- General benefits
- Benefits for women
- Benefits for men
- Harm and contraindications
- Chemical composition of the product
- conclusions
- Sources of Research
- Additional useful information about pineapple
- How to use
- 1. In cooking. Pineapple juice contains more sodium than the fruit itself. Raw and canned pineapples have almost equal amounts of B vitamins. But fresh pineapple has much more vitamin A than canned pineapple. This vitamin is especially beneficial for the elderly. Pineapple is widely used in cooking, especially in East Asia.
- Pineapple cooking methods.
- 2. In cosmetology. Pineapple is actively used in cosmetology and gives amazing results. Moreover, not only the product itself is used, but also the oil based on it. An extract is made from pineapple, which is later used to create scrubs, lotions, tonics, creams and other anti-aging agents for the skin of the face and body. The extract is also added to the composition of anti-cellulite cosmetics. Pineapple can block the production of sebum.
- How to choose
- How to store
- The story of
- How and where is it grown
- Interesting Facts
- How to use
Pineapple – a favorite food of many, with nutrients. It has health benefits and is low in calories. Pineapple is widespread throughout the world, consumed both raw and canned. The pineapple herb is widespread not only in tropical countries, but also in Russia. Nowadays, it is not difficult to buy pineapple. The benefits and harms of pineapple – consider from all sides.
Many of you have tasted this delicious and aromatic fruit. Outwardly, it looks like a bump covered with scales. Juicy and enticing with its aroma, the pulp is a miracle of nature, which everyone, without exception, will like. Anyone who has tasted pineapple once will remember its taste for life. Brazil is considered the birthplace of pineapple, where it still grows in the wild.
General benefits
1. Rich in vitamin C.
Pineapple is commonly used to treat colds. It contains a colossal amount of vitamin C (this is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining health, it boosts immunity and promotes a speedy recovery). Thanks to vitamin C, pineapple helps to get rid of colds and strengthens the immune system.
2.Prevents the onset of diabetes.
Dietary fiber (fiber) found in pineapples lowers blood glucose levels. Type XNUMX diabetics have seen improvements in blood sugar levels. Thus, eating pineapple in reasonable portions promotes the production of insulin in the required amount, which, in turn, facilitates the course of diabetes mellitus and helps to improve the patient’s condition.
3. Treats infertility.
Many studies have shown that regular consumption of a food rich in antioxidants can help cure infertility. This is explained by the fact that the nutrients contained in pineapple eliminate free radicals.
It is the radicals that cause inflammatory reactions in the body, disrupt its activity and prevent a woman from getting pregnant, and a man from fertilizing an egg. Free radical damage affects all body systems, and the reproductive system is no exception. Eat pineapples to prevent free radicals.
4. Treats cardiovascular disease.
Eating pineapple helps maintain heart health due to its high content of fiber, potassium and vitamin C. All these vitamins actively fight viruses, infections, removing all unnecessary elements from the body. Pineapple juice has been shown to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
The high potassium content of pineapple helps lower high blood pressure. Due to its high content of bromeilan, pineapple fights blood clotting problems. Bromeilan helps blood clots stick together, thereby preventing the development of heart attacks.
5. Strengthens blood vessels.
Vitamin C, bromelain and organic acids are excellent enhancers for fragile and problematic capillaries. Weak and inelastic vessels tend to injure and rupture, which can cause great problems. To prevent this, the vessels must be strengthened, and the use of pineapple will help you with this.
6. Treat asthma.
Pineapple contains such a trace element as beta-carotene. It helps reduce the risk of developing asthma. In addition, it has a positive effect on the body and thus helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate asthma attacks.
7. Calms the nervous system.
The benefits of pineapple are that it helps to improve mood, cope with depression and calm the nervous system. Pineapple is recognized as an excellent source of the amino acid tryptophan, which acts as a sedative.
8. Heals the liver.
The liver is considered the body’s laboratory and is one of the vital organs responsible for converting food into nutrients. To help the liver perform this function, doctors advise adding pineapples to your diet. People who regularly consume these fruits do not have blood sugar problems.
Pineapple contributes not only to the proper functioning of the liver, but also to the functioning of the pancreas. Thanks to pineapples, the level of lipogenesis increases, in other words, the breakdown of nutrients accumulated in the form of fat occurs, and the risk of obesity decreases. Eating pineapples can help you control your weight and promote healthy circulation, reducing your risk of stroke.
9. Supports hormonal balance.
Dutch biochemists, when studying pineapple, found that it contains steroid-like substances that are part of the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Such components are easily absorbed into the intestines, entering the bloodstream, and affect the synthesis of steroid hormones.
Endocrinological studies have shown that substances found in pineapple can influence the secretion of aldosterone, thereby controlling the work of the adrenal glands. Thus, eating pineapple maintains normal levels of secretion of important hormones in male and female fertility.
10. Increases the instinct of self-preservation.
British scientists have discovered interesting health benefits from eating pineapple. They found that people who regularly consumed pineapples had an increased instinct for self-preservation and intuition became more developed.
11.Reduces inflammation.
The advantage of pineapples is that they help people suffering from arthritis and joint pain, accelerate wound healing and reduce inflammation. In addition, pineapple is useful in the treatment of sports wounds, including dislocations. Studies have shown that long-term consumption of fresh or frozen pineapple juice significantly reduces inflammation. This is facilitated by an active enzyme called bromeilan.
12.Improves digestion.
Pineapple helps break down proteins into peptides and amino acids. This helps to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, helps to improve the digestive system as a whole.
13.Prevents hypertension.
Frequent consumption of pineapple reduces the risk of hypertension and regulates blood pressure levels. This is explained by the high content of potassium in pineapples and low – sodium.
14. Promotes the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract.
Pineapples contain fiber, which helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, fiber helps to cleanse the body of toxins, removes excess cholesterol from the body.
The systematic use of pineapple helps to improve intestinal motility and eliminate constipation. After a heavy dinner or lunch, when your stomach feels heavy, it is helpful to eat a small piece of fresh pineapple. This will increase gastric activity and break down protein foods, thereby making food easier to digest.
15. Strengthens bone tissue.
Vitamin C in pineapple contributes to the production of collagen. Collagen, in turn, provides elasticity to the ligaments, strengthens bone and cartilage tissue. Pineapple is rich in manganese and potassium, which help increase bone growth. In addition, pineapple strengthens the gums, strengthens tooth enamel and removes plaque.
16. Improves the work of the kidneys.
For the kidneys to function properly, pineapple juice is essential. The fact is that it has a diuretic effect. It removes excess fluid from the body and reduces swelling. The drink normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
17. Regulates the functionality of the thyroid gland.
Pineapple contains iodine, which is essential for the thyroid gland to function. The use of this fruit helps to regulate the activity of the thyroid gland. It is especially necessary to use pineapple when goiter appears.
18. Reduces weight.
Pineapple juice has been used in dietetics for many years. It helps to fight excess body fat, as well as to digest food, saves from feeling of heaviness and flatulence. In addition, it suppresses the feeling of hunger due to serotonin, which is included in its composition.
Vitamin B1 found in pineapple is a great weight loss aid. In addition, a large amount of water and potassium in pineapple allows you to remove from the body not only excess water, but also toxins. Pineapple perfectly dulls the feeling of hunger. Thus, you can control your appetite and avoid going to the refrigerator once again.
Pineapple is a low-calorie fruit.
There is no fat in it, which makes it possible to safely eat it for people who dream of losing excess weight. The pineapple-based diet is different from others with its varied menu. At the same time, you can eat meat, vegetables, cereals in limited quantities, but all this should be accompanied by pineapple.
19 Helps prevent stroke and cancer.
Pineapple juice helps the process of hematopoiesis and prevents stroke. Positive benefits for cancer patients have long been known. The drink helps to inhibit the development of cancer cells.
20. Treats constipation.
Stool problems are often the cause of many diseases. If the intestines do not work properly, many chronic diseases begin to manifest themselves. In order to avoid this, you need to drink pineapple juice. It acts as a laxative and helps to relieve constipation.
21. Useful for people over 40.
Those who have already passed the turn of 40 years old need to drink pineapple juice at least twice a week. It helps to prolong health for years to come. This is facilitated by bromelain and potassium, which are necessary for the functioning of the circulatory system. The juice perfectly cleans blood vessels from cholesterol and reduces the risk of blood clots.
Benefits for women
22. Reduces symptoms of morning sickness.
Scientists have long proven that eating fresh pineapple in the morning can get rid of nausea and vomiting caused by toxicosis. To get rid of nausea, you need to drink pineapple juice. The effect that eliminates nausea is explained by the high content of vitamins and minerals in it, and especially the large amount of vitamin B6.
23. Needed during pregnancy.
For a pregnant woman, pineapple is a must. It saturates the female body with useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.
Skin Benefits
24. Improves skin condition.
The bromelain in pineapple perfectly exfoliates the skin, leaving it fresh and clean. The substance acts gently on the epidermis without causing any harm. The pineapple mask is great for rejuvenating the skin and clearing clogged pores on the face. Pineapple is widely used in spa salons.
25. Relieves swelling and heals wounds.
Pineapple successfully fights various skin rashes, heals itching and eczema, relieves swelling and inflammation. Also helps relieve redness from insect bites.
26. Removes age spots and brightens the skin.
The organic acids in pineapple, as well as bromelain and vitamin C, make this fruit an excellent remedy for removing age spots, freckles and lightening the skin.
27. Helps with cellulite.
Pineapple successfully fights the hated orange peel. The extracts of this fruit not only smooth the skin, making it attractive, but also relieve swelling. Pineapple, more precisely, pineapple oil, is used in anti-cellulite massage.
28. Eliminates skin problems.
Pineapple can get rid of many skin problems. With its help, you can cure acne, various rashes. Vitamin C improves the condition of the skin, leaving it fresh and enriching it with essential elements. With the help of pineapple, you can restore the healthy glow of the skin, restore its youth and attractiveness.
29. Heals cracked legs.
If you are constantly tormented by calluses or cracked heels, then pineapple will help to cope with these problems. It is enough to wrap a piece of fresh pineapple in a thin layer of gauze and attach it to the damaged area. Fix if necessary. Leave on for 15 minutes. This procedure should be done within a week.
30. Moisturizes dry skin.
Dry skin brings many problems and becomes less attractive over time. A tropical fruit will help get rid of these problems. To do this, you need to eat pineapple or make masks based on it. You will need to mix two tablespoons of crushed pineapple pulp with two yolks and apply on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
31. Heals chapped lips.
The lips usually crack in the cold. To prevent this from happening, smear your lips with pineapple oil before going outside.
Benefits for hair and nails
32. Improves hair growth and eliminates dandruff.
Pineapple oil masks can help treat many hair-related problems. For example, pineapple oil perfectly strengthens hair follicles and stimulates rapid hair growth. Pineapple gives hair a healthy and natural shine. Fights split ends and helps get rid of dandruff.
33. Strengthens nails.
If you have brittle and brittle nails, then you do not have enough vitamin A. To saturate the body with this vitamin, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy and buy it. It is enough to eat pineapple three times a week, and you will notice how the condition of your nails will improve.
Benefits for men
34. Increases potency.
Men will appreciate pineapple juice as it increases libido and potency. Pineapple contains the whole complex of substances that every man needs. Due to the malfunctioning of the endocrine system, libido in many men decreases. The vitamins and nutrients contained in pineapple give men new strength and thrill.
35. Normalizes the endocrine system.
For the normal functioning of the endocrine glands in the male body, it is necessary to obtain a complex of useful components. All these substances are part of pineapple, namely pineapple juice. If the organs of internal secretion receive the full amount of nutrients, then this contributes to an increase in testosterone levels.
36. Improves erectile function.
Pineapple contains the beneficial substance bromelain. This enzyme will help prevent the formation of male diseases and has a positive effect on sex life. To maintain men’s health, it is enough to eat no more than 200 grams of fresh pineapple per day.
37. Regulates hormone levels.
Modern men often suffer from hormonal imbalance problems. Eating pineapple has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, increases testosterone levels.
Harm and contraindications
No matter how tasty and healthy pineapple is, there are also restrictions on its use.
1.Promotes an increase in gastric acidity.
The main disadvantage of pineapple is considered to be its high acid content. Therefore, for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, the use of pineapple is contraindicated.
2.Can cause dental problems.
For those with weak tooth enamel and sore gums, it is undesirable to include a lot of pineapple in the diet, otherwise it can lead to negative consequences. The reason is that it increases acidity.
3.Not recommended for lactating women and children under 6 years of age.
Lactating women should avoid eating pineapple. Children under 6 years old need to give pineapples in limited quantities, otherwise irritation of the intestinal mucosa can be provoked.
4. May cause allergies.
Excessive consumption of pineapple can cause allergies and itchy skin.
5. Incompatible with drugs.
Pineapple is not recommended for food if you are taking any medications, as the fruit blocks some of the actions of medications, and there will be no benefit from their use.
Chemical composition of the product
Pineapple Nutritional Value (100g) and Percent Daily Values:
- The nutritional value
- Vitamins
- Macronutrients
- Trace Elements
- calories 52 kcal – 3%;
- proteins 0,3 g – 0,37%;
- fats 0,1 g – 0,15%;
- carbohydrates 11,8 g – 9,22%;
- dietary fiber 1 g – 5%;
- water 85,5 g – 3,34%.
- And 3 mcg – 0,3%;
- beta-carotene 0,02 mg – 0,4%;
- S 11 mg – 12,2%;
- E 0,2 mg – 1,3%;
- V1 0,06 mg – 4%;
- V2 0,02 mg – 1,1%;
- B5 0,16 – 3,2%;
- B6 0,1 – 5%;
- B9 5 μg – 1,3%;
- PP 0,4 mg – 2%.
- potassium 134 mg – 5,4%;
- calcium 17 mg – 1,7%;
- magnesium 13 mg – 3,3%;
- sodium 1 mg – 0,1%;
- phosphorus 8 mg – 1%.
Whatever the positive qualities pineapple may have, its excessive use leads to disastrous results. However, despite all the contraindications, the benefits of pineapple are much greater. Therefore, we can safely say that pineapple is a storehouse of useful substances that help not only lose weight, but also improve the condition of the whole body.
Useful Properties
- Rich source of vitamin C.
- Prevents cancer formation.
- Heals infertility.
- Treats cardiovascular disease.
- Strengthens blood vessels.
- Treats asthma.
- Soothes the nervous system.
- Heals the liver.
- Supports hormonal balance.
- Increases the instinct of self-preservation.
- Reduces inflammation.
- It improves digestion.
- Prevents hypertension.
- Helps to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Strengthens bone tissue.
- Improves kidney function.
- Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Improves dental health.
- Promotes weight loss.
- Prevents stroke and cancer.
- Treats constipation.
- Useful for people over 40.
- Benefits for skin, hair and nails.
- Benefits for men and women.
Harmful properties
- Increases the acidity of the stomach.
- May cause dental problems.
- Not recommended for lactating women and children under 6 years of age.
- May cause an allergy.
- Incompatible with medicines.
Sources of Research
The main studies on the benefits and dangers of pineapple have been carried out by foreign doctors and scientists. Below you can find the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:
Sources of Research
1.http: //
Additional useful information about pineapple
How to use
1. In cooking.Pineapple juice contains more sodium than the fruit itself. Raw and canned pineapples have almost equal amounts of B vitamins. But fresh pineapple has much more vitamin A than canned pineapple. This vitamin is especially beneficial for the elderly. Pineapple is widely used in cooking, especially in East Asia.

Pineapple cooking methods.
The easiest is to just cut it into portions and eat it. But there are other ways to use it as well. Any meat can be baked with pineapples. As a result, it turns out to be extremely soft and juicy. For this, both fresh pineapples and canned ones are used. Also, a very tasty, aromatic jam is obtained from pineapple.
A delicious compote can be cooked from the pineapple pulp. In order for the taste not to be too sweet, it is recommended to add a little lemon to it. Pineapple can be canned and then enjoyed at any time. However, it is worth remembering that there are more calories in such pineapples. The fruit can be added to almost any salad, even meat, it will add spice and unusual taste to the dish.
2. In cosmetology.Pineapple is actively used in cosmetology and gives amazing results. Moreover, not only the product itself is used, but also the oil based on it. An extract is made from pineapple, which is later used to create scrubs, lotions, tonics, creams and other anti-aging agents for the skin of the face and body. The extract is also added to the composition of anti-cellulite cosmetics.

Pineapple can block the production of sebum.

Therefore, if you have an oily type of face, wipe problem skin with pineapple pulp, you can also use pineapple extract. If you have acne or blackheads, prepare a cleansing mask.
To do this, knead 1 circle of fresh, peeled pineapple. Add 1 tsp to it. honey and a small amount of oatmeal. You should get a gruel of a thick consistency. Apply the prepared mask to your face and keep it on for 15 minutes. After that, it should be removed using a cotton pad.
How to choose
In order for pineapple to be useful, you need to choose it correctly. There are several criteria that you need to rely on when choosing:
- Pineapple should be heavy, even if it doesn’t look that way on the outside. The heavier the fruit, the juicier it is.
- If the pineapple is light, then it has already dried up and will not be able to please with its juiciness.
- It is a mistake to believe that a ripe fruit always has a yellow skin. Even under the green skin, juicy and sweet flesh can be hidden.
- You need to pay close attention to the crest. If it is bright green and lush, it indicates the ripeness and freshness of the product.
- And one more secret: in a ripe pineapple, the crest is very easy to stretch.
- Having chosen the pineapple you like, be sure to press on it. If the pineapple is fresh and ripe, then under pressure it should squeeze a little.
- If the dent is not restored, then this indicates an overripe fruit. You can buy such a fruit, but you will have to eat it immediately so that it does not spoil.
- When buying pineapple, look for stains. There should be no yellow, white, dark or brown spots.
- The freshness of the product is evidenced by the smooth, beautiful knobby skin.
- If you have already bought a pineapple, you can once again make sure of its ripeness at home. A ripe fruit has a rich yellow pulp.
- If the pulp is pale, then you will not get the benefits of such a pineapple.
- Another indicator of the ripeness of a fruit is its aroma. But, as practice shows, according to this criterion, it is difficult to choose a pineapple, since in a modern supermarket it is difficult to smell a pleasant smell.
How to store
- The optimum room humidity should be no more than 80%.
- For storage, it is necessary to provide the room with good ventilation.
- During storage, the pineapple should not be in one position all the time. It must be turned over regularly.
- If you have purchased several fruits, then during storage, do not place them tightly to each other. The distance between them must be at least 10 cm.
- You can store pineapples for no more than 20 days.
- You can store the fruit in the refrigerator.
- To do this, put it in the bottom of the refrigerator or in the special compartment for fruits and vegetables.
- Pre-wrap the fruit in baking paper and make some holes for ventilation.
- If condensation forms, the packaging must be changed.
- Peeled pineapple should be tightly wrapped in plastic wrap. But it can be stored for no more than three days.
The story of
Pineapple is native to South America. It was first discovered by participants in the second voyage of Columbus. They saw the plant on the island of Guadeloupe in 1493. At that time, local natives used pineapples not only for food, but also decorated their homes with it. The pineapple hanging at the entrance was considered a symbol of hospitality.
The distribution of pineapples around the world was aided by Portuguese traders. As a result, already in the XNUMXth century, pineapples began to be actively cultivated in China and southern Africa.
At the same time, they became widespread in Europe. Then pineapples in the house were considered a symbol of high wealth and high status in society. Pineapple was brought to Russia in the XNUMXth century.
At first, he was treated with distrust and suspicion. At that time, pineapples were fermented and harvested in tubs, then sour cabbage soup and borscht were cooked from them, and also used as a side dish for meat or poultry. Under Catherine the Great, pineapple cultivation took on a large scale.
They were successfully grown in noble estates and even on peasant farmsteads. The cost of one fruit was equal to the cost of a cow.
How and where is it grown
Pineapples are grown on plantations in many countries of Asia and Africa, America and Australia. From the outside, the pineapple looks like it is woven from cells. This is due to the fact that the fruit is an accumulation of seed fruits, which grow together to form a whole fruit.

Each small pineapple cell is formed from a flower pollinated by a hummingbird. When pollinated, seeds are formed and the fruit does not grow further. Therefore, in order for the pineapple to grow and become edible, special self-pollinating pineapple species are planted.
Pineapple begins to bloom 12-18 months after planting. It takes 3–6 months to form a mature fetus. The largest plantations of this fruit are in the southern United States, Australia, South Africa and Asia. To obtain juicy fruits in these countries, early ripening species and intensive technology are used.
For irrigation, fertilization and pest control on plantations, mechanical means are used. Outdoors in the tropics, you can harvest three crops a year.
In Russia, pineapples began to be grown not so long ago, mainly in the Krasnodar Territory. For this, greenhouses and hotbeds are used. In order to get a high yield, it is customary to plant self-pollinated varieties.
Pineapple is a perennial plant. In the first year of his life, a leaf rosette is formed, and over time, the trunk begins to thicken.
Interesting Facts
- Originally the word “pineapple” was applied exclusively to pine cones.
- The first written records of pineapple date back to 1398.
- In the wild, pineapples “live” up to 50 years.
- 75% of all pineapples sold in Europe are grown in Costa Rica.
- Hawaii has the largest pineapple plantations in the world.
- For a long time, pineapple was considered a “prestigious” decoration. They did not eat it, but put it on the table so that the guests would appreciate the wealth of the owners.
- In Germany, a glass of champagne with a slice of pineapple is considered a traditional drink for the New Year.
- In China, during the New Year celebrations according to the Eastern calendar, pineapple is an obligatory attribute of the festive table.
- There is a belief that if there is a pineapple on the table, then the coming new year will be successful, and the family will prosper.
- There are more than eight dozen varieties of pineapple in the world. The shape of the fruit is the same for everyone, but the weight varies from 0,5 to 4 kilograms.
- A surprisingly soft fiber is made from pineapple leaves in the Philippines to create underwear, baby and women’s shirts, and handkerchiefs.
- In Brazil, the expression “peel a pineapple” has not only a direct meaning, but also an idiomatic meaning, meaning “to do a difficult job.”
- Unripe pineapples are unsuitable for eating – their juice burns the lips and has a powerful laxative effect.
- The pineapple plant has beautiful flowers that come in a variety of hues, from lavender to bright red.
- Wine is made from pineapple.
- In Mexico, pineapple peel is not thrown away, but a refreshing drink is prepared from it.
- Pineapple leaves can be used to craft bags and belts. To extract the threads from pineapple leaves, a process called decortication is used.