famous vitamin B3. It is known to us as niacin. Its medicinal properties are so great that it is recognized by doctors along with medications. The benefits of pollock liver, if you pay attention to this ingredient, in the ability to prevent psychosis and pathological states of consciousness. B3 successfully treats eczema and psoriasis, saves a person from severe vitamin deficiency caused by poor and irregular nutrition. In medicine, this disease is called pellagra.
Harm to pollock liver – a product that has incredibly useful properties, is unknown today. The only thing that can overshadow its use is the expired shelf life. There is an allergy to canned food, but it is extremely rare.
Paying attention to the iodine content in the product, the concentration of which in it is quite high, it is impossible to even think that there may be any harm to the pollock liver. Its useful qualities make up a huge list.
There are indications of doctors to limit the intake of the product. It is not advisable to eat it for people with inflammatory diseases of the esophagus. In addition, harm to the pollock liver is possible with pressure surges. In this case, the product should be consumed in minimal quantities.
The benefits and harms of pollock liver are now known to us. By the way, in Vietnam, pollock is considered a delicacy with extremely valuable properties. With fragrant spices and herbs, Vietnamese chefs impart juicy taste and spicy aroma to dishes made from it, from which they become incredibly tasty.