The aromatic papaya (melon tree) is native to Mexico but is cultivated in many tropical countries today. It is consumed fresh, stewed, used in the preparation of salads and sauces.
The universal benefits and harms of papaya lie in its incredibly rich composition of proteins, alkaloids, various enzymes and an impressive spectrum of vitamins. The leaves of the tree contain carpain, which has an anthelmintic effect, but due to the high concentration of the substance, it can cause severe poisoning.
Regular consumption of the fruit can prevent the development of cancer. The benefits of papaya in a high concentration of antioxidants, thanks to which the body fights cells that cause tumor growth.
It is used to normalize the functions of the digestive tract. The benefits of papaya lie in the ability to break down fats and the presence of proteolytic enzymes in the composition, which play an important role in the digestion of food. The fruit contains panin and chymopanin – substances that stop inflammation and promote tissue regeneration. They help get rid of psoriasis and acne.
Fruit-based pharmaceuticals are used in the treatment of herpes and purulent wounds. Vitamins E and C included in the composition are used to treat asthma, rheumatism and connective tissue diseases.
Due to the content of milky juice in the fruits of the plant, the harm of papaya lies in its ability to cause severe allergic reactions in people with intolerance to this product. Despite the ability to cause irritation, milky juice promotes the breakdown of proteins, therefore it is useful in the prevention of thrombosis.
The fruit is often used in folk medicine as a contraceptive. The harm of papaya for pregnant women is quite serious, it can provoke a miscarriage. It is not recommended to use the product in case of reproductive disorders. Despite the harm of papaya for women, it has a beneficial effect on potency in the stronger sex. The benefits of papaya are known as an aphrodisiac, the fruit increases male potency due to the presence of arginine in its composition.
Today, the benefits and harms of papaya are appreciated by pharmacists, they are dried and used as medications. Alternative medicine claims it prevents aging of the body, removes toxins from the body and cleanses the intestines. Despite the fruit’s healing properties, when consumed in large quantities, it can create additional stress on the liver.