The benefits and harms of peaches for the human body

The benefits and harms of peaches for the human body

Peach is a genus of woody plants native to Central and Northern China, where it can be found in the wild. The fruit is oval, round, juicy, aromatic and velvety, has a beautiful and bright appearance, the sweetest taste, high nutritional and dietary qualities. The flesh of peaches is reddish, orange or yellow. They also have a large stone with the smell of almonds.

The benefits and harms of peach are well known to modern medicine. This fruit is a real delicacy for lovers of juicy and sweet, this peach stands out among all other representatives of the fruit kingdom. In terms of the amount of sugars in its composition and juiciness, most likely no other fruit can compare with it.

At the same time, peach is not only a sweet product, but also healthy, because it is one of the leaders in the content of vitamins and minerals in its composition among all other fruits. From this, the benefits of eating peaches are quite significant, however, there are contraindications to the use of fruits. Let’s talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of this fruit in more detail.

Benefits of peaches

  • Support the full functioning of the circulatory system… The benefits of peaches for the heart and blood are characterized by the content of calcium and potassium – components that are involved in the formation and restoration of damaged blood vessel walls. Potassium is also needed in order to regulate the functioning of the heart muscle and maintain a normal and stable heart rate. Vitamin E has the same effect, which, moreover, prevents blood clots from forming in blood vessels. Due to the presence of iron in the composition of peaches, their use is recommended for anemia, as well as for the production of the necessary number of red blood cells by the bone marrow, which support the full functioning of the body. The beneficial properties of peaches are also manifested in the ability of the fruit to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and prevent its absorption, which prevents the formation of insoluble cholesterol plaques and helps prevent atherosclerosis;
  • Improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system… The content of a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, which have a general strengthening effect, allows you to use peaches for problems with joints and bones, as well as to supply them with the necessary structural elements and vitamins that activate metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissue. The health of the joints through the use of peaches is also facilitated by the high content of biologically active components and moisture, which remove a huge amount of toxins and salts from the body. So, peaches are recommended for use by people suffering from arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism and osteoporosis;
  • Stimulates the digestive processes… There are many rumors that peach fruit hairs can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, but these beliefs have nothing to do with reality. Both the hairs and internal fibers of the fruit, and the peel of peaches improve the digestion of food thanks to soluble fiber, stimulate the intestines to actively process food lumps, activate other digestive organs, which leads to the rapid and complete absorption of nutrients from food. Thus, a person is quickly satiated with food, and the stomach is freed from a heavy load to provide the body with energy. Such an effect has a beneficial effect on the state of the intestines and the work of the gastrointestinal tract at any age, helps to prevent the development of harmful microbes and to reduce the absorption of cholesterol. Peaches should also be eaten by people with weakened immunity after illness and surgery to improve appetite, in order to prevent constipation, heartburn, low acidity of the stomach, liver and kidney diseases, prevention of worms;
  • Low calorie product… There are only 100 kilocalories per 40 grams of peaches, and the ability of this fruit to quickly saturate the body makes it an excellent product for those who want to lose weight;
  • Increase mood… For this, peach components such as sugars, vitamins and magnesium are used, which tone the body and relieve stress and depression;
  • “Fruit of beauty” has a beneficial effect on the skin… Earlier, we already mentioned that peaches supply the body with a large amount of moisture and prevent the loss of moisture already present in the cells. And this is one of the most important factors for smoothing wrinkles and maintaining healthy skin, regardless of age. Also, due to the content of tartaric, malic and citric acids, peaches accelerate the exfoliation of dead and hard skin cells, which also contributes to giving the skin a youthful, fresh, natural and ruddy complexion. This effect enhances carotene, which is also rich in peaches. The pulp of the fruit helps to relieve pain from sunburn;
  • Promote men’s health… The thing is that this fruit contains zinc, a sufficient amount of which in the body restores male strength, normalizes hormonal levels, maintains the prostate in a normal state and prevents its diseases;
  • Strengthen immunity… Peaches are recommended to be eaten to prevent and enhance the effect of treating viral and colds, as well as to neutralize pathogenic microbes, since fruits contain an abundance of vitamins A, B and C. Thanks to these properties, the fruit is no less important for children, whose body is much more easily exposed various diseases;
  • Improves the condition of pregnant women… Taking only 2-3 fruits of this fruit per day will help reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and nausea, and enhance the antiemetic effect in pregnant women. In addition, peaches increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, replenishing the vitality of expectant mothers;
  • Cleanse the body… Peach fruits have a strong choleretic and diuretic effect, remove excess fluid and harmful substances from the body, prevent the occurrence of urolithiasis, removing sand from the bladder. The fiber contained in the fruit helps cleanse the intestines and remove non-rotten waste. This will enhance the dietary properties of the peach, because when the body is cleared of unnecessary substances, it becomes easier for it to burn excess fats;
  • Increase the performance of the brain… Potassium and phosphorus in peach help to strengthen memory, improve brain function, preventing the development of its age-related changes;
  • Prevent vitamin deficiency… Regular consumption of the fruit allows the body to stock up on useful trace elements and vitamins for a long period;
  • Shown for gout;
  • Maintains visual acuity thanks to carotene.

Peaches harm

Peach, like any fruit, has the other side of the coin and in some cases can pose a threat to the human body.

  • Peach varieties with velvety skins can cause allergies… The thing is that pollen accumulates on the hairs of a peach, to which many people have an allergic reaction;
  • Contains a lot of sugars… In this regard, diabetics should strictly limit the amount of fruit consumed;
  • Delicate fruit is considered perishable;
  • Peaches are not recommended for people with high acidity of the stomach, as they contribute to its increase, which is why they are indicated for diseases associated with low acidity of the stomach;
  • Excessive consumption of peach fruits leads to indigestion.

It is worth considering that the benefits and harms of peaches also largely depend on the quality of this fruit. Very often, in order to give the fruit a beautiful marketable appearance and so that they retain such an appearance for a long enough time, chemicals are often added to store peaches. Such products are not recommended for consumption raw, especially for children, and they are only suitable for making a pie, compote or jam.

To check whether the fruit is processed or not, you need to break it in half and look at the seed – if it is dry and shriveled, then the fruit has been processed with chemicals. One way or another, the bowls of the benefits and harms of peaches have a big counterbalance towards the positive properties of this unusually tasty and juicy fruit.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of Peach

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements

Caloric content of 45 kcal

Proteins 0.9 g

Fats 0.1 g

Carbohydrates 9.5 g

Organic acids 0.7 g

Dietary fiber 2.1 g

Water 86.1 g

Ash 0.6 g

Vitamin A, RE 83 mcg

beta Carotene 0.5 mg

Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.04 mg

Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.08 mg

Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.15 mg

Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.06 mg

Vitamin B9, folate 8 mcg

Vitamin C, ascorbic 10 mg

Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.1 mg

Vitamin H, biotin 0.4 mcg

Vitamin PP, NE 0.8 mg

Niacin 0.7 mg

Potassium, K 363 mg

Calcium, Ca 20 mg

Silicon, Si 10 mg

Magnesium, Mg 16 mg

Sodium, Na 30 mg

Sulfur, S 6 mg

Phosphorus, Ph 34 mg

Chlorine, Cl 2 mg

Aluminum, Al 650 μg

Iron, Fe 0.6 mg

Iodine, I 2 μg

Lithium, Li 3 mcg

Manganese, Mn 0.14 mg

Copper, Cu 50 mcg

Nickel, Ni 4 μg

Fluorine, F 22 μg

Chromium, Cr 14 μg

Zinc, Zn 0.1 mg

Video about the benefits and harms of peaches

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